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Adolf Hamster

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Status Updates posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. my m4 is now working again! only took rummaging through a box of cutoff levers to find the one singular one that had the correct throw and length for the etu.


    so much for using the included parts and it'll work.....

  2. oh god oh god oh god.


    the mg42 hpa conversion is nearly done.


    am i evil?

    1. clumpyedge


      As I could only see the "oh god oh god oh god" I thought you may have sharted

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i haven't, but i suspect any poor bugger on the recieving end of this gun might.....

  3. once again we find ourselves with a titan whining about not being able to see the sector gear....


    remind me why i decided to double down on this insanity?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      tis the advanced edition, didn't see anything the one above had apart from rankings?

    3. Skara


      From what I can see in the GCS you can set the cycle detection to manual for both semi and auto.

      But I don't think it's worth the extra penny they ask for the expert.

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yeah, of course i don't wanna override the cycle detection cos otherwise what's the point of having a titan in there in the first place :P


      i'll strip the box later just check everything's running ok.


      in other news the warhead motor is an interesting beast, doesn't "feel" like it should be as torquey as it is but goddamn if it doesn't have insane pickup speed.


      this thing has the semi response of a 40rps gun in one that's only actually doing 18, which tbf was sort of what i was aiming for.

  4. Orders 5000 geoffs .43's, gets 5000 .48's


    I feel really cheated here......




    1. Prisce


      So your the bastard who stole all the .48s... get him lads!


      Joking aside, you can probably sell them straight on for more if your that way inclined.

    2. Rogerborg
    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Screw selling then on, these are my "so it's come to this" stash.


      Also come at me, i got 5000 .48's and a polarstar :P

  5. RIP Prince Philip


    99's one hell of an innings

  6. so as predicted the m4 gearbox was filled with what was at one point the spur gear.


    looks like it's going to be a new gearset time, shame i have no way to tone down the rof.

    1. Nick G
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      what motor you running on 11.1v with etu

      sure it was something a bit too quick for 11.1v


      maybe zci 22 tpa...



  7. So decided to give the f2000 a little love this sunday, re-did seals etc she's pretty decent consistency on the chrono, hopefully that's the last time.


    Kinda wish gate would hurry up and figure out a way to titan a v6 already, because atm it seems decent semi auto is always going to be the fevered dream of a madman on this thing.

  8. so my geoff's order arrived, in a box marked "fragile"


    the irony is not lost on me.....

    1. Albiscuit


      "fragile" is italian, its pronounced frag-eel-e and means be careful :D  

    2. Steveocee


      Have you also paid the "new stock, increased prices" price?

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Probably, although it was only .3's so not too bad.

  9. so, ummm


    this is a thing:



    and they told me they weren't restocking them either......

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      the ak isn't as unweildy as you'd think as long as you're not filling the whole front end with aluminium rails.....

    3. Skara


      I know that they aren't unweildy ;) My 74u is actually pretty balanced despite being made of granite or something.

      It's just that adding 800 grams right on the tip would make it really unbalanced.

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      it's not so bad, had a pretty heavy can on my e&l 74u.


      this is going to be a situational thing though, for night games etc.


      although granted it does make a stronger argument for getting a 105 over a 74m :P

  10. the f2000 saga continues.


    new hop unit- check

    fresh ml macaron with omega nub- check

    feeds every round- check

    actually reliable on semi-check

    fps at least approaching 1j- whoops, we're getting 40.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Asomodai


      I am getting such bad luck with the ML omega nub combination with lots of rifles recently in terms of feeding, huge FPS drops when hop applied and general inconsistency.


       I changed the ML on my T97, L85 and XM8 DMR to a Prommy Purple, Guarder clear and G&G green respectively. Much better dealing and less FPS drops. 


      It might not help in your situation. 


      My F2000 had a ML nub combo, but it's an AUG style hop unit in the Cyma/JG and hasnt given me any problems.

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i don't think it's the hop rubber, this is the exact same issue she had with the PDI W-hop that was in previously.


      normally the feeding issue is the feedlips are too long but she's sitting just perfect atm.


      i'll have another crack at it today, if not i suspect she might be features on negative airsoft's next haunted guns show....

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      ok, now i'm very suspicious


      turns out the piston air seal wasn't quite as good as i thought (seemed to intermittently just not seal) so a new o-ring and now we're firing proper numbers.


      makes me worried, something is about to break, i know it.....

  11. things to do today:

    many things


    things i will spend all day doing:

    trying to move an image in word

    1. Shamal


      Get a computer.its easier. Lol


    2. Adolf Hamster
  12. today went well, turns out m4 had just dropped a motor connection rather than a dead etu, and i've made a beast out of that aksu merely by fitting a delayer chip and removing the recoil


  13. todays "i wants it"


    a gbb svu.....

    1. Asomodai


      Pity they aren't very good :(

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      havent heard much about them, tbh i figured it'd just be the WE base gun converted pretty much how the real svu was converted.


      i mean i can't afford it anyway but a man can dream......

