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Everything posted by Skara

  1. So this has been a Uno reverse card Macks post? 2020 keeps amazing me.
  2. Skara


    Small shops best shops. Would definitely buy from him again (even if the postage from the UK is high-ish and from 2021 it'll be likely to be subject to customs fees, 'cking brexit) He's also quickly earned a spot in my "retailers to recommend" list. 10/10
  3. Fishy.. New user joins and goes straight for Macks 🤔
  4. Move your ass G&G and release the SSG-1 drop stock and handguard already!

    Fuck's sake, I need to build my stupid tournament gun!

    1. Steveocee


      Just buy the SSG1 and be done with it.

    2. Skara


      I don't need a whole new gun, I just need those 2 parts for my honey badger (handguard and maybe the stock) and ARP-9 (stock) :(

    3. Speedbird_666


      Can't you get a drop stock adapter 3d printed?

  5. I guess I got used to this kind of behaviour so it doesn't bother me too much anymore. I used to really get angry at cheaters and general bad sportsmanship, but now I just shrug it off and try to have fun no point in spoiling your day because you're dealing with manchildren.
  6. Hey guys, I know we already have a dedicated section but it's mostly used for site reviews, which I love reading from down here, especially Asomodai's ones, but I reckon it'll get more visibility here. I'm interested in hearing how your day went, whether it's a simple skirmish, a full day themed event or a hardcore milsim! In particular I'd like to hear anecdotes, something in particular that made (or broke) your day, or even just some venting because of one or multiple unpleasant events, maybe a super long range shot or if you snuck so close to someone you managed to tap him on the shoulder. These kinds of things Lemme start this absolute shitshow by telling you (I don't care if you don't care, you sit there and read) my day. So, today was the first game after the summer pause, it gets quite warm here in summer and people prefer to roast themselves on a beach rather than play with toy gnus, I was very excited as I took my new specna for a spin. Due to the relatively low numbers we invited another club to play with us (which from now on will be called "cheater club" but I won't bore you with the explanation), we ended up being 18 people, 12 of us + 6 of them and some randoms thrown in. The day started well, with the two first games being a little slow paced due to "the others" playing for the first time in the highest part of our field. Hit calling was generally good until the last three games. The first one of these three saw me sneaking up to 4/5 metres of an enemy sniper, who was unaware of my presence as he was focused on pinning down my teammates. Flick the gun to semi and let off a couple of shots into the only visible part, the head. Both BBs impacted. And this is where it all goes to shit. The guy visibly flinches, turns towards me and ducks into cover, to pop up later with his pistol, but I'm still there waiting, this time with the fun switch on, and let off a small bursts that gets him right in the forehead. Still flinches and dives back into cover. At this point I'm pissed, I hold down the trigger to keep him down while moving to the side to get a better shot, as we were separated by a small ridge. At this point half a flash mag has been dumped. When I get really close to him, must've been 2/3 metres at best, he pokes out of cover and lets off a nice full auto burst from his CO2 pistol in my neck. I'm not Shouty McYelly, so I call my hit and walk away. Game ends and the guy comes out of his little trench, bleeding with visible welts on his forehead. Didn't feel bad for a second about it. Also quite a few people were watching the scene so I didn't even need to say or do anything as it was pretty obvious what happened. The game after I'm on defense, I set up an ambush on a small side path on the left hand side of the objective and spot a 3 man squad coming my way, I let the first one pass and unleash hell on the second and third guy. The second enemy dives into cover while the third, a good 10/15 metres behind the other two, is still in the open, so I instantly direct the fire towards him. Now I'm not 100% sure I hit him as he was a good 40 metres away, but my gun does reach up to at least 55 metres, I was shooting down from an elevated position and the spread was still torso sized. Nonetheless, the target at first stands still in surprise and then runs away. Meh. Follows a nice exchange of bbs with my club's president (the first guy) but then I'm overran and eliminated. Still a bit puzzled by this "incident", but again, might have misjudged the distance but it seemed like I did reach that guy, as when the game ended he told me my bbs were zipping past him. The magic of airsoft and round lightweight ammunition. Then the last game of the day, we send the whole cheater club to defend a small chapel, we as attackers have two advantages. Range, because we are starting from the high ground, and terrain knowledge. We split up in 2/3 man teams as we always do, my mate and I decide to go on a huuuuge flanking maneuver that gets us behind the objective. At this point it gets ridiculous: We emerge out of cover right next to a girl who was looking at the opposite direction, none of us saw her (new nickname, Eagle Eye lol) until she moved a few branches. On the plus side she somehow didn't hear us. Great, let's spread out now so she doesn't fuck both of us up with a single sweep. Slowly creeping towards her, I flick the gun to semi, wait for my teammate to move a bit and then I pull the trigger.... Nothing, fuck's sake, the gun locked up. She notices us, turns around to shoot us but we're already behind cover: me in a dip protected by a bush, my teammate on the opposite side of the very tree she was using as cover. I draw my pistol, pop out of cover and fire 4 shots, hitting her in the side of the mask (from 3 metres, clearly saw the bbs hitting) as she was looking at my teammate. I dive back into cover, she turns around towards me and my mate puts 4 bbs in her side while she lets off a small unaimed burst between us. Note that this took some seconds so she had the time to call the hit, but she doesn't until she took my mate's balls (lul). The hit was called, but suddenly she starts yelling that she hit both of us and ran to cry about it to our club's president. I stare at my mate, he stares at me, we both shrug and keep playing. We both end up being taken out by her boyfriend, who got himself into a really cheeky position and was almost invisible from where we were (imagine a huge bush with the tiniest of tiny holes in it and a barrel barely poking out, good luck spotting that), good play by him and we complimented. A rollercoaster of a day, which started with the best premises but ended in disappointment. How did your day go? Did you have the same bad luck as me? Did you have a great time?
  7. I swear I don't get some people.


