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Everything posted by Groot

  1. Hurry up America and announce who won.. I want to see all the carnage start :P


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ziCk_


      LMAO that Wisconsin flip. I fucking love American elections - it's better show than any olympics or sport championships.

      @Sitting Duck IMHO SCOTUS will dismiss the case - purely because they will pick lesser evil. If Biden wins, republicans will do what they always do - they will look at their feet and carry on with their lives. If Trump wins, BLM riots will be a picnic in comparison. Shame really, I wish republicans had more balls.

    3. padraigthesniper


      Poor americans if Biden wins Antifa is made to feel legit and will get stronger. If Trump wins they will go mad and attempt more ambitious rioting. They need to stomp out all the us against them bullshit and stop these cry babies real quick.

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Voter registration above 100%


      New votes being found & counted


      No voter verification, no confirming signature matches on mail in ballots


      Project Veritas reported on irregularities & dubious practices on ballot harvesting etc...


      I said to a colleague a few weeks back


      It is going to be like our Labour Party on both Meth & Crack, the voter fraud "potential" is off the figgin' charts

  2. I think the bang rule can be used and should be used if you have the option. However, it should always be used in the situation where if the person you bang even flinches, you can just unload into them. I use it loads and only a very few times can I remember them trying to be smart and well.. failing... Followed by their instant regret.
  3. Absolutely cheating . No questions. Most briefs I have been in clearly talk about doing exactly what he does as cheating. What a cunt
  4. As I currently attempt to sell my Vector, the bug to build another gun already has me. I know what i want but cannot find it. Can anyone help? So what i want is an MP5 in a classic naval seal setup Here is where it comes tricky. I want one with a new style hop, not the older style with the paddle slider at the side. They just never stay in place and will probably be worse if i an trying to S hop .32s It needs to be of decent quality. Metal where it should be etc. It also needs to come with a strong enough gearbox that I can cut off a few teeth to make it more peppy, throw in a bigger spring to have it at 330 on the shorter stroke and be strong enough to deal with the elevated ( but not wanker speed ) ROF, after i mosfet it too. I would love to get a Systema TW5 but they are £££ and rarer than a solid leader of the UK. What can people recommend? Does this exist? Not looking to have to gut an entire gun to achieve, as I will probably built and it and then not use it. As it my curse
  5. Op, looks like that current run of triggers has run out. Cant find any anywhere. For £40 it is incredible quality and after a little fettling it is smooth as silk. I always change the guide with one with a bearing on it, when upgrading the springs. But you aren't going crazy power. So if you think the one you have is of decent enough quality, run it until it goes ping. Again got no idea what your gun has init as stock but lots of people just get snipers, swap out the spring and still have fun until things break. But honestly, they aren't expensive and will keep your spring in the shape you want it while compressed.
  6. Groot


    Wrong thread. Derp
  7. So compatibility should not be an issue. The bits you have bought already are a solid option and will go straight in. The cylinder will last a while but will probably go pop or warp sooner rather than later. What I would consider now is this trigger https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/JJ-Airsoft-VSR-10-VSR10-MB02-MB03-Airsoft-Sniper-CNC-Trigger-Set/233659026338?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 I am not 100% but i think you will find your current trigger set is 45' . You want a 90' And a matching 90' piston, such as https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Airsoft-Pro-Lightweight-Hybrid-Piston-For-Vsr-Cyma-Cm-700-Sniper-Rifles-6720/372974672851?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 This will result in a much easier pull from the start with that spring and guide and put less pressure on the cylinder.
  8. Groot