  14. Todays casualty list- 1 eotech smashed, 1 m4 mag lost, 1 gearbox broken.


    Been a while since airsoft went like that lol.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Albiscuit


      Do we have a  "WHAT HAVE YOU BROKEN/LOST THREAD"? if not we should... I feel I would be able to keep it going every time I play !!

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Feels like a thing we had for a while, dunno if thats just memory playing tricks though.


      Suppose i've been lucky, been a good few months since i had a proper casualty.

    4. Albiscuit


      Yeah it rings a bell, but I looked and ran a search but couldn’t find it..

      I might start one next time I break something/next game!

  15. urgh, dont you just love when stuff doesnt work and the reason is "because electronics"......


    imma need to send that back and get another mosfet now.....

  16. urgh, dreading sunday, it's last chance saloon for this site and i'm expecting the perfect storm of cheaters, speedsofters and inneffective marshals.


    sadly it's the only decent outdoor site left that doesnt require a 6am start to get to.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      escarmouche, tis in ni, i'll maybe write a review depending on how it goes. it's a shame because it's got so much potential if they put a bit of effort into properly marshalling the place, they've got a good thing going but the last 4 sessions it's been the same story of people not taking hits descending into anarchy, and a session shouldn't be something to dread.


      still, hope springs eternal, i'm not the only one who feels this way and we're going to let them know it's one last chance to see some pro-active game control.

    3. Robert James

      Robert James

      Seems the same as X-site, same old same old. Unfortunate. Hope all goes well

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yeah, i mean the guy that runs it is nice enough, and he's putting the effort into tweaking the game design and trying out new things, as well as physically improving the site.


      but sadly that doesn't mean much if it's infested with cheaters and they aren't doing anything about it.

  17. urgh, really want to go airsofting now the mg&m4 are on top form and my grenade is finally working again.


    roll on the 13th, checking out a new site and we're rolling out all the hpa's and support guns we can get our hands on

  18. urgh, so it looks like the p90 tappet plate is about 2.5mm too long overall for the f2000, as the nozzle when fully back is sitting too far forward.


    might actually have to cut the nozzle which i'd kind of hoped i'd be able to avoid.....

  19. well yesterday's pewing was interesting, mostly stock jg ak outshooting my polarstar, says a lot about madbull blue hop rubbers.....


    (to clarify the p* had the madbull rubber and it was all over the show)

    1. Iceni


      Those madbull buckings are very hit and miss. I've tried the blue and the red and my guns didn't like either. Loads of fliers.

      Prommy purples, G&G greens, Or if you have a barrel that can take it the Maple leaf 50's.




    2. Druid799


      I just stick stock TM hop rubbers in all my guns .

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yeah, twas a madbull blue i dropped in as i was quickly taking the rhop out (which is deadly accurate but skies ammo still) and it was the only one i had pre-cut as a flathop, needless to say i'll either be getting the rhop filed down to stop the fliers or i'll pop a g&g green in there as a flathop.


      the jg ak i'm pretty pleased with, recently the gearbox rebuilt but nothing special internally but she was still shooting dead straight on the stock hop and barrel.

  20. well, barrels are cleaned, scopes and goggles are clean, batteries are charged, mags are gassed and filled, speedloaders are topped up.


    roll on tomorrow, think i'll try and get all 3 running and just not bother re-loading between games just change gun.

  21. well, decent day's shooting yesterday, although the polarstar still needs fine tuning.


    once again ak did some serious work for the one game i brought it out for, really impressed with how it's been going of late.

  22. Well, experiment complete, using geoff's .4's in a polarstar is very effective.


    Did i say effective? I meant expensive :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      sounds about right, went through 5000 of them yesterday. however it has at least confirmed what i was beginning to suspect which is the gun is good and the regular ammo i've been using all this time has been the problem.

    3. Rogerborg


      Five... thousand? 😖

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yep, if i'm gonna experiment might as well be rigorous.


      don't worry, many souls were harvested. although i think it'll be a while before i run them again :P

  23. well, for the 6th time "i've got the f2000 to feed"....


    only problem is it's a little low on the ol' fps and i lack the spring to get it up to par.

  24. well, game on tomorrow and the only working gun is the mg42.


    oh what a terrible life i'm leading....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      it is, but not as bad as you'd think when you consider you don't need any spare mags/speedloaders/other random paraphernalia just the gun and a bag o bb's

    3. Monkman


      I need to convince my lazy mate who owns a M249 to sell it to me...He hasn't played since October.  Just the gun and nothing else does sound very appealing.  :)

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      definately a good idea man, support guns offer a completely different kind of fun when you can do actual suppressive fire and hold an entire team at bay.


      most fun i've ever had airsofting was when i borrowed a mate's m60, only time i've seen people blatantly not taking hits and not got annoyed about it because i'd killed them about 20 times per person and i sympathised with the hopelessness of their plight.


      admittedly you can get the same effect with an arp9 and a drum mag for the same weight as just the stock on the mg, but there's something so satisfying about having a freaking massive gun.

  25. well, latest build finally got to take some names this evening.


    really pleased with how it's turned out, just wish i'd been a bit more conscientious about the ol' fitness over lockdown.

    1. Druid799


      What ya build ? an address book ?😳

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Indeedy, was exhausting running around to all my mates houses and adding their addresses.

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