    1st game after the summer break, we invite the infamous cheater club (ye ye why are we inviting them... More people at the field, more targets to shoot at, that's why).


    TL;DR version is that everything went well until the last 3 games, at that point nobody was calling his hits anymore 😕

    Spotted the enemy sniper and dumped about half a flash mag on his forehead (before anyone goes full KM, it was the only thing I could see) from close distance (under 10 metres), only to be shot in the neck by a G18 burst as I closed in on him. Meh, took it and didn't complain, he looked like Jesus Christ with his crown of thorns, 'twas enough for me.



    Last game was surreal though, one guy and I did a super long flank on the enemy defenders until we stumbled upon this girl who was looking the other way (she somehow didn't hear us and we almost missed her entirely), at this point I aim at her butt, flick to semi but the gun doesn't fire, she notices that we are both aiming at her from literally 3 metres, raises her gun but I've already vanished behind cover. My teammate went behind the very tree she was hiding in before she could let the first shot off.


    She tried to burst my ass but I had switched to the AAP and put 4 rounds in her mask, my teammates pops out of cover and puts another 3 in her side, meanwhile she sweeps the void in a somewhat desperate attempt to hit us as we were on her 3 and 9 o'clock from her position.


    She calls the hit and rushes to our club's president to call us out because we "blatantly cheated"..


    Fuck's sake it was going soooooo well :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skara


      We're on the same page.

      I'd rather play in 6, but 6 trustworthy and honest players, than playing with 30 others and having to deal with cheaters and dickheads.


      On a not-so side note, lemme start that thread and see what happens ;)

    3. Steveocee


      You played against this team and they cheated.

      You invited them back again for whatever reasons but expected the result to be different?


      That is a textbook definition of insanity.

    4. Skara


      To be 100% fair, I didn't know they were coming, nor did our president.


      It's a member of our club who knows their president and invited them.

      He thinks they're cool, but then all this shit happens every time :(

  8. It's called an airbrake and you should leave it on as it helps a lot in reducing the sound signature.
  9. Okay, mosfet wired, gained 0.3 rounds per second. The gearbox was drier than your mum's twat (hehe I'm funnee, right? Right?), gave it a little grease and added a few shims here and there. Air seal was non existent, kinda sorted that out as well, it's not 100% but it'll do for tomorrow. I'm gonna take it apart again next week to install the bearings and 13:1 gears. As for the barrel, it's a 2 piece barrel that joins around 5 cms from the barrel nut. The delta seems to be detachable though as the two retaining pins are actual pins and not just cosmetics..
  10. Looks like Nov's testing another gun..