    From my experience, excellent quality. Like all AEG's it will be good or bad depending on who actually put it together, but generally a solid option.
  9. Ordered a few times. Fast delivery and good pricing. Long as it arrives like it should. They do not however give a shit if your delivery gets lost via DHL and will go all sloped shoulders saying that France DHL has refused the claim and then not reply to subsequent emails. While not their fault DHL fucks up. Not helpful when you have to do then do all the legwork in the UK to get someone to help
  10. ***EDIT, I got the spring power wrong :P** Spring is brand spanking 10 shots new. I kind of hope that is the case but if i cannot use it at a site, its going to be hard to give enough abuse to drop it It has PSS Teflon Cylinder and guide. Jackson Precision m150 Spring, Airsoft Pro lightweight 90' piston JK Airsoft Zero trigger. Action Army Hop Stock inner barrel
  11. Hello, My Gspec has all the upgrades but with stock barrel and an M150 spring. On 0.2 it kicks out a very respectable 460fps and is consistent within 3 fps each shot. Very happy with that. As of the weekend, everything inside the cylinder that matters, piston and spring are brand spanking new and have had their first lube applied. With the .45 geoffs bbs, it was between 3 and 6 fps over the limit. ( FUCK ME THAT IS ANNOYING ) Now the question is. If i went heavier. Will that increase the creep or reduce it? Yes, its heavier so in theory more creep.... but i will need to apply more hop to spin, it which will add more friction ( my logical brain says ) I really do not want to shave the spring, its so perfect. I guess I could get a spring guide without a bearing maybe.. But the first thing will be to see if i can get an ammo weigh that fixes the issue All advice welcome Cheers
  12. Hello, I wanted to know if anyone has any experience with either of these pants https://ukmcpro.co.uk/collections/trousers-shorts/products/viper-gen2-elite-trousers?variant=16829557637163 https://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/invader-gear-predator-bdu-trousers-us-woodland-camo-knee-pads-15607-p.asp Both same price but look same sorta thing and cut. Anyone know if one is stronger, better cut, less likely to fade? Cheers Groot
  13. There will always be opportunity because there will always be someone in airsoft that wants something "real" or has a niche need. The issue you are going to have is that most airsoft sights come with the mounts or have access to very cheap but fully fit for purpose airsoft versions. For example, I can get a Trijicon style pistol dot sight ( exact copy with a cheaper internal lazer ) with glock mount, delivered for under £40
  14. You say bitching, I say pointing the stupidity of creating single fire sites and then allowing wanker guns shooting faster on semi than many full autos. Ho hum, i guess you missed the nuance of the post.
  15. If cheating it out playing.... we have differing standards of game play.
  16. Hello, So after playing a few sites recently and looking at what is available now and classed as CQB. It does appear that the disease that is speed soft, could be on the rise. With the reduction in availability of really large sites with proper buildings. Smaller sites, where although there are buildings. For the most part you just fight around them and run to the next bunch pallets or other "cover". This seems to lead rise to the paintball style of play, where you carry nothing but your shortest gun with the biggest attached mag and your full facemask. These sites are not about tactical play, have no opportunity to flank, sneak or setup a really proper ambush. They on the whole are won by whichever teenagers can sprint into an ambush point first and then spam with their wanker guns at anyone who tries to push forwards. If you like that sort of bullshit and think playing in your coloured pajamas is uberpro, have at it. But if this sort of shit then spills over into proper sites... Oh god, what a horror story it is going to be. This weekend against the pajama kids, I saw more non hit taking than I have seen over the last 2 years of events. I am not saying all speedsofters are cheating wastes of skin.... but... I do see a clear link. Let us just hope that with the incoming financial ruin produced by rona, we get some holiday camps, factory sites or office complexes to use. Ah maybe something good will come out of Rona
  17. Something new. For some unknown reason, lots of sites like to have single fire only rules.
  18. I loved the mall, RIP. Hopefully this site is bigger than it looks on paper
  19. I just got one of these Fuck me it is heavy, but I truly feel i could bludgeon someone to death with it
  20. Hey chap, You can low key sort it easier. I got some flat normal plastic. Cut it and heat bent some prongs and 8 years later. My real eotech is still intact.
  21. I am 100% not an AK user but happy to test to give you feedback from someone with no bias on the platform.
  22. Scammers suck. GET REKT :)

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    • For sale
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    Hello, No leaks, are currently half full of green gas. Check the picture of the top of the mags for the seal vs your current ones, before you offer to buy. It looks like there was a change at some point. So these are either ideal **yay** or entirely useless to you **boo** Happy to split for £17 each As always all my pricing included PP and Shipment, as it’s stupid not to include it that


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