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Status Updates posted by Duff

  1. Someone used the search function and still got moaned at!?



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Duff


      Rub my belly!?

    3. proffrink


      There's a difference between bumping an old thread about a piece of kit, a gun or some other airsoft-related discussion vs. posting in someone's introduction thread from 3 years ago (if that's what you're talking about at least). In fact there are 2 examples I know if in the past two weeks where someone made a serious necro and the thread wasn't moderated at all (because it was reasonable). The whole 'use the search' thing is more to advise people that their question - especially if they're new - has more than likely been asked and answered before, and that they don't necessarily have to spend any time writing a thread (or indeed a necropost).

    4. Prisce


      I said it was a massive improvement, but it’s not that good! Don’t know where you’ve been. And definitely don’t want too...

  2. If anyone has vacancies at their place of work and wouldn't mind helping out a fellow I'd appreciate a recommendation of any roles going at present. 


    Cheers in advance....

    1. jcheeseright


      always looking for motivated people that like drinking:  https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/careers


    2. Duff


      I don't drink and I prefer women, thanks though. 

  3. Ugh... stupid fucking adverts. Marked complete so I could take down to edit and now I can't relist it so I have to type the entire thing out again.


    Ffs.. ..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Duff


      No and apparently that constitutes a warning???


      Honestly put me off using this site to relist these sales with such pedantic rules. 

    3. proffrink


      Trying to establish whether or not it was glitching out on you or if this was intended functionality. I'm going to have to try a couple myself I think to see.


      If you think a rule is unfair then please post here though: https://airsoft-forums.uk/forum/16-forum-feedback/ If it gets at least some agreement I'm sure it will at least be reviewed.

    4. Duff


      Not that bothered honestly. A forum warning means nothing really. Just feel It's a little over pedantic system in my eyes.





  4. First day at the new job!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Best of luck sir, hope it goes well and the people are sound

    3. Keldon


      Hope you have a great day

    4. Nick G

      Nick G

      Good luck , hope it goes well 

  5. Just got back from job interview. 


    Start Monday. 😀

    1. Druid799


      Way hay ! Check you out ! 

      Congrats bud ! 👍

    2. Gepard


      Congrats mate, its always a good feeling.


      Got an email yesterday saying that my interview was successful as well. :D


      If anybody wants free tickets to Chester Zoo I'll hook you up! ;)


    3. Monkman


      Congrats...I start my new job next week as well.  😀

  6. In the middle of a heatwave and I just managed to find a snowflake....

  7. Hot ASF out there today so gonna sit in the ice cold man cave and dismantle the M4.

  8. Gone full JPC boner retard, all my kit bar my diddy dump pouch is on it. M4 double pouch, double viper pistol mag pouch. Even my pistol holster on the LEFT side, yeah cross draw baby.... Get on my level bitches!


    Also removed the plates, so much easier to get on and off without undoing everything. Will savage a bedroll tomorrow to give it back some of its form. Tis a bit floppy now, as is the JPC. 🤗

  9. Waiting on Lipo #2 so I can try blowing myself up again attempting to wire Deans.

    1. Davegolf


      Going for a maximum current test eh!?


    2. Duff


      That's the one.

  10. Lipo #2 on order. Well done dickhead.



    1. AndyDynamic


      Where do you order your lipos from? I found Hobby Kings Turnigy lipos to be spot on

    2. Duff


      Last one I got with an order with TaiwanGun, this one I bought from Amazon as I have a game Sunday I've postponed 3 times now.

  11. Tomorrow I shall be soldering for the first time in.... uhhh... shit!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Duff


      So the flat side rather than the convex side yes?

    3. Marc.RG1


      Yeah flat or indented side depending on the type you have. 

    4. Duff


      Cheapo 10 pairs from Amazon. Picked the ones that fit the snuggest as some were just loose and I felt they'd just wiggle apart when I run around.

  12. Well shit, after weeks of staring at this "newsletter" sub button, I finally clicked it and it went away. I wonder what will be in the newsletter...?


    SUCCESS!!! @proffrink

  13. I do love it when a sitting duck post comes together...

  14. Bore da! Off to Taffy land for the weekend! Enjoy your pews, I'll be working. 

  15. Had the JG M4 front end in pieces re-arranging rails and shit, plopped the battery back in after a quick charge to check everything was good to go for SUnday and nothing....


    ...no power and all cells are showing as good on the battery.


    What the fuck?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Duff


      Welp... postponed Absolute until 17th as I gotta wait on parts now....

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      whats worse is when the people you live with don't understand why you need several airsoft guns.


      atm i'm averaging at least 1 out of 3 guns functional at any one time, which tbh is pretty good.

    4. Duff


      My housemate has 2.7 Supras of which only one is road worthy, he understands.

  16. Was this the same bug someone was talking about the other week regarding video embedding going tits up on mobile devices?



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. proffrink
    3. Duff


      Nah it someone status you were talking about it to, wasn't a thread. I don't think anyway...

    4. Prisce


      That was me that said that in the wrong forum feedback area, we spoke about PCs and my hatred for them!

  17. Free gift for the first person to send me their home address!

  18. Duff

    Judging by the classifieds you're either going through a divorce or retiring from airsoft? I do hope it's the former... 🤣

    1. snuff


      No,I buy and sell for my m8's that don't/can't go on here,and of course some of mine...thanks for the thought...😎..just ordered my m8's replacement new love from TG...can you have too many guns...

  19. Hand-held Dyson to hoover up bb's from the garden is great because not only is it practical and quick but they whizz around the cylinder like those toy lawnmowers from the 80's!


    Also, is my AEG supposed to be this loud?


    My phone is quite some distance from the RIF itself and when firing it shouldered it makes my ears hurt, think I might take a set of plugs next skirmish!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gepard


      Nice one Duff :lol:


    3. Duff


      Oh I fixed it within minutes, get over yourself you cumsprout! :D

    4. Gepard
  20. Just wrote an angriesh email to gearsofwar about their shitty jr2 kimera grenade I bought, pile of shit. Either I got a dud or the entire range is a pile of shit. Watch this space for updates...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Duff


      I don't want to store pyros in my house as it's rented. 


    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i know the feeling man, only reason why i'm still messing around with gas grenades.

    4. Duff


      Fucking bunch of chocolate teapots....



      My response...



  21. Might have been pulled over by the federallis today.... 🙄


    It was weird though, as they were giving me a finger wagging all I could do was eye up their stab vests. I think I am officially "too far gone."

    1. Druid799


      Yup your one of us now , wether you like it or not ! I see armed plod at a public venue everyone else is muttering about the threat level me ? I’m trying to clock what kit there wearing ! 😂

  22. I sincerely enjoy debating on these forums. Easily one of the best communities I've ever joined. 


    I love you gays!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Duff


      Only if it's your shit!

    3. warlord


      I ruined a perfectly good bollocking with that phrase.


      I was tearing into a support company for their lack of response and ended the message with "... so I will expect you to get in touch with my gays." click send - DAMNI T!

    4. djben9


      your are the Master.....:lol::rolleyes:

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