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Everything posted by Groot

  1. The way I see it. You can take a Golf GTI and drop loads into it and make it really good. It still wouldn't be Golf R.
  2. You would need to put a lot of work into a normal AEG to get it to how a PTW works out the box. But then you have already paid that with the systema brand. With precocking activated and a slick upgraded electric trigger. You are going to be close to the instant fire of the PTW and trigger feel. So yeah, there is no argument that you cannot produce a PTW quality gun with a normal aeg by putting hundreds of pounds of upgrade parts and much gun tech time. But it still wont feel in your hand like the PTW does, just very damn close. Would I do it again. If i had to? Yes, because I have not had any other AEG since I started playing in 1998 that has had more rounds through it and given me less issues, while giving me the range and accuracy advantage. The added bonus with the platform is actually what this entire thread started about. With either a different cylinder or spring and a grub screw to lock out the full auto. You can go from auto to a 450fps dmr in minutes.
  3. @Speedbird_666 Without going full fanboi. The PTW feels different to all other airsoft guns that I have handled ( bar maybe the MWS but that doesn't apply since its ammo cap forces you to play a certain way ). Redwolf put it the best in their GBBR Review. NGRS are awesome. If you want to win, get a PTW. The trigger and the general compliant click of the selector, is a huge thing really. The sound is delicious and really quiet on single relatively speaking. It is thinner in both the grip and body, since normal AEG's are all fatter than normal M4's. Since the original TM designs were based around drawings and pictures. Everyone else just copied the sizing and here we are today. ( Bar a few like Umarex, but the SUCK inside ) The guns I have left are my 2008 PTW, an NGRS with all of the wanky upgrades (Which i got off a friend at a price that i couldn't say no to), a tricked out Gspec, a project MP5K PDW (Youtube of it coming at somepoint) and Glock pistol. The PTW out performs every AEG, i have ever used. Range, consistent accuracy, durability and reliability. My fully upgraded NGRS is just as good as a PTW but doesn't feel the same. ( ignoring recoil ) It is also harder to change the FPS on the fly ( which can be a big deal depending a fussy site chrono, ammo weight etc. If you run to the limit ), where the PTW is a 1min job with either new springs or shims. Still very useful for woodland to cqb sites, with the same gat. The issue with Systema is their marketing department needs to be taken outside and shot. They have zero presence. Had they built on their momentum back in 2008, when they were leaps and bounds in front of all others. It would be a different story now. The new box is revolutionary and if handed well, could make them the next hot thing. The potential to put that design into other guns styles is huge. Everyone has always dreamed of a PTW AK. Sadly, Again i think they will stay niche, because only those in the know will research or take the punt. This is their website ffs http://www.systema-engineering.com/ yawn. That smaller requirement will directly impact which retailers take the punt at stocking PTW vs the NGRS with mods, which has excellent exposure. Honestly your best bet it to get a challenge kit. It is not at all hard to build and like i mentioned before, the only historic weak area is the motor. Once sorted, you are set. I miss the hate at the chrono. My gun is so beat up now. Its only when they hear it shoot, does everyone stop and take note. Any negative comments, I lol at them and refer to them only as peasants. Then in most cases out range them by a good 10m .. Salty fun times
  4. @Tackle Main take away is that he is lying on this videos about the hits he is claiming to make. Using on screen hit markers to make the players who he is missing, appear to be cheaters. Then actively naming a site who banned him from filming, implying that site was trying to hide its apparent high cheat rate and he was the victim. When the reality is he cannot hit the side of a barn and is just good at editing in markers. Then the cream on the cake is him sending his simps to the airsoft sites social media pages to kick off about his unfair treatment and how they are masking the cheating issues. Then remarking how airsoft only works with honesty. Whether this guy is making money from his videos or not. What a cunt 😛 Before I even joined this forum, I had already told Youtube not to show me his videos. Common theme in most of my post/rants is how i hate cheaters. So KM if you are reading this
  5. Saw this on one of the Facebook airsoft groups and thought it might be fun to share. He has apparently been going around copyright striking everyone who posts it, only to find 2 more pop up! Hail Hydra If anyone knows how to post gifs, PLEASE let me know https://tenor.com/9P9t.gif
  6. I am going to build mine into a semi dmr platform. It is the only way I will be able to use one, with my blood lust. Essentially this but with Magpul furniture and an Eotech voodoo clone on, yes a Geissele mount I've got a pimped out Recoil too and currently enjoying running that over the PTW, just because its different to the PTW i have used solely until last year Both reach out to about 70m with .32's
  7. Funnily enough, my first was a DD rail too but an Airsoft version. Mine was clearly not to spec, as I never needed to get it milled to allow for access. ( Which was nice ) I am now a whore for Geissele. Next purchase will probably be a M4A1 MWS and that will be having a 13.5' Geissele M-Lok thrown on. Still not sure I will like the MWS but i wants one.
