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Finius last won the day on November 19 2014

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  1. If you'd be interested in becoming a moderator, please PM me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. djben9


      2nd that!!

      Proffrink for president !!!

    3. Cheeserush
    4. Sacarathe


      I'm sure I said presidente when I said that.

  2. Shout-out to Sitting Duck - true gent if ever I saw one.

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      :) welcome m8 anytime
  3. I'm going to warn you all now. I am going to DOMINATE this thread. Just as soon as I remember my photobucket login. I have more pictures of my dog than is healthy (he even had his own thread once http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/16360-everybody-meet-my-vicious-killing-machine/?hl=%2Boscar+%2Bthe+%2Bdestroyer#entry108811).
  4. I've been out of the game for ages and I'm looking to beef up my knowledge on decent retailers for everything from tac-gear through to random AEG and Pistol parts. Can anyone recommend 3 decent UK retailers and 3 decent HK/China retailers?
  5. I'm re-starting after a long hiatus and I'm somewhat limited on what guns I can consider. If I had free-reign to choose whatever I wanted, the G&G CM series would be up there. They're solid, dependable, easily repaired (maybe not by yourselves - that depends on your own knowledge, but certainly they're highly compatible with aftermarket parts and they've got no really weird oddities internally), can take lots of customisation and upgrades etc. and they're pretty much brilliant.
  6. Technically - technically - my shoes are f**king criminal masterminds in this department. And my socks. And my butt crack.
  7. So now, a year and a half on, I've decided we need to update this. The past year has been filled with dog-related ups and down. He's eaten about £2000 worth of household items, from designer glasses to headphones to coats and more and has truly lived up to his name. On the other hand however, he's my best friend and has turned out to be a truly lovely member of the family. Those of you who have me as a friend on facebook will no doubt be borderline-suicidal as a result of the sheer volume of dog-related posts I create on a daily basis. Those of you who do not, have missed out. Luckily for you unfortunate lot though, I have an updated, albeit graphic photo of The Destroyer for you. He's a bit bigger this time around. I warn you, the below photo contains graphic imagery of Oscar mercilessly crushing my mother to death after she refused to get off the chair for him. I should also note, that when we were given him, we were told he shouldn't be much more than a small-medium dog, this small-medium dog now weighs almost as much as my fiance (about 50kg). Small dog much?
  8. Got an ad for thai-matches on the forums. Not ashamed that this represents the quality of much of my recent browsing material

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Monty


      Dibs for best man

    3. Finius


      Gotta get me some ladyboy lovin'!!

    4. Del Monty

      Del Monty

      Dibs for Best Man's Best Man.

  9. At the moment I'm listening to my dog sleep-barking (possibly at dream-squirrels, he was recently traumatised by the discovery that when chasing squirrels that not only are they nippy little buggers, they can also go up trees which is totally unfair and was entirely unexpected). Music wise, I've been getting into Elvis again. The king might be dead, but he'll never die.
  10. Eight lives down was the best 'real story of army superhero tough guy' I've ever read. Nowadays I'm mostly re-reading Terry Pratchett's Discworld stuff
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