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Status Replies posted by rj1986

  1. Action Hobbies bunged some boneyard stuff on their site last night, but I missed the post on Facebook and didn't check the site like I usually do, so only found out this morning.
    Now what really grinds my gears is that the FB post showed an MP5, and if there was anything I wanted to pick up from AH, it's a bleedin' bloody MP5, and I missed it :(


    So please, just to rub salt into the wound, what exactly did I miss out on last night?

    1. rj1986


      Think it was an ICS A4 model.


      I managed to pick up an Olight PL2 for £40

  2. Just got home from having my colonoscopy.

    Fuck me!! Well he did,for forty soding minutes.

    I wasn't sure if I was coming or bloody going! 😂😂

  3. Whats the going rate for genuine Crye AVS's these days? Might've found a bargain but not sure if i have....

  4. Whats the going rate for genuine Crye AVS's these days? Might've found a bargain but not sure if i have....

    1. rj1986


      oohhhh... a lot less than that. around the 350-400 mark

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. Whats the going rate for genuine Crye AVS's these days? Might've found a bargain but not sure if i have....

    1. rj1986


      Yeah, chassis, front and rear bags, molle placard and extra outer cummerbund Its also in a more uncommon size for a fatso like me

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. What's the best stuff to clean tape residue off off a plastic handguard?

    1. rj1986


      In a pinch, WD40, followed by a soapy rag to wipe the oil residue off

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hi all.

    A friend of mine acquired a TM 1911 government in the olive green box a while back and it’s full metal. Never seen a TM pistol full metal before. Is this a thing? Or a one off? It’s got all colt trades and TM markings. 

    if anyone knows more about it that would be great 👍 

  8. Hi all.

    A friend of mine acquired a TM 1911 government in the olive green box a while back and it’s full metal. Never seen a TM pistol full metal before. Is this a thing? Or a one off? It’s got all colt trades and TM markings. 

    if anyone knows more about it that would be great 👍 

    1. rj1986


      Almost certain it will be an aftermarket slide, or not a TM. But some of the newer TM pistols are hard to differentiate by touch or look alone.


      KJW are TM spec, but WE's are not.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  9. ran into an issue where my tm fnx45 mags started to leak out of a base plate. anyone got any solutions. I already tried to heat up orings in hot water, had some silicone on them etc. No idea what to do

    1. rj1986


      O ring round the base plate. I've used generic o-rings and they were an absolute bastard to fit. I think the TM made ones are easier as they are a fraction on a mm thinner.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. PSA: Loctite 242 stress fractures TM plastic hand guards and makes then disintegrate :(

    1. rj1986


      You need 425 for plastic. I only found this out a couple weeks ago myself, although not through experience.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Found 5 boxes of those thunder snaps in a bag as part of a trade deal i made 2 years ago. Yeah, not surprised they were banned...

    1. rj1986


      The red ones banned by trading standards as they’re too loud and dangerous



    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. Found 5 boxes of those thunder snaps in a bag as part of a trade deal i made 2 years ago. Yeah, not surprised they were banned...

    1. rj1986


      For a tiny little thing, they are louder than a mk5 or 209 primer.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. Does anyone have experience ordering a RIF from HK recently? I'm looking at ordering one within the next few weeks and don't want my package getting seized or held up at any point. Advice appreciated.

    1. rj1986


      @MrTeaIt might be useