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Posts posted by AlphaBear

  1. @gunbod007the MWS can take black gas.... you should see how much they power these up stateside.... it's well scary!!! You will need an NPAS to regulate the power though and like I said earlier the nozzle spring is the weakest link and that will go at some point depending on it's abuse... On my last game I only used Abbey Ultra Predator and the gun rocked... mind you that was Aug time so the sun was still kinda here and I believe the temp was about 15-18c


    1. G&P adjustable power nozzle valve 

    2. RATech NPAS

    3. Angry Gun adjustable nozzle 

    4. DIY NPAS (someone here made one and it's in this thread somewhere)


    Oh TM pistols and plastic slides and black gas is a NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOO :D


  2. 10 minutes ago, alxndrhll said:


    Red dots being mounted on the front end of an AK is nothing unusual, often they're even further forward on a rail that sits on/as part of the gas tube. Red dots are often (or at least are advertised as being) parallax free, as long as it's zero'd it doesn't make a huge amount of difference.




    I suspect what Hamster is referring to is the length, or lack there of, of the outer barrel haha. I dare say the front sight post seemingly being attached to the trunion is... uncommon 😅


    Ahhh gotcha.... good pic that...!


    Just out of curiosity I'm gonna stick a red dot up the muzzle end on my M4 now and see if I can see the bloody dot or not... lol

  3. Of course if it gets way too cold and snows we can always make snowballs and have a snowball skirmish... lol


    Going back to black gas, Patrolbase have on their website Guarder Winter Gas. The blurb says operating temperature of between 3c to 20c... I would have thought 10c give or take would have been the cut off for black gas here in Blighty and then red (Nuprol 3) up to 20c then? 


  4. 7 hours ago, gunbod007 said:

    I take it you're using upgrade bolt like the G&P and Buffer to handle the propane? Also considering an NGRS as a cold weather/backup. From what I remember they're a pain with wiring and batteries need some custom work done by eagle 6 or something to make them better.

    Nope... the Marui stock bolt is fine. The MWS  can handle propane out of the box. The only thing that will break will be the nozzle spring coz of the increased forces. Always have a couple handy just in case coz they will go at some point in the future. Also check out Badabing Pictures you tube channel. He uses propane in his MWS. Also do a search on propane in this thread. There’s a lot of talk about it somewhere here lol


    Regarding the Marui recoils AEGs they are not a pain whatsoever. Out of the box they are fine. Work like clockwork. It’s only if you want more power and then you have to take the gearbox apart. So easy to do as long as you have the right tools and you know what you are doing. 

  5. I run three platforms. A PTW, MWS and NGRS. Each platform has its merits. The PTW is a pure ‘killing’ machine, it’s relentless and unforgiving. The recoils are fun and I can rely on them regardless of the weather and I can’t fault them. Then  the MWS, I smile each time I press the trigger (until I broke it 😂) and my MK18 build just looks sooooo nice. A propane adapter will be my next purchase for it as many of you guys run propane. I hear the plastic AI adapter is the better one to get though. Well that’s what the folks on the Facebook group say... 🤷🏻‍♂️

  6. Talk is good as are different opinions in our hobby so no worries there fella. :) 


    There’s a HPA section where this type of discussion can take place anyway. 

    So let get this thread back on track and talk  all things MWS again. Tally ho everyone :)

  7. I only play with 0.3Geoffs in the PTW. I’ve not measured range. All I know is the bb get to it’s target faster than i could possibly run that distance 😂


    Nice set up. That’s rail is all the rage at the moment. 

  8. This is my MWS and truth be told I really like it. It’s just a different experience. As you know I have a few recoils too and I just jump between the platforms depending on the game and my mood and of course the temperature lol


    @SammieSurrey sorry we just took over your thread lol. You’ll find that a lot here. We’re a friendly talkative bunch 😂


  9. Ahhhh yes that well know retailer at that time was the only one importing them in and still does I do believe. And more than likely they probably did go down south to Tac for his magical touch. The rail I have on my is a Daniel Defense CQB rail. It came from the states together with a few other gubbins. Then I had to have it milled to fit the systema receiver only where it pulls open so that it allowed the receiver to cock 90 degrees. Otherwise the lower part of the rail kept hitting the lower receiver. 

    And yes value for money vs use they simply go on and on once ‘fixed’. 

  10. Oh yeah #motorgate tell me about it. Mine died on me mid game when I was playing CQB in a three story building. The gun was just a couple of yrs old at the time.  I’ve never sworn so much during an Airsoft game lol. I got the usual TAC mods done after that so all was well....


