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Everything posted by Groot

  1. Put a few thousands rounds of cheap ammo through it( Not shit BBs bust just light and cheap ). That will be as bedded in as you are going to get it. It took a bag of bbs before my Flathop bedded on my PTW. Then if your FPS hasn't moved. Then that's just how it is, you need a bigger spring I would have expected a slight increase in FPS with a tight-bore and the maple leaf stuff, since you ( again airsoft science ) should lose less around the outside of the BB in the barrel and should if done right have a better seal than stock. I would recommend upping your ammo weight if you want consistency and accuracy. I had great results with .28's but I am now only running .32's. With the setup you have, hopping will not be an issues and they will carry their energy a little further and be less affected by wind.
  2. My Eotech is real too but I have searched for alternative dot sights with an Eotech reticule. Tried various types and even HD MRO's The simple answer is, I do not believe you will find one that doesn't bloom/flare/ghost, due to how all the cheaper sights are built. They shine an image onto the glass you look through, so you will get the ghost at different angles. Cannot be avoided really. Here is how an Eotech does it, here is how all cheap red dots do it. Hologram vs Reflection
  3. I have ordered loads from Ali express and had zero problems. Even with things not arriving or they being faulty. If its faulty, they have a UK based handling centre to return. If it doesn't arrive and the seller is a dick, Ali express with refund it. The seller doesn't get the funds released until you have accepted the product. So it really is in the sellers interests to not try and defraud you. Wait till it hits the expected due date and if it hasnt arrive then, start down the claims route. Its really quick. Funnily enough, as i write this. A mount has just popped through my letter box from Ali
  4. Hey chap, Being the master of maple you appear to be. Do you know the difference between the Macaron and Super Macaron please? As far as I can see the super has a slightly shaved entry port to reduce blockages and looks to be designed for the Jet Barrel more than a normal barrel. Have you had chance to play around to see if one is better than the other in real world use? Cheers
  5. As has been previously said. The issue is less the sight and more your lack of ability with it. I have spent the last week with my pistol randomly practicing and getting the muscle memory. Now when i pick up my pistol and sight it.. Boom, there is the dot... I am not sure yet if i prefer it to the irons, but I know it will be more useful to me in games once I have made the full mental move.
  6. Thanks you sir Question, when you say ML Tan. Do you mean the yellow colour one? As that appears to be 60'. Would the green not be better at 50'? If you do mean the yellow, why this as it is rated for a higher velocity. Cheers
  7. Hello, I am building an itch scratcher. I have everything sorted but need some help with the hop. Base gun is a Galaxy MP5K PDW ( gasp ). Basically, this is a total budget build and itch to scratch. More than anything else. Basic plan is to: · Mod the grip to remove the vertical grip. Violence and a Dremel will achieve this. · Install a slightly longer barrel, 8-9" rather than the 5.5" it has. · Get the hop as good as possible to hop .32's. · A suppressor to cover the inner barrel and give a tiny amount of muffle. · Find a solution to how slidey the hop setter is. Which will probably involve a small pressure grip to hold it in place. Unless anyone has any better advice? · Gearbox is to be short stroked for snappiness and a mosfet to control ROF. (Don’t want a speed soft wanker gun) · It will then be painted in MC Black, cos why not. That’s it…. Nice and simple. What do you think? Photos to show what I am going for and working with.
  8. Hello I have a few kryloned stocks and I want to remove the paint. What are you UK guys using to do that? I have tried IPA and it doesn't make a dent Cheers
  9. Depending on who you ask. Speak to an OG Airsofter and they will tell you "no, it just stings". Since we started playing when guns were often hot and everything was full auto, everywhere. Joule creep what? Speak to the new wave of pussies, who will tell you about all their friends who had their teeth shot out and run full body armor with dye masks, at single shot only sites.
