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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen

  1. 4 hours ago, DanBow said:


    Fuck the lefties! If we pander to them, they win! Advertise how much fun running around the woods shooting your mates is. Advertise the buzz you get from a well placed shot that takes out an enemy player. Advertise all of the things that they, they lefties, hate.

    And watch as airsoft gets banned and the "lefties" win.

    This is the great dilemma that airsoft faces; basing advertising on the elements that make it great fun is likely to bring those elements into the wider public consciousness, which will almost certainly increase the probability of it being banned.

    I am centre-left politically; if the political spectrum was my feet, I would be roughly where my left hallux is or, on some topics, where my left second toe is.  However, in the world of airsoft, I am clearly far to the left of most players that I meet.  However, I do know a few "leftie" players, so we are not all the enemy that you imagine us to be or have been persuaded to believe we are.

  2. 6 hours ago, woody_2231 said:

    The expense of playing three games as a beginner is absurd even with rentals. I understand airsoft isn't cheap in general but the price for playing in sites have some room for improvement. Also, UKARA only last for 12 months, 2 of those months is spent waiting to be approved. If it lasted for 2-3 years then the expense would be justifiable, but reality is that it isn't. 

    What is absurd about the expense of playing three games as a beginner?  Do you mean that you think rental costs are too high?

    Two months spent waiting to be approved?  Are you referring to the requirement to play three games in more than 56 days or did you have to wait that long for your UKARA number to be sent to you?  If the former, that is a requirement set by UKARA so that you can show that you are a dedicated player.  If the latter, such a wait is very unusual.

    After the first year, assuming that you keep your UKARA registration at the same site, there is no extra expense involved as you qualify just by playing at the site.

  3. 2 hours ago, Dan Robinson said:



    I did/do think the current situation isn't great for those I described above,  or those who like to go do several different sites .... so no one site would meet the requirements.   A system that stores a profile/ portfolio of verifiable activity,  such as pictures direct from registered sites, payment receipts,  registered address etc.  Would be helpful. 


    I guess the issues come down to hassle-risk-reward for the operator. 

    It really isn't a problem for those of us who play at several different sites.  The requirement of playing three times in more than 56 days at a single site is not hard to achieve.  I play across a core of four sites with more occasional visits to other sites, with my UKARA being anchored at one of the core sites.  When it needs renewing I do it through them as they have a record of my attendance over the previous 12 months; provided that their system shows three or more visits, all is good.

  4. 23 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:

    Only seen people sent home from injury or eyepro violations.  Most people tend to behave themselves once spoken to about hit taking in my experience of 2 and a bit years.

    I have seen people sent home for shooting out of bounds after clear warnings about not doing so, deliberately taking out a hot gun, letting off a round in the safe zone (that was an interesting one), smoking weed in the lunch break, and repeated non hit taking despite warnings.

  5. 6 hours ago, Lozart said:

    Fitted the motor to my SCAR at the weekend, it's not completely back together yet but yeah...gun go BRRRRRTTT!!!


    Had to modify the grip baseplate to get any sort of adjustment though. 

    Any idea on more stock?

    I had the same experience this evening; due to the shape of the end of the motor, the grip baseplate needed serious alteration to enable adjustment.  Other than that, I am very impressed so far; it runs quietly and seems efficient.

    I will probably mess around with AB and precocking on the Perun tomorrow night to see if I can break the motor,

  6. 7 hours ago, JinxDuh said:


    When mine broke (Which is why I had to replace the hop unit), after I left it out because I thought it was useless I was getting 2 bb's roll out the barrel at a time almost consistently. That's why I believe it's some kind of stopper for the bb

    I will experiment when I reassemble the gun.

  7. 9 hours ago, Sewdhull said:

    It looks like it's a guide for the nozzle to centre it as it gets close to the hop rubber. The nozzle in these goes quite deep into the hop and may be pushed up by the bbs on the underside and the plastic bit at the top pushes it down towards the centre of the opening which is quite snug. Maybe the BB too.

    There may be some consistency advantage having the bbs pushed in by the nozzle in this manner. 


    That does seem to be the most likely explanation; however, it does not seem to provide enough force to make a difference.

  8. 4 minutes ago, JinxDuh said:

    In my experience, just another part to break and fall out 😂


    My guess was that I think it's a bb guider, helps push it forwards and stop double feeding?

    Both of those make sense; it seems strange as, as far as I know, no other rifles have them.

  9. Having recently acquired a CYMA G36, I am intrigued as to the function of the little latch on top of the hop unit, that is pushed up by the ramp on the stock nozzle.  I cannot see what purpose it serves.


    I am planning to change the stock nozzle for one that actually has an airseal.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

    To me the sportsman association defence is also dodgy as fuck as you just pay your money without having to ever attend an airsoft site.  To me both these defences are a big middle finger to those who put in the hard work lobbying for the defence we have and potentially could put the hobby at risk.


    UKARA was created in order to demonstrate that the industry had a means of ensuring that RIFs were only being sold to people who intended to use them for airsoft.  It may be imperfect, but it was a key element in ensuring that we would not have to play with brightly coloured IFs.

    9 minutes ago, superwok said:

    Colin Allen, please don't spend too much time being baffled by my inability to access registered gaming sites for at least two months, such as the third game occurring 56 days or more after the first. It's not something you need to concern yourself with. Also, I honestly don't care about anyone else's thoughts or feelings regarding whether you agree with the cosplay insurance or the sportsman association defense. This matter is up to the retailer, and at the end of the day, nothing is stopping me from getting it two-toned and then spraying it black anyway. So, let's keep this on topic, and if you want to moan, please start a new thread.

    also GenuineGerman this is a hobby I enjoy it's very much for me, so I will keeping playing but thanks for your advice and concern 

    Salty little bugger, aren't you?

  11. 3 hours ago, superwok said:


    Is there an updated list of retailers that recognise this insurance?


    I have been playing airsoft sporadically for years but haven't got time to play that frequently enough to fulfill the requirements for a UKARA membership. 

    Given that the requirement is to "take part in three games at the same UKARA registered game site over a minimum of two months, e.g. the third game being 56 days or more after the first." I am slightly baffled as to how you are unable to play frequently enough.

  12. 59 minutes ago, Armo1000 said:

    From King Arms FB page. FAL and SLRs on the wall. Will this finally be the year? Probably not from experience, but who knows....


    Screenshot 2023-08-16 195027.png

    One can but hope.

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