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    Vsr 10, Mk23
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    ghille suit
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    Ucap Sandpit
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  1. Everyone at airsoft is usually a bit weird in one way or the other. I wouldn't ever take anything they say serious and I don't think sites should ever get involved in banning people for being stupid as long as they don't harass or threaten anyone. Wearing a Z patch anywhere in the UK is asking for trouble asking for a beating really. Its all our jobs to be mature adults and resolve disagreements through talking and with words. You can tell the type of people who spend too much time on the internet and probably have a mental disability and obviously we should try to not get too angry at them for being stupid AF. Airsoft is a cool sport and a lot of edgy internet individuals think its real war and have strong beliefs on issues they don't even understand. If I saw a guy wearing a Z patch I would probably ask him why he is wearing it, explain how insensitive that is to wear considering current events and then walk away. Its just as stupid as when you see grown adults getting angry at kids for not taking their hits and screaming, or people arguing over the game. Play the game, have fun and if you don't like something you see have a polite conversation and if its a real issue speak to a marshal. The German uniform crowd are usually internet edgelords who root for the bad guys because they thinks its cool. Not as bad as wearing a Z patch but still very weird. Airsoft is full of weirdos I can be weird sometimes too lol.
  2. Thanks for all the tips guys, opened up the gun installed a new tappet plate and upgraded high torque motor from ak2m4's site and it seems to be shooting better than before. Got another tappet plate ready if it decides to break again. The spring on the tappet plate seemed very strong when I was putting in the new one I assume they are supposed to be like that. All worked out in in the end thanks guys.
  3. Just bought a asg scorpion evo with 6 mags, woo woo next sundays game gonna be lit 😃

    1. Petew


      One of the best guns I own 

    2. padraigthesniper


      Yeah was looking for a good stock performance gun and it has all positive reviews from the last 10 years gonna be sniping 😆

  4. Hello guys, I had a gun issue during a game, got home and disassembled the gear box and have discovered the tappet plate has broken off. I can figure out how to replace it but I want to know what cause's this issue. I have a perun mosfet installed and used a 7.4v lipo with a stock motor to drive the gun, the tappet plate broke after long bursts of full auto. The gun shoots quite fast with gears and bearings is this normal wear and tear or another issue? What is the best way to prevent this in the future and would recommend any upgrades I'm thinking of replacing the motor with a high torque nice one from ak2m4's shop.

    • For sale
    • Used

    Hello guys, I've stopped playing airsoft for now after a load of bad experiences feel like it isn't for me anymore. I have a very pristine nicely kept AEG that has been upgraded with a perun mosfet and a tightbore barrel by a company called the cage it shoots like a laser at around 344fps. It hasn't been heavily skirmished but has been used a few times. The gun cost me 194 originally from patrol base i spent a extra £250 on upgrades so im asking for a flat £200 on the gun with the basic accessories and with the real steel red dot with lifetime warranty I want £320 all together. The Gun, Batteries and magazines = £200 Vortex Sparc AR = £140 Both together = £320 Looking for face to face sale in the BR1 area. Message me if interested.


    London Borough of Bromley, England - GB

  6. Geoff for the best then ASG for the rest.
  7. Got hit in the hand 3 months ago at point blank range with gloves on still got a mark from it... I'm guessing my man was a hpa user...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shamal


      I've taken some close range to the face(can't wear face pro)

      Was down the tunnels one night. Got hit in the old boat race, caused a mess(although some guys said it was an improvement) and one bb decided to stay in my top lip 💋 😒 .

      My battle buddy was more outraged than me. But it was my choice not to wear face protection.

      But hey ho I healed,eventually lol



    3. Druid799


      Once witnessed some tool really go overkill on a poor noob(one of the few things that really boils my piss) at strikeforce in Gloucester , jump forward to the afternoon Low and behold I see hand of said tool(had a very distinctive tattoo on it) sticking out of a window so “it’s retribution time !” Says I and at barely 8-10ft I let him have it in his ungloved hand with my KSG set on 6 , he did squeal like a piggy ! 😈😈

    4. SeniorSpaz87


      Took one right above the belt line in March. Broke skin, and has turned into a bruise-looking scar. Guy wasnt shooting hot either - sub 1J.

  8. Its all about small improvements that are permanent. Doesn't matter if you run 15 miles one day and eat steak and veg if you normally overeat and dont exercise. Doing a light work out everyday and not eating excess sugar and processed food will have more of a impact than once a week doing some insane workout. Small changes every week that stick and slowly it will cascade into big ones. I put on bare weight over the lockdown making small changes to go back to having a thigh gap I miss it these thick thighs are no fun when your a man im not cardi b... lol Being able to run and gun at airsoft is a good enough excuse to stay in shape.
  9. Why does it have to be disposable youre making it sound like a Hitman weapon? loool If its for filming you need multiple takes dont you?
  10. Airsoft guns are not capable of being made into makeshift, guns... They are toys and break easily even the airsoft ak's are about as durable as a remote controlled helicopter. If its for filming buy a GBB Mac 11 they cycle and spray gas you can add film FX to them very easily.
  11. I use a cheap 8 fields mock plate carrier with 3 mag pouches. It works nicely, holds the mags, makes chest hits not hurt and feels good. Make sure you get the right size one though my ones a little too chunky so switching shoulders to peek round the left can be annoying as it gets in the way. I love escape from tarkov and real firearms so im looking to upgrade to a proper plate carrier with better mag pouches at some point for giggles and more comfort. If your looking to play super fast probs better off with a battle belt but when you get sprayed up it wont feel nice.
  12. Find a airsoft site near you and rent a AEG 3 times before you buy anything. Then when you do make sure you get good eye pro and a good make gun such as a G&G or Cyma. Just get two tone if you dont have Ukara yet, and cant wait. In airsoft the only thing that matters to win is the performance of gun and your playing ability having it look exactly like HK416 will not make it work like one.
  13. First game in time tomorrow im so ready lol

    1. Shamal


      Lucky sod!!

      Enjoy lol


  14. Bought myself some Walkers Razor Slims that i saw on escape from tarkov. Cant wait to get grenaded now. Bring on the unsafe BFGS you idiots i saw at my last skirmish.  😆

    1. strykerles


      I just brought some USEC and BEAR patches :D

  15. Not at all they charged 45 to fit the mosfet and 30 more for additional labour. They will give you a quote just message them through the website.
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