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Everything posted by Monkman

  1. Gun back from Luke @ Negative Airsoft (G&G Tr4-18) New cylinder New shell (Was cracked) New gears & shimmed (Replacement gears were already worn) New rotary hop unit (Still got my prommie flathop in it) + few other bits & bobs he's done to get it running sweet again. Basically it's a new gun. Looking forward to playing with it this Saturday. (Mainly my CQB gun, but still wanna run it outside)
  2. As a Gear whore, I have a WARRIOR DCS plate carrier, a replica CIRAS plate carrier, a CONDOR chest rig and a full molle Tac-vest. Mainly I decide what I'm going to run for the day and usually tailor each carrier to the gun and how I want to play. In hot weather the chest rig is king..it's light weight and comfy, same as the Tac-vest. The plate carriers I use the WARRIOR for CQB mainly and i've yet to run the CIRAS due to COVID. With the plate carrier's & chest rig I also run x2 different warbelt setups. (One a WARRIOR another a Repo) Belt setups are very handy and comfy if you buy a good one.
  3. Things i've purchased over the last few weeks of COVID19 lockdown. Replica CIRAS Woodland plate carrier & mag pouches etc.. Travail 4.5kg training plates Tru-Spec M81 combat top (All the way from America) One-Tigris warbelt + bits & bobs added to it. (I already have a Multicam WARRIOR belt as well) Amazon special Red dot sight (for my Vortex Strike Eagle) **Just gotta cure the mag problem with the ICS (Won't feed bb's from full mags) + BOLT M16A4 with replica ACOG + Bayonet for giggles..
  4. Just bought some Travail training plates...  Gonna play dress up next week. :)

    1. BibbsOnTour


      Quality stuff mate. Jut @ Travail is a top bloke👍

  5. Admitted defeat...I am not a tech.  of to a pro instead.. :)

    1. Monkman


      G&G...was running @ 34fps, then 260fps something not right with it.  Took it apart, cleaned, regreased, new spring..got up to 300fps, but still running rough.  New parts (Bushings etc ordered but still rough and noticed stripped piston teeth)  So rather than take it all apart again, off it goes to get a proper look at)

  6. Screw in pistolgrip of rifle rounded off.. Grrr!  Need to figure out how to get it out.  (Tried glue/rubber band)  Hard to dremel as recessed in pistol grip.  :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skara
    3. Monkman


      I used Gorilla glue and let it sit for 24hrs...But didnt' work.  I think I may need to get physical and bring some brute force to it.  Good thing I bought a new gun the other week. :)

    4. Skara


      My last reply still stands ;)

  7. I can't stop buying shit... :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EDcase


      Yep, its hard to resist when there isn't much to do

    3. Skara


      Luckily I had to renew car and scooter insurance this week.

      Otherwise I would have bought more stuff.

    4. Joe9113


      I have to admit I must have spent over a grand this week on a new dmr loadout, and the mrs hasn't said a thing, I think it might be a test ha


  8. Ordered a top from America, hoping to get away with customs charge... Nope, email from Royal Mail. Customs charge will be applied.... Why when I buy from China, i've never paid anything ever in customs charge? 

    1. hitmanNo2


      I think I can count on one hand the times something from the US has come through without a charge.  Always assume there will be a charge with stuff from the US.

    2. Monkman


      Yep, was hoping this time would be different...lol (Probably charge me same what I paid for the item) :)

  9. Ok, got the Deans connector on and it seems to like running on 11.1's not 7.4's. Rifle is only shooting semi-automatic for some reason, flick to Full Auto and nothing, stays on semi...but this is fine as It's running @ 420fps on 0.2's. Below is a pic of the hop set for 0.2 and showing just over 400fps. I was thinking yesterday about how to set it to single shot only, so I guess something inside the gun made the choice for me. I really need some open space though to run .28's & .3's through it though. The recoil is brutal for an AEG, stronger than my TM Sopmod.
  10. Well a while ago I was trying to figure out if I should get a TM Recoil or a Bolt Recoil... Bought the TM Sopmod recoil and love it...but due to the COVID19 and saving money...got the Bolt M16A4 I also wanted.. (Going for the USMC look, Got the GBASE repo ACOG from Firesupport and threw on my spare Gripod and one of my PEQ-15's....all to go with my M81 look)
  11. Anyone know where I can get some o-rings for a A&K Mk46/M249 hop unit... Also trying to find a replacement front site as I kinda knocked mine off. :(

