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Posts posted by rj1986

  1. I use Motorola t80's for work (when outdoors was a thing) very good and rugged - work well with a fist mic and Comtac's (with a mono cable).


    And as work paid for them I have a set of 6 sitting upstairs. Now just need 5 friends...

  2. On 01/02/2021 at 16:59, Lozart said:

    I worked with a guy in China who had a Goldeneye crew jacket. Turns out he used to work for Phillips who supplied all the monitors for the control room and his job was to make sure they all got switched on at the start of filming then off again at the end of the day. And people wonder why it costs so much to make a film!


    Union's ain't it. More prominent in the US, but I've talked to camera guys who I've worked with who supply their own kit, but had to get a spark to literally plug it into the wall and turn it on.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

    I'm using UKARA as managed to renew mine in September. I know some retailers are accepting recently expired UKARA numbers, due to the current situation but sounds like you wouldn't be eligible for that?

    Nope, my last Ukara was from a site that closed down a while ago. Tried it with JDAirsoft over Xmas for a pistol and it was computer says no.


    My logic has always been the more you spend, the less likely you need Ukara.

    Like £20 springer = 100% need ukara.

    £800 Silverback HTI with £400 worth of extra's = legit.

  4. So i didn't get much of a chance to play in 2019 and the world stopped in 2020 so any chance of me having UKARA is gone.


    Not too bad for my usual forum surfing, but that tasty mk48 coming out, means I need the UKARA digits.

    What are people doing to go round this?


    I'm hoping to get my 3 games in this summer before going to Japan in the Winter and nabbing a VFC psg1 on the cheap, maybe.

  5. It would be great having a shop that stock combat gear you can try on - sizing differs so much between brands, having stuff you can try on makes it so much easier.


    Example - Crye XL shirt was about 3 sizes too big, while an Arcteryx XL is  great for length but a bit tight across the shoulders

  6. 16 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

    i have no idea what this is worth so i'm not making any argument over the price or the quality of the advert.


    instead i'm somewhat incredulous that this is a thing that exists at all!? :blink:

    I too saw this - $230 plus shipping and import.

    Was tempted to buy it to pig one of the dogs in it 

  7. 2 hours ago, Tackle said:

    What can I say, I left & the place went to shit lol 🤣 


    Seriously, all the delivery companies are using covid to take the piss, I get it, you don't want direct contact with unknown parties but FFS,  put it on the doorstep, knock on the door & step back & await a response, if no one answers leave a card & return the item to the depot & let the recipient arrange redelivery.

    The lazy cnuts are just dropping it anywhere & legging it, when I was a kid we called that "knock down ginger"🤣 


    I had something returned to sender by FedEx (was some IT hardware) after they "couldn't gain access to my address". The time they did that was the time i was talking to the UPS courier after he delivered my dog food.

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