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Skara


      Another IG story seems to confirm the full auto capability of this SS-whatever

    3. SeniorSpaz87
    4. Shamal


      Haha thanks for that buddy but sorry still cant see it.🤔


  11. No idea, haven't taken it apart yet other than separating the receivers to change the hop rubber. I'll take some pictures when I take it apart again. Remind me on Saturday
  12. So, stuff from @ak2m4 arrived, the motor alone gives me 16 rps which is fantastic, I reckon I could get 1/2 more RPS by hardwiring the mosfet (will do it this Saturday) and off we go for its first outing on Sunday Will do the usual shimming check and give it a little grease as I've heard specnas come with zero grease (opposed to the other low cost brands which dump a whole can of grease per gearbox).
  13. Yo, Ares SCR stock. Go print it
  14. Imagine going on a bike holiday with your old man.

    Imagine having the worst luck possible throughout the trip.

    Imagine him crashing in the most retarded way ever, completely destroying his right knee ligaments.

    Just when we reached the best places..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shamal


      I expect he thought the same when he was teaching you lol


    3. Skara


      Motorcycle trip, not bicycle.


      He can't drive anymore, so he is stuck at the hotel until a friend of mine rents a van and picks us up on Tuesday lol.


      At least we can still visit some WW1 museums around here :) which is the theme of this holiday 

    4. Shamal



      Hope he makes a good recovery.

      Enjoy the museums.



  15. Fixed M16 stock on an ARP-9 yay or nay?


    Kinda like the WWSD concept, but in 9mm

  16. SHS 16tpa HT motor (long shaft) SHS 13:1 gears Wires, screws. from our friend @ak2m4
  17. Not going for bearing spring guide/piston head unless i SS, the energy output as of now is bang on for my limit (0.95J, 1J limit, I absolutely cannot have a sigle reading above 1J, sometimes people get fuckt over having ONE reading of 1.0000000J). Bought the motor, gears and a bunch of wires. Turned out a bit expensive from our friend at ak2m4 but heh, don't care too much, that's how it is with shipping from the UK I do actually have a bearing non qd spring guide, I don't use it anyway, so should the need for a bearing spring guide arise, I'm covered Nice tip you gave me there
  18. Oh no I'm not going to run 13:1s on a 11.1, I'm stupid but not THAT stupid What I meant was I'm gonna run a 11.1 on stock gears and motor, with just the mosfet wired. When the motor arrives then I'm gonna swap it and run 7.4s, eventually doing adjustments. 13:1 gearset is not going to be installed until/unless the stock gears shit the bed. Given that the gun is brand new it's gonna take a while to break.
  19. Thanks for the detailed answers. I'll get the SHS 16tpa motor then, along with a set of 13:1s to keep as spares once something fails. Meanwhile I guess I'll use it on a 11.1 once I wire the fet in..
  20. It's called Lavazza In Black, it's 100% Arabica. Anyway, suggestions for a slightly faster motor that still falls under the high torque definition? Not looking at speedsoft levels of ROF, just something that puts me in the high teens on a 7.4
  21. Chronoed at 0.83J on 0.25s, Swapped the stock hop rubber for a ML, now chronoes at 0.95J, bang fucking on for my limit. The rof in a 7.4 is a bit shit though at 13 bb/s. Will check again on a 11.1 when I get the chance to wire the nanohard in. Lol, for real tho, Illy coffee is overpriced for the quality, I personally use a Lavazza variety that is not available in stores, but can't remember the exact name. A hair more expensive than regular Lavazza coffee, but god it tastes so good.
  22. larger BBU -> more kick and I believe they have the new hop chamber
  23. No worries I clearly don't sleep enough lol. I have tested a R-Hop comparing it to a Maple Leaf MR-Hop rubber, and the ML does the exact same thing but it's less of a pain to install. both systems sent 0.32s up to 60/65 metres with good consistency (used Geoffs for testing).
  24. Not that I can feel. Receiver is solid despite the rough finish (it's not as smooth as say a G&P polymer receiver) I now need to think of a clever way to wire the mosfet without eating too much battery space, my 7.4s fit comfortably in the stock, but the 11.1s are too fat and need to go in the tube. Also the ROF on a 7.4 is a bit meh when you're used to an ARP-9 and a 11.1 lol. Yep it's generic, but not here, where everyone wants keymod rails to be high speed operator. M4A1 style guns are kinda rare. Illy is trash and overpriced
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