  12. Redwold Airsoft are having 16% off everything...worth a punt on a AEG or will I get taxed to death importing? 

    1. AK47frizzle


      I mean that 16% off will pretty much get taxed away, if not more. Only buy a full gun from asia if it's at the very least 25% off imo.

    2. Monkman


      Righto... :)


  13. Love my TM M4..but today's winner was my G&G MP5 SD6 - This gun just rocked @ West Midlands Airsoft.  So light and nimble, sneaking through dense undergrowth was so easy with my belt kit.  :)

  14. Just got home from NPF and man...there were a load of HPA guys running drum mags today...All you could hear was Brrt brrt Brrt Brrt...  Why shoot someone once, when you can shoot them 30 times.  :)  Had a good day. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Steveocee


      NPF has become a bit of a sniperfest lately so good to see a change in weapon. I have temporarily stopped playing there as I witnessed a marshall chrono a sniper on 0.2's doing 400 then put 4's through and come out with 400 and wave it through with the comment "it's under 500 with 0.2's so good enough for me". I sent an email after the game day questioning this and didn't get a response.


      I understand a "bit" of joule creep but that's just dangerous. I'm shocked at how the guy got it running so hot though.

    3. Monkman


      I did think the Chrono was a bit pants...never seen the device they were using..took multiple attempts to get a reading..

    4. Steveocee


      @Monkman probably as it's primarily a paintball style chrono.

      NPF has so much potential but they need to get some "real" airsofters in there and not just re-purpose the paintball refs who have no interest.

  15. Man...putting that old G&G mechbox back together was a right pain in the arse..forget how much I hate old Ver 2 boxes.  ICS have the winning ticket with split-gearboxes.  :)  (G&G now working properly again...)

  16. Evolution of my Tokyo Marui Sopmod, to Block II then Block III
  17. It's here....and no import taxes as well. I wonder if I Corona-virus now? *Gonna stick it on the TM asap..
  18. Sig Sauer M17 - What a pile of poo.  Wouldn't cycle or feed from the magazine.  Stripped it, re-assembled..but still wouldn't work.  It's going back....  :(

    1. Heath


      Go for a Marui FNX-45 instead! Modern, brown, and it works. 

    2. Skara


      We should all feel guilty :P



      Also yeah, go for a TM FNX

  19. Decided on greengas for the sig...too much power with co2 and lots of stories about issues...so greengas and see how it goes with the Sig.
  20. Well decided I needed a new pistol.. Sig Sauer M17.
  21. Hmmm.. VFC/UMAREX  Glock19X or the Sig M17....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Monkman


      Yes, both are made by VFC..but the Sig version has very tight quality controls i've read.  But read good things about the glock.. 

    3. sonofsammo


      Shot the real 19x this evening.

      It was shit.

      Sig all the way.

  22. Well seeing as I am not playing CQB for a while...taken off the IR illuminator/ G&P Dbal & magpul grip...and slung on my S&T M320 instead. Just need to paint it up to match the gun. Gonna get me some 40Mike action on Sunday. (My home site allows them..as long as I am nice to people) **Btw, the barrel was loose, so took of the front rail (1st time) to discover a very detailed HK gas system hidden away.. Quite impressed with my little G&G.
  23. When your waiting on a new rail coming on the slow boat from China....then Camoraids gets stock in similar to what I have coming and is only £25 more expensive. 

    1. Skara


      Does it come with a free virus though?

    2. Monkman
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