  10. Exactly what hamster said. For your sniper, first you need consistency. If you are putting out different powers on every shot, you aren't going to hit anything. All airsoft works in the same way, but I will direct this at snipers. Upgraded Hop and Rubber to hop heavier, using less pressure, more evenly. - Good Heavier piston to induce creep and reduce the spring strength required - Good but not the most essential All seals, checked, replaced and ptfe'd as required. Then lubed. - Good I am from the wide bore barrel fan club, I have never had a good experience with TN's. I find although they up the power, they reduce accuracy. So for my snipers, i always stick with the stock barrel but then I have always used TM and their stock barrels are awesome. ( Not in truth tried the new fancy barrels with the weird ported jet ends but cannot see a huge difference ) One you have sorted that, you will have a top tier sniper and the only thing out ranging you, will be hot guns and people who have mastered holdover. I use 0.45 and my Gspec on 0.2's kicks out about 460fps. With creep, this puts my 0.45 bbs at exactly the joule limit for most sites sites. Goes for a very long way and is very very consistent. Never measured but I shall next week if i get chance.
  11. Quote Yeah, I'm realising there is a big branding thing going on with fewer manufacturers than sellers. From your reply you don't think clipping the spring's a bad idea? I am sure I will work out where to find a generic replacement. Thanks for the advice. Nothing wrong with clipping a few coils to drop 5 - 10 FPS. Clipping to drop 60 or so, could result in a short spring. It will work but you will probably end up with a nicer pull with a weaker spring. Rather than pulling a shortened harder one. You also have the potential of joule creep to worry about. So I would do the following. * First step is get access to a chrono. * Do any upgrades to the hop and ptfe the unit for airseal. * Take the bolt apart, check the quality of the oring. Replace and lube as necessary. * Decide on what weight ammo it going to be used. * Set the hop You are now ready to chrono and work out if you need to remove a few coils or if a new spring is a better option.
  12. Most sniper rifles are much of a muchness and to be fair that ASG is probably a copy of something. The trick is to find out of what and then either clip the spring or get a lower power spring to suit. While you are hunting to find out what it is a clone of. I would recommend you look at what cheap upgrades you can do to the hop to improve consistency. Just replacing the bucking for under £10 can make a huge difference. Every cheap sniper i have ever seen tends to be pretty terrible in that department.
  13. On the insurance claim Yes they got away with 20 Systema PTW's But in all seriousness. What a shitter
  14. https://postal.ninja/en Put your tracking details in here. Only when it says it is actually on a flight and left country of origin, does it mean it has probably, maybe, possibly left China. Until that point, it will be bouncing around the many many handling places, internal flights and agents, that keep the China people employed. If it has been marked as arrived in the UK and its anything over 2 weeks. It is lost, gone and you will not see it again. Raise the issue with the sender to replace. Which they will be required to do. If the sender refuses, then escalate it to the site you bought it through. Good luck In this example, i could not squeeze out far enough to get ALL the shit that happened to my grip on the same screen. I ordered on the 8th of October and it finally actually left China on the 15th of November. I got it 4 days after that.
  15. Hey chap, It is easier to follow than lead. If you want to be part of a team, find an already established team and start to hang out with them at games. Strike up conversation or just straight up asked if you can join them. They will either be very welcoming or clique wankers, who you don't need if you life. Or see who you usually end up playing with and just make it official. People will naturally join if you are seeing playing well at a site. The team I am in started much that way. Went to Fire Fight in Reading about 20years ago, struck up conversation with a guy in the safe zone. Kept in contact and eventually joined his team of about 4-5. Now we are still in the same team and while we have lost member who moved away/on. We have gained some too. Sitting around 5-6, which is more than enough to be fair. Along the way, I made friends with other teams and they range from about 10 to around 25 people. I drop in and out of them as suits and yeah.. It just works.
  16. Hello all, Random one but i wanted to see the full Cyma line up, but i am totally failing to find their website. Do you know if they have one and then what it is? Cheers
  17. Thank you sir, I have added to my post lock down list. At the moment all i have on it is the FilmSim Coldwar game at Gunman in Jan.
