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Posts posted by AlphaBear

  1. 10 hours ago, RMDavis said:

    MWS No 2 build progress:- KAC MRE


    Kinda when down a different path than a modern 416/Clay build! 


    Sorry to disappoint those waiting for glorious HAO based 416 goodness!


    I've always loved the MK12 and whilst researching and toying with going down that route, I stumbled across the Knights 'MRE' rail which was used by CAG many moons ago!


    As soon as I saw it I knew that's the rifle I wanted to build, so using a few G&P parts and some bits I already had going spare.


    The G&P ambi selector and Knights style ambi mag release both work perfectly! Angry Gun could learn a thing or two!


    It's not finished yet, as there's a few more bits like the stock, grip, and the fabled KAC rail covers to go on.


    Then there's tricky decision on what optic/mount to fit. Either a short dot or an old school Comp M2/M4, maybe even an early Eotech 551?


    Will keep you all updated as things progress. 👍




    Has to be a RS Comp ML2, real old school design. I occasionally dust mine off....  really like the retro design and it's still working like a champ!

    14 hours ago, n00b1982 said:

    Hi, can someone help me please. I'm trying to pay for the sixg super nub. I've emailed Dave asking for the details to do so, but he didnt out anything in the response form as to how to pay him lol.


    Am I just being blind and not seeing where I can do it? Or does anyone know the details to use?




    @Davegolfone for you fella....

  2. 1 hour ago, L3wisD said:

    I got banned from UKAC for making a joke about a guys Nazi SS loadout.


    Apparently saying it was:

    "The final solution to hit taking" was enough for an instant ban lol


    'The final solution' is a term which we do not use in my line of work. In fact it's an unwritten rule not to say that... 

  3. 5k rounds is not much to be frank and Marui gears should not need replacing that soon. Granted they ain’t made froM forged steel but still that amount of wear is a tad surprising. How’s the pinion gear on the motor? The fact that you’ve ordered Lonex gears that’s fine. When you plonk it all back together make sure the shinning is done right. The motor to bevel gear is important as well as the other shimming. Coz you’re installing lonex gears you may need to adjust the motor height to compensate. 



    Don't fit the original spring back in. The reason is that it's got a hook which 'hooks into the Marui piston head and it will not work with a prommy piston. Simples :)


    The esgle6 M90 will take you to 310fps maybe a tad more.... Again it's air seal/compression  dependent. 

  4. .

    And then you see a post like this and a video of this chap shooting his RIF out of a balcony to show Facebook an issue with his RIF not firing as expected. Speechless is an understatement!!’ No wonder Facebook acts like it does sometimes. Thank goodness his not in the UK. 


  5. For the beginning of 2021 we have a winner.... You all know I'm a TM fan boy and have a soft spot for all things recoil but this is taking the Mickey to be polite.... Drum roll........ I'm trying t figure out why it was originally worth £1900 but of course a bargain at £900.. It's the ASG pistol that really adds value right? Oh and his put his address in the advert too... Crikey!


    Oh my bad... it's got £1200 worth of accessories too (which are not pictured).... of course it's a bargain! silly me for not spotting that.. 😂

    Marui 416 Delta Recoil Black main with ASG CZ P-09 and complet gear (1900pounds)





  6. As above it’s to do with their systems not being compliant with the new regulations for accounting for export into the UK. You think  exporting to the UK will be complicated. Wait till they try to sell to Northern Island. The NI can trade as ‘normal’ with the UK and also with the EU for the next 4 yrs. That will cause more headache for the EU as accounting software will need to address this issue. 

  7. I’m a member of quite a few Facebook groups Including the TM NGRS/MWS and MK23 groups all of which were brought to my attention by peeps on here. And I’ve actually directed people onto AFUK especially when it comes to matters concerning MWS’s as we have the biggest knowledge base all matters MWS. So kudos to our members on here! We seem to know our shit. Amen. 

  8. Welcome Rob, to this mad community and the crazy which is Airsoft :) (not that we can play any time soon due to the current climate) but welcome anyway..

    You will find that there is a whole wealth of knowledge here...  there are quite a few sites too around the Northants area both woodland and CQB... If you haven't played airsoft yet, then book yourself onto a site where they allow the use of hire 'guns'. They will provide a full set of face protection, BB ammo and of course the RIF (gun) itself.... then all you need to do is run around and start believing you're part of  SEAL Team 6 ;)


  9. If you do a search on ebay for 'used airsoft' you'll be surprised how much airsoft gear comes up which doesn't have airsoft in the title. There seems to be a lot of paintball titled stuff masquerading as airsoft  .... but I guess it's one way of getting around ebay's rules.... One seller actually had he's advert for his Magpul sling removed as there was a RIF in the background.....


    Onto other news..... BREXIT has had an impact already on eBay.... the 20% VAT is now eligible on items coming in from Europe.... see the advert below..... funny thing is there are other adverts from Europe which don't have this +20% VAT will apply... go figure!!!




  10. 3 hours ago, RMDavis said:


    I'm going to order the black version along with FDE accessories, intending to go for a 'Clay Spenser' inspired build based on the rifle he uses in 'Seal Team' 


    Something like this but not a boring Systema... 😂




    So a quad rail with a 14.5" barrel which means I'll also be getting Hao's barrel extension kit along with a few other bits.



    A boring Systema? Wash your mouth out with a bottle of whiskey sir! But only if it’s a 18yr old single malt 😂.


    Why did you have to go and mention Seal Team? Now you have gone and done it. I’ll have to sit through all the episodes again for HK inspiration 😂

  11. 1 hour ago, Raven1 said:



    Just to pull you up on a few points..


    "It's a 2020 model with upgrades."


    that's not what it says, it is 2020 spec with upgrades, so some of the cost of parts are to bring it upto the latest 2020 spec.


    "would cost £350 plus?"


    where did the plus come from ? Lol


    "I most curious...."


    Not enough to message and ask though..

    Again yes. As certain places only allow a short write up and 1 or 2 pictures 

    Not really John and after my dealings with you I would consider myself quite a decent buyer and seller.


    If I was interested in the item I would have messaged you simple as that...!


    Your original ad was worded in such a way it was very open to interpretation.  The whole reason Macks exists is to help our members/community in their decision making when buying second hand RIFS... the fact you have now changed your advert is good. The thread has served it's purpose... End of Story!



  12. I've been thinking of picking up an EVO Scorpion as of late especially after Patrolbase did them for £239 over the Black Friday weekend (although I believe they were the 2018 ones).... Anyway, that beside the point, this advert popped up on here and Z1. It's a 2020 model with upgrades. I mean what possible upgrades could have been done to a Scorpion which would cost £350 plus? I know with a TM you can gut it completely and prommy it to death or do whatever you want to one (I have the T-Shirt) but with a EVO? I most curious.... 



  13. 4 minutes ago, RMDavis said:


    Thanks mate, I hope so!


    From what I have read there's a few external parts needed like a stock and a grip which of course are down to personal preference. 


    Internally the inner barrel and hop unit are used, and everything inside the lower receiver including the buffer and spring. 


    Looks like forward assist is used also.


    I will try and get plenty of photos up before, after and during the build. 


    Splendid....looking forward to the build pics.... :)

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