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Posts posted by XanderShadow

  1. In an indoor arena, or inside a building; I can see it. You don't want someone to come around a corner and put 10+ rounds into you at close range, that shits gonna suck something serious. But.. if you're going to be playing with a serious CQB focus? Chances are you're running pistols or shotguns anyway.

    Outside though? in forests and the like? there's sodding foliage and the like we've got to deal with often deflecting or outright stopping rounds, so putting out rapid bursts of fire is often the most effective way of ensuring a couple get through bushes and the like to hit the target. Especially at the often longer distances you're encountering between players in those scenarios.

    I think some of this "Semi Only" mentality is trickling into site admin stuff from the GBBR/Core Milsim crowds. The folks who're only ever carrying small amounts of ammo per game for the sense of 'realism', so can't afford to just let loose with thirty rounds in one pull from a 120+rng magazine like most AEG's can.
    That kind of thinking is fine at say a Gas only event, or at a mil-sim... but at your average field, on an average day? folks just want to gear up, get going; and have fun watching tiny plastic balls swarm the sky like gnats in summer.

  2. 1 hour ago, Albiscuit said:

    How do you find the CQR? I saw these and liked the futuristic look of these. Do they handle/fire well?

    It's... alright for an AEG? and being able to switch between burst and full auto on the fly is quite a nice feature since some sites allow burst but not full auto. Unmodded this was firing 345-350 on .2's and getting some pretty decent range once the hop was broken in.

    Biggest complaints with it honestly? The upper and lower receiver aren't amazingly well fitted, so you get body wobble unless you add in some spacer to hold them in place.
    There's basically no battery space. it's just a thin tube along the top of the stock that also has the battery wire and fuse in as well.. so you're stuck to using short, thin batteries with it. Rest of the stocks solid plastic.
    Even greased and checked; you get a metallic smell from the gearbox after shooting for a while. Think the gears don't mesh amazingly well as even after only a little use they had some wear. Possibly because the upper and lower don't mesh properly/wobble and it's a open style split gearbox.

    It's not worth the £350ish price tag it has though by any means. There's better AEG's in the M4 look for less out there.

    1 hour ago, Davegolf said:

    I feel like you may as well have a P90 over a CQR for the same look, plus compactness, only real world difference is calibre otherwise, but again may as well have the AP of the P90 round over such a short 5.56 barrel??

    I had a P90 for a while but honestly didn't enjoy the feel of it, or the top down magazine style of the gun. I only picked up the CQR on a whim last year after wanting a M4 but not the usual generic guff you see about.
    In hindsight, honestly wish I'd gone with a normal M16A2 or the like, or M4 Socom. CQR isn't bad but it's not worth what it cost by any means.

  3. Boredom struck so decided to test fit my black loadout for indoor/CQB and urban games. Tired of running around the same bloody forest every game. Just missing some Umbrella patches now and some elbow/knee pads

    Hera Arms CQR with 4-14x50 scope. Currently mid-mod into a DMR
    Cybergun Desert Eagle.

    Three dual pouches on the chest that take two M4 style or my clamp paired MP5 mags comfortably on the carrier. Small viper pack for misc items/bladder on back.
    Two pistol mag holders, dump pouch and grenade pouch on the belt.
    Deagle holster on the right thigh.



  4. Also, it's a non standard ammunition size, which most sites wont allow as it messes with the chrono readings and settings. Thus making it very hard to properly test/gauge... especially as that spanner is the only one even using it. Doubt many if any sites over here are gonna bend over backwards just so some kid with his shiny 'Shit Show Guarantee' can shoot folks with... one of the ugliest snipers I've ever seen.

  5. Aesthetically... they're horrid. They've taken a step back and made them look like unfinished paintball guns with normal mags.

    On a practical front.. is "Speedsoft" really enough of a thing to warrant a dedicated range of speed guns? Been doing airsoft for a fair few years and outside the forums; nearly never heard of it.

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