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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. might also want to check with the hop set- sometimes having the hop completely off will result in lower readings. you want to start with it completely off and go up in small increments until you find that sweet spot where the bb is going pretty straight and not flying upwards too much, it'll be good to get familiar with adjusting it as sometimes in-game being able to tweak slightly can be handy for getting some shots to land (eg turning it down to drop rounds behind a barrier). once you have it set, the thing to check would be shot-shot consistency, see what range of velocities you're getting (eg 305-315fps) as that's a gauge of how good the airseal is. as mentioned, good to just run it for a couple of games, get familiar with how it's shooting and get an idea of what areas you might want improved, no point going all out for extending range if your playstyle means you rarely use it.
  2. tbh my money would be on WE to be the ones to have a crack at it, either that or it'll maybe end up like the grach.
  3. yeah, the protrusion the top strap hooks into can be the same as required for the piston head. still reckon the fire control module is going to be the trickiest part of making it work, it may be they'll have to thin the magazine at the top to make room (ie the mag will step down from the back face at the upper end)
  4. i dunno, the gap behind the bolt face seems to be primarily the result of using the top mounted hammer (same idea as the hole in an AR bolt) i'd assume an airsoft version would be using a concealed hammer- similar to how glocks are setup, so that space could be used for a BBU as the hammer doesn't need to strike the chamber area. wether that can be packed into the gap between the grip and mag ofc is a different story.
  5. classified section is this way -> https://airsoft-forums.uk/classifieds/ you're probably going to struggle selling as a package, yes it's convenient as a seller to chuck it all into one big box but you're going to be severly limiting yourself to finding someone who wants the entire combination. plenty of folk might want a new ak, but will have their own rigs, likewise plenty of folks might have an ak and want a rig, but not many folks want both at once.
  6. you had to bring that up, i'd just about got that blanked from my memory......
  7. i'm sure it'll happen eventually, although wether or not it's any good is a different story. that said, the pews airsoft manufacturers do/don't decide to make has no logic....
  8. must admit, my initial thought was an FR, although wasn't entirely sure. very cool project looking forward to seeing it
  9. if you got it secondhand maybe the seller still has the part? might be worth asking.
  10. yeah it's part of their appeal for ak's, not really milspec ofc but close enough for airsoft standards. oh for sure i won't deny there's lots of good shooting m4's out there, but just like a cyma ak with a few tweaks will be just as proficient at lobbing bb's as an lct/e&l the reason to go for the latter is when you also want that extra bit of attention in the look/feel of it. a fair point, hence my curiosity given that just because it's got the e&l name on it doesn't mean it'll be the same standards as their own products. that is with the assumption that it's a rebrand at least, they could be making them themselves i've never really looked into it.
  11. sounds good, do they make parts like the outer barrel from steel? most m4 variants i've seen tend to have alu for the outer barrel. always figured their non-ak lines were rebrands, but doesn't really matter who the oem is if the final product is decent.
  12. out of curiosity what are the externals like on that? i know e&l make a nice ak but never really hear much about their ar derivatives.
  13. normally we don't need to ask this question but what weight of bb is it registering 330fps on?
  14. ^that tbh, this is part of the reason actual lmg's aren't all that useful for general skirmishing. although they seem to be more useful in milsims where ammo is limited. a higher rof won't really help, and from a technical standpoint it's going to be trickier on an lmg anyway due to the magazine becoming the limiting factor.
  15. if you're going to re-wire the gun to standard contacts (with the previously mentioned caveat that i dont know if the etu box is specific/can take standard contacts) it's not really much more work to add in an external mosfet, if you wire for the gate stuff like the nanoasr then it's the same plug and play contacts for something fancier like a warfet. that said, whilst i would ordinarily advise against jumping straight in at the deep end of optical mosfets, the limited space in the prk9 might make a compelling argument for it if you want the fancy features. trying to stuff a warfet or other large external mosfet + a battery + connectors and associated wiring all under the top cover is gonna be a fun task.
  16. they can be tricksy things, some brands don't even have a grub screw which means you sometimes end up with the latch making a bid for freedom when opening them up can't really help there, not sure if the g&g mosfets allow for mounting standard contacts (never really messed with any of the g&g stuff that has their mosfets)
  17. ahh yes, those can be a right pain in the proverbial. when you say doesn't want to latch i'm guessing you mean the latch doesn't pop through the top cover? if there's a grub screw holding the latch onto the wire guide, try loosening it, that can give the latch enough wiggle room to slide a bit more freely in the rails on the gearbox.
  18. the top cover (which i'm guessing is what you mean by the term "hatch") on ak variants often will be tight to close (read: need a little smack to get it seated), it's a good thing as you don't want it wobbling about, doubly so for a railed top cover such as the one on the prk9. not entirely sure on what you mean by the term "charging rod"?
  19. tbh co2 is great in principle and when they work they're great, however sadly the venn diagram of folks i've heard claiming to have reliable co2 guns (over the long-term) and people i've seen on the field using reliable co2 guns doesn't have much overlap green gas definately has it's flaws, but imo the poor cold weather performance is a worthy trade for the comparatively low maintenance demands (ie keep the mag gassed and the gun clean with a dab of silicone spray on the seals). tm's with their better tolerances and lighter slides definitely are more resilient, but when it gets too cold even they'll struggle. generally for winter i just accept that a sidearm is going to be mostly just a holster filler (although some folks do tricks like putting hand warmers in the pouch with the mag) and just stick to the aeg primary.
  20. is this for the one you got that had a couple of issues? as was mentioned in the last thread you generally can expect zero comeback for a secondhand sale if the item actually shows up and is in somewhat functional condition (generally pull the trigger and bb's come out the front is considered functional). the seller might voluntarily issue a refund depending on their disposition (and asking for compensation for postage wouldn't be out of the question- they don't want to be out of pocket) although i've been fortunate to never have had to deal with paypal disputes in the secondhand market (only issued a refund for a mistaken purchase which i hadn't actually sent the item yet) less than perfect condition unfortunately is something that needs to be realistically expected when buying secondhand and is part of the reason why i strongly advocate people learn their own teching, so that you can buy in confidence knowing you can sort any issues the seller doesn't mention or even know about. i doubt namedropping would have much effect on here, iirc you're US based so given this is predominantly a uk forum (with a few European members) we largely wouldn't be dealing with sellers from "across the pond", and as I mentioned in the other thread it sounds like the issues you had were the kind of thing someone who wasn't all that tech savvy would know about and exactly the kind of thing i'd expect to find on a secondhand gun (indeed i've seen some gremlins in various guns over the years) generally when dealing with sending items, for example posting, i describe the package as "airsoft replica" or something along those lines to not use the word "gun" with those who might not understand the difference.
  21. never tried the pads i'll admit to treating him to cat towers with hessian rope scratching posts, only the best. needless to say he's only interested in the box it came in.......
  22. as a cat owner i can confirm that the willpower of your average cat isn't that high. unless they want out, or want fed, or there's a door they're not supposed to go through, or a cardboard box is involved in which case:
  23. as with all information of this variety the first question that should be asked is "do people who aren't trying to sell me stuff say the same thing?"
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