  8. So myself and 3 others got some of the very first 2008 model from a well know retailer at cost. Winner I took it home, put a rail on it and sprayed it before even firing a shot. Tested it in the garden and its was kinda meh on the old 9.6V batteries and the blue cylinder kicking out something in the region of 360. The motor died about halfway through its first ever game. We are talking about 1000 bbs through it. Also the hop was shiiiiiiiiiiiiite too. Much swearing, wondering why I had invested so much etc etc. It went back to the retailer, gun went away to be rewound and the hop modded. Pretty sure it was Tac. As at the time, he was the only one willing to work on them Since then, it has been serviced twice by Project PTW ( RIP ) and changed to Lipo batteries. Cannot speak highly enough about PTW's for value for money vs usage.
  9. I think just the fact its Systema news is a exciting people. Weird company with horrific marketing over the last decade. The motor in the box is a nice touch but seems overly engineered since well, PTWs biggest issue is there motors are a bit shit and cost the earth. Hopefully this has been addressed with this new design. Most people are super happy because now they can put any grip on they like
  10. My 2008 it is current incarnation. I am fairly confident that this is one of the most beaten up and misused PTWs about. First thing to be aware of. They are very picky about BB's. Do not put shit ones in. It will cost you. Geoffs and Valkyries work really well. Best place for Parts is Ebay, Forums, www.powair6.com, https://emperionstore.com/ and https://www.haoptwart.com/ Gun techs you have the infamous Tackleberry but you also have Tacbelts. Both of which have Facebook pages. Careful not to upset the Tackleberry simps. Honestly, maintaining a PTW is total cake. The hard part is keeping the motor singing. FCC is very expensive and their parts can be hit and miss. That said, yours looks well put together. As far as I know. You should be able to put a normal PTW upper straight on. The cylinders are certainly interchangeable. Inner barrel, I would got with an Orga Wide Hop up. Using a standard Systema housing, I would go for Orga Flat Hop and cage. ( Lazer beam ). Avoid the prebuild Super Awesome pro options. They generally SUCK! There are rails aplenty to suit your personal style. Just be aware you will need to get the uppers standard thread, re-threaded to accept Airsoft barrel nuts. ( Some of the more gucci rails come with one which accepts both ) If you do not have a second cylinder for your CQBR build. Rather than buy one, which is at least £100 for a non branded option. Just buy a second spring. While straight swapping cylinders is one of the main selling points of PTW. You can easily unscrew the bottom of a cylinder ( which is not under pressure FYI ) and swap out for a higher/lower spring in about 1minute and then slam the thing back into the gun. EZ Then source the rest of your stuff like the upper and outer barrel second hand. I've seen them go on ebay for like £30. There have been a few around on this forum too. I would also replace your steelie mags with Pmags. There appears to be an abundance on for sale the forums at the moment. There is a new PTW due this year which has an entirely new gearbox with internal brushless motor and DSG Gears. Not going change mine but the new design is nice. ( Avoid the Recoil version with the Lipo in the Mags )
  11. Honestly, not legally. You can do what ever you want to your RIF. Spray it black, tan, MC or stencil the Mona Lisa on it. It's yours. Unless you do it in front of a cop or video it and throw it on youtube. No one is going to know or care. There is no database on two tones, there isn't even a database for RIF's. So do what you want with it, just don't be a cunt with it making airsoft look bad and
  12. I have not read all the replies but in my opinion. You 100% need a side arm, because pistols are cool as FUCK! Well you may use it... Well probably not.. I mean hardly ever..... It will get filled and emptied before and after every event... Except..... for that super rare time when you need to use it... a herald of angels will be heard as you draw it, you get a kill and it makes everything finally worth it! You will then walk around with a massive erection and tell everyone in the safe zone about the kill of the year. You will re-tell it to your family and friends. It will be something you think of fondly, while surrounded by Grandchildren on your death bed. For this reason, you need a side arm! You will also need a light to go on it ( which you will also never use ) and a dot sight.