  18. Op, call back and after you have gone through the issues with which ever monkey answer the phone. Ask to speak to a manager and then explain it again to them. You will need to get to someone of authority to get anything done. Below that you are just wasting air. I had the same issue with DHL when i ordered from Powair6. Lip service and zero acceptance of responsibility until i got through to a manager. He then fully read the notes, said i would need to wait a reasonable time to see if the package got back into their network ( a week ) and then he would be able to sort a claim. I waited a week, he actually called me and sorted the refund directly to my account. You are just going to have to keep at it or consider the package lost and try and claim back from your bank or paypayl
  19. Hi I have a couple of adverts that have had questions but I am not getting any form of notifications on them. All notifications seem to be turned on. Cheers
  20. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    Hello, I have too many guns, I keep buying them and they don't get used. You have all be there. I present a Krytac Vector, runs like a beauty and happy to mag dump into my garden to prove it. Single, burst and full auto all work perfectly. 6 Krytac Mags + the original pistol size 1 Trijicon MRO Rep with extra low mount 2 Batteries Sling Additional spring to take the power down to 320. Currently running 345 and has incredibly consistent range and accuracy. If you are unaware. This gun comes with a quick swap ( well quickish ) spring option. Requires an allen key, a screw driver and an extra pair of hands. In and out in less than 2 minutes. Total fiddly asshole if you try and do it yourself ( Garden photo shoot pic for attention only ) This is one of the best built AEG's i have ever owned. If i wanted to beat someone to death, it would be with this gun. Price includes PP and delivery. Collection and finger banging of the gun welcome in Portsmouth area.



  21. Combat South is my local site and one i have visited the most over the years. Great site, great bunch of people run it and very much missed by everyone in the South. I tend to judge every site now by Combat South, as the standard they need to live up to. Russ is working hard to find a new site. CSW will be back ( sorta )
  22. Hi I was chatting about the hay days of airsoft, when there seemed to be a lot more sites available to use for airsoft. Most have gone the ways of housing estates, which appears to be the grave for most fun locations. So for me. If anyone gives a fuck. Crickhowell - By Stirling Airsoft. https://www.beacons-npa.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/Enclosure-7-Cwrt-y-Gollen-Draft-Development-Brief-12th-may1.pdf This was our regular monthly site and quite frankly has never been beaten. Old Welsh Guard base. Lots of proper mixed use buildings with multiple entry points, varied size rooms, court yards, stair cases. Surrounded by forest and fields. You never ever got a point that you couldn't flank with enough effort and the buildings were just so amazing to fight through.. It brings a tear to my eye that it got shut down to be made into housing. We had access for a good few years and back then the games were run as short story-lined games. Designed with an heavy element of role play but not much more than to give you reason to fight over an objective. The games were always fast, hard and well run. The level of game play was always high and with better class of player than you tend to see today. I think of all the games there, we only ever had a couple of bad eggs and a idiot Liverpudlian, who decided to blow their hand up by throwing back a lit pyro. Light Fighter Sheffield Next Site that I only ever played on once, was way tup north. At an old factory complex, run joint by Light Fighter Airsoft and Stirling Airsoft. It was huge, varied and just incredible to play at. Much the same reason why Crickhowell was so good. Lots of proper buildings, lots of flanking and varied terrain mean you could move tactically and could fight into an area with enough determination, without it being unacceptable because it was a kill box. The Mall - Reading ( earlier days ) Visited this site a bunch of times. Nice and local. Lots of fun and really just worked well as an airsoft site. I went here probably 6-7 times over its lifespan and it is a real shame it is now gone. Really novel place to fight, lots of fun routes in and around the shops. Great little sneak routes, where light discipline was essential. Not sure what happened but it got spoiled by some cheating fuck nuggets. So after one event myself and the rest of the team just packed up and went home, it was just shitty. I went back about 3-4 months later and was mostly filled with filthy casuals, who were there for the yucks and not the game play. Didn't bother again after that. So yeah, that filled 15 mins of my quiet afternoon, while I let a vendor talk to my partners about something really not that interesting to most of you What are your favourite now gone locations and do any of you share the same memories of these sites? Cheers Groot
  23. Not sponsored, I promise. But I would say the best experience I have with couriers, is DPD. They are no more expensive than anything else and never seem to fail me.
  24. Single shots draw more power than continued fire. Same way that pulling away in a car uses more energy. If the DMR is also mosfetted. You can add into that additional motor braking. My TM Recoil will do about 7-8 mags on single fire, before it is flat. My PTW a little more but way less than when I play on a full auto site. Fuck i hate single fire sites.
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