    Plus there is something about the sound of a ptw. It’s quite unique. 

  11. I saw that news about the new gearbox. There’s a lot of excitement in the PTW community. However mine is working perfectly fine (circa 2011) and I’m not changing it. I can’t see the point. She still still shoots 350fps consistently give or take and range and accuracy is pretty spot on. 

  12. And you look like a ghost buster 😂


    ’who ya gonna call.......’ 


    But yes I noticed the same observations too. There was no HPA when I stopped playing in 2012 or thereabouts and now it’s everywhere. Granted it seems like an efficient green system to use but it’s that hose and tank. That’s the only thing that puts me off. 

  13. 59 minutes ago, rocketdogbert said:


    Unless you want to be silly and go with a drum mag 😱

    Wash your mouth out with a bottle of whiskey young man! The thought of a drum mag on a MWS 😱😱😱😱😱

  14. 9 hours ago, gunbod007 said:

    Ah I see haven't been in so long couldn't remember if the limit was based on what you were running or .2s. Makes sense 


    Damn this SixG stuff looks impressive. Deffo considering the nub and maybe the high speed buffer too. Seems optimal for semi only running but a slight pain on full auto. Full auto is not ideal for GBB with 35 rounds anyway haha

    My whole play style is gonna change I can feel it.


    Well put it like this, at £50 per mag playing on full auto means you need lots of mags to get through a game without having to faff around reloading in the field so that can be almost the same cost as the rifle or as you say you adapt your play style accordingly to the GBBR... 

  15. Looking good there soldier! 


    The first PTW is always special (aren't they all ;) ). I've had mine since 2011 and it's still running strong... It shoots easily as good as my upgraded next gen recoils but of course without the recoil. Has yours had the usual Tackleberry mods done to it do you know? Like the motor rewind, HOP adjustment and moisture proofing of the electronics? If not, it's advisable... Also if you get onto the systema group on Facebook people can direct you. Also check out The Reptile House blog..... TRH is all full of reel steel porn and shows off people's builds based on references from photos in the wild so-to-speak.... 


  16. Remember site limits are usually based on 350fps for 0.2's or the joule equivalent... so based on my figures the G&P bolt is running way too hot.. Incidentally I had to buy a separate G&P NPAS just to dial down the power... however I haven't installed it as yet....

  17. 7 minutes ago, gunbod007 said:

    Dumb question, I can buy this whole thing and just drop it in, no assembly/other bits needed?

    I haven't been airlsofting in ages and don't have a chrono. So I am going to see how predator ultra gas handles in my local CQB in Newbury (after lockdown) I am sure the lower TM sock FPS will be fine but it is tempting to get this bolt straight away ad just run heavier bbs instead of an npas. I don' know maybe is kind of a dick move as its gonna sting


    Screenshot 2021-01-26 at 00.02.14.png

    No no don't do that.... you'll be over the joules limit with the G&P bolt and be frog marched off the site... well the gun will be banned... The G&P bolt carrier group is a drop in module... It's also not the only one around... my advice is to stick with the Marui bolt.. you really don't need the G&P bolt carrier group. The stock Marui bolt is absolutely fine. Just get a SIXG brass nub and a High Speed buffer. The brass nub will allow you to lift heavier ammo. You can also change the hop rubber to a modify tan rubber for better lifting.... 

  18. Just now, gunbod007 said:

    Oh I like that any walk thoughts on it? 


    scale of 1/10 how hard is it

    Good tip thanks 


    You're welcome...Plus they make three colours....... there's a youtube video somewhere showing a G&P chap showing off all three 'colours'... I mean it's not like a PTW cylinder where the colour designates the power of the cylinder. I guess you can just bling up the MWS as you see fit (black, silver and hell yeah GOLD baby lol)

  19. Make sure you buy the correct bolt, they make one for the Marui stock  and one for the G&P stock. Get the one designated Marui stock tube unless that is you have the G&P buffer tube fitted...

  20. The forces within a GBBR are pretty brutal and so you need good quality BB aamo.  I was using Nuprol RZR 0.28 on my last game and I had a catastrophic failure which caused BB's to shatter consequently ripping my hop rubber and buggering up the nozzle. The only reason I used Nuprols was because I was changing between my AEG and MWS during the day and I couldn't be asked to run 2 sets of BB's and stick Geoff's into the MWS.... lesson learned! 


    From my perspective use either Geoff's, G&G, BLS and I believe LongBow too.. Fire support recommend G&G over the others as their quality is top notch... these are my views of course... other members may have a different opinion ;)


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