  13. I was under the impression that a number of them were EOL. I really wanted the Mp5K PDW ( the one with the stock ) but it appears to be out of stock pretty much worldwide. Ended up with a Galaxy version, which to be fair is REALLY good. Just plastic body, being a TM Clone. All the upgrade parts have arrived and video of the upgrades to follow.
  14. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    So....... I understand that the MWS being a gas system is able to push a heavier BB further and straighter at the same energy vs an AEG. My question is all things being equal, does anyone have any experience throwing a heavy bb .45g up etc with a DMR power MWS vs the a spring sniper. ( 1.49j vs 2.31j ) What different in range differences are people seeing and are they as accurate as a upgraded sniper? The reason I ask is that I have a very nice sniper rifle, I have many AEG's and I am sure I am going to be convinced to get an MWS in the very near future. BUT I would not be able to run the MWS in anything but as a DMR. Quite franky, the mags would be emptied in 1 squirt if auto was available to me ( It is a sickness ) Set to semi only and with costly ammo in the mags. I think i might be able to control my bloodlust. *admit it. You can hear this gif*
  15. Ah yeah! Interestingly. I do not like the Eotech as an option in this situation. It is a real Eotech but i feel the dot sits too high for my natural positioning on this platform.
  16. Get it to a tech. It could be many things, it could be one thing. Go for Negative Airsoft and if it's cursed enough, it might even make onto Youtube for us all to wince at.
  17. Had to click onto the youtube link to confirm it was Mustang... What a total cockwobble that guy is.
  18. Mirroring what @Speedbird_666 has said. If you avoid the bad options, you will be good with what is left. The propriety parts aren't a huge issue, as long as they are available. Just means you might have to wait longer for a repair, if they have to order them. I would look for one with a mosfet fitted. Not essential but something you will want if you plan to run Lipo's ( which you will ) Spend a little more upfront on one with a gucci rail and choose a style you really like. It's cheaper than having to physically mod it later to your personal taste. I would also budget in another £60 or so to get a decent tech to look it over, out of the box. ( sounds silly but no its really not ) Get it perfectly shimmed, maybe short stroke the box and get the hop replaced with a maple leaf. Then really, it doesn't matter what model/brand you get. Since you know it has been setup correctly, rather than the pot luck that it was done OK in China You will then end up with as reliable and accurate an AEG as is possible, in this hobby where everything WILL at some point go snap/ping and/or crack.
  19. Thanks both for your replies. I argue that it is in fact back to front. Since with it mounted there, the cocking handle is obstructed. This stops me fully pulling the bolt back into position and then properly giving it a H&K Slap. This is essential in my day to day pew pew airsoft and Under Siege dreams. ( God that was a good cake ) This is how most photos of the rail are shown and what I wanted, expected.. No ... Needed... Ah... Good times ( NSFW - CONTAINS CAKE and BOOBIES )
  20. Hello, Really confused as to whether I have ordered the wrong mount or if it just something I have to mod. The MP5 has this raised part over the rear mount point. I has to be there to help you align a mount. Makes sense so far. As you can see with the rail on backwards, it works fine. This is the rail. It seems pretty generic and lots of sites have them. Most look to be from the same mold/design. But as you can see. When they flip the bastard over. There is no recess to allow for the back of the raised part on the gun to fit into. Net result is that it will not fit or fit at a slope. Which is kinda pointless unless you are making REALLY long ranged shots and need the elevation. So is it common knowledge that I have to mod either the MP5 or Rail to make it fit? Is the rail just a lie and never ever going to be for an MP5 Is it just the wrong rail? Cheers Groot
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