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Everything posted by Groot

  1. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    Converting to a DMR. Maybe I will find a new love then. So I want to up the power and set to a single shot DMR. I have searched on NPAS and Single shot mod, but failing to get the answers i want.. So I will politely ask directly. What NPAS should I buy? The RA-Tech appears out of stock everywhere and seems to be the one people are using but hey ho. What is the simplest mod to change the box to single shot, that could be reversed Thanks
  2. I recommend you get a tested branded one. Some of the cheaper ones will require a lot of fettling and can affect the AOE.
  3. This POS build is close to becoming a meme within our team. I have a friend who is waiting for an MWS to come up for sale. I keep reminding him this is available and still at the bargain price of £900 We make jokes.. its goes quite.. we pity the person who paid money to produce this.
  4. I would have no idea at all how to do that. A saw, filler, sand paper and black paint on the other hand
  5. I have that Galaxy MP5K. Had the gearbox short stroked, mosfet fitted, Mapleleaf hop and bucking. Running on a 7.4 Lipo. It is a little wee beastie. The range and accuracy is super good. My plan is the mount a rail directly onto the plastic front grip. Then a light onto that. Seems the simplest easiest low profile way of doing it. Basically like this. Except on mine i am removing the vertical grip as well
  6. Polite education incoming. Your inability to find a upgraded 90' trigger set and matching piston is entirely a moot point. The stock trigger set with its 45' sear will break with an m140 spring. You haven't even listed that you have at least installed an upgraded sear. So yeah fun times a coming there. The spring guide is required to keep that now much stronger spring straight and true within the cylinder. Reliability, not performance. Additionally, you haven't even mentioned if you have upgraded the cylinder. So I will assume you haven't. That means you have yet another weak point being up under increased strain it was not designed to take. Being stock TM, will be monkey metal. So will either swell or rip, most likely by the handle. The stock hops on TM the snipers are ok, the changing the rubber is a nice step. Sadly, the stock arm will not give you the consistency you would desire from a sniper hop. Again, you haven't listed a nub change. So potentially you are not even applying the pressure to the upgraded rubber effectively. In terms of seal. A little grease or ptfe tape will make an already good stock rubbers seal perfect. You have done just over the bare minimum to upgrade the power. Good luck with the sale.
  7. Not to nitpick but with a standard hop, spring guide and trigger set. It's not even close to a full upgrade.
  8. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    Difference is my 2008 PTW has had one motor rewind 2 weeks after getting it. Over the last 13 years, I’ve serviced it twice and replaced the hop twice. Faultless. Anyone who knows me, will tell you I am not light on the trigger. So I would be fairly confident in saying my PTW is one of the most abused in the UK. Probably around 4K of bbs/3 x 11.1 Lipos ish a game day. Never missed a beat but could now probably now do with a new motor, as it’s not returning to the same start point. Not an issue because the cylinder forces it, but I can feel the additional vibration through the grip. The only thing I would need to send the ptw away for, would be a motor rewind. Servicing and electric replacement is easier than on a normal AEG.
  9. Stop using duster gas and use Predator Ultra Gas /thread
  10. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    Waiting on these too. AFAIK. The small initial run sold out the moment it was released.
  11. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    Looking good. If I may. If you are right handed. Try putting the back slingster QD Clip on the outside of the stock. So when you have it on its goes around the back of the stock. Cut down the grip for operator pro'ness
  12. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    Pretty sure my feedback was basic enough for even you .. but le sigh and without crayons to help you. I DIDN'T LIKE THE TRIGGER PULL... But the one of my PTW is really nice. So.. (hopefully i haven't lost you yet ) since the trigger is something that I tend to use a fair bit. This was a negative for me. (negative means bad) A CARRIER GROUP AND RECOIL... Hard Meh .. "Meh" being a sound one might make to imply disinterest around something. In this case, one of their marketed features. Ah.. its half term... sorry forgot.... as you were
  13. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    I was surprised too about the lack of defense for the MWS, but then i think everyone can see i am speaking from personal experience, explaining my rational and talking about an issue i can potentially overcome through correct mag purging. They don't have to agree but I clearly backed up my words. To try and win back favour before everyone lights their torches and dusts off their pitch forks. I am picking up a TM MP7 GBB tonight.
  14. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    Just loving the standard worthless fanboying of something you have zero first hand knowledge of, based on a review you saw.
  15. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    Wow... Just wow... *Reminds himself he is on a forum and moves forwards with his day*
  16. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    I have a PEQ with a green lazer on the front that I cannot use in anger, as it will burn someones eye out. Does look sweet in the dark though
  17. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    Tried a GBLS. Hated the trigger feel. Recoil effect and realistic carrier group.. Hard meh You nailed it
  18. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    Already one of the PTW master race. My NGRS is just as good. The purge issue is that due to the design of mags they get air in them. So when you go full ham, they get all spazy and fail to work properly. So every so many reloads you have to purge it of air and start over.
  19. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    I play very aggressively Haley flick reloads. Grab mag, throw into dump pouch, continue the fight. Kak! Kak! Throw myself around with 4-5 mags knocking around in the dump pouch. Chuck mags to other members of my team without fear of killing them or the mags. My issue with the MWS is that Its not as good as my PTW or NRGS. ( Its just not ) It is affected by temperature. Pain in the ass to load gas with the purge issue, which i have only just discovered after being on this thread for a while. The mags are ( realistically admittedly ) heavy and fairly delicate and cost more than any of my other platform mags. 35 round mags in woodland isn't usually enough to make many players "feel their hits" or get through leaves. Without going through your stash of mags in a fair quick order. Other than the "oh its got more realistic recoil and that bolt release. Isn't that neat." An AEG Is better in every situation except heavy rain. I can understand why so many MWS appear on the forum after someone decides its just not for them. I am about there.
  20. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    HPA can suck a dick. Actually this is the the month for HPA users. If you guys can replace these hateful MWS Mags with the virtually unreleased Guns modify Pmags. We have a deal.
  21. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    I used my MWS at a game on Sat and fucking hate it. Just didn't trust it to do what I wanted it to do. It was only after that I found out about the mag purging air issue thing. My biggest grip over the platform is the stupid, temperamental, heavy as fuck mags. Which i cannot throw around like I am used to doing with my other M4's. I am hoping the Guns Modify Pmags will take that issue away ( eventually )
  22. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

  23. Wow you guys are jaded as fuck. Buyer beware. You are either going to get a POS or a Gem regardless of the sales pitch.
  24. No one is going to give a shit. Just don't be a cunt with it.
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