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Everything posted by M_P

  1. I think that official they don't, just some slip through
  2. What are you looking for in a rail system?
  3. Any idea whether those CASVs would fit a WE
  4. Received some kindling through the post today http://s2.postimg.org/yt8f1b2rd/20150713_130434.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      haha there's a paintball sight 5 min from my house and it's a tenner for 200 shots - they advertise them as "softer" than regular paintballs, even worse, you can ONLY use them at the site.

    3. AK47frizzle
    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      think its the same at most sites - that is how they make their money by screwing ya dry. To be fair a lot of airsoft sites force you but their ammo to avoid jamming guns with bull$hit bb's - but at least we don't get mugged over like paintball

  5. I'd stick it up for £450 and be prepared to lower it after a little while. You never know, someone may go for it
  6. To some people it might, to some the draw of airsoft is that it looks realistic so I was just pointing out that the G5 doesn't exist as a real firearm as opposed to say an m4 or g36 that does. The OP said they're new to airsoft so it's something worth pointing out as he may not have been aware. Of course ultimately it doesn't matter but it's something worth knowing nonetheless as it might be a factor in the decision.
  7. Get the g5, they're epic although not a real gun so could be a turn off.
  8. There aren't any metal g36's, the real thing is plastic
  9. The people that do care really need to re-assess their priorities.
  10. Definitely different, seems quite a few think so- probably because they both do copies of the crye precision gear but they're quite different if you look closely
  11. My local occasionally has a free for all at the end of the day. I often suggest to friends that we team up before shooting them all for believing I'd be so generous. I should add that I only do it to friends who I'd have a laugh with and should know better than to trust me
  12. That's a funny way of spelling bellends
  13. No he means Ranger Green, it's a colour
  14. On the one hand I agree, on the other if someone is stupid enough to buy something without researching its real worth then they kind of deserve it IMO.
  15. Krytac are a relatively new brand created by Kriss who made the Vector, they're pretty good by all accounts. @OP, get the krytac out of those two.
  16. You're going to be sitting there a hell of a long time if you pre-ordered from LWA
  17. I found out about airsoft ages ago when I was like 7-8 or something like that when me and my family came across the combat south safe zone whilst walking the dog- still got a few BBs in a tin somewhere that I picked up at the time. The staff at the time told us about the whole thing and how it worked etc, and then I just waited till I was old enough to join in an did so. I managed to talk a few friends into coming and all joined in and I imagine my Dad probably came along too the first time, simple as that lol
  18. If he walked down the road carrying his real rifle every day then it'd make sense. The public are afraid of guns so it's not as nonsensical as it may appear.
  19. I think I probably hate the people who hate people that play call of duty more than the people that hate call of duty players hate call of duty players, if you get me.
  20. I really don't think it's that big a deal to be honest. You can get parts and stuff from all over the place an inconvenience maybe but not the end of the world. Just buy a mag pouch from a retailer that sell g36 mag pouches, it's not like eBay was the only place to do so
  21. No reason to hate it, yes to some extent it spawns players that some people don't like but I don't see a real issue, let people play and do as they want.
  22. It's alright, nothing special but certainly not bad.
  23. Get a tm Vsr or JG bar 10 (a clone copy but has a nicer stock than the original). Easy to fix and upgrade and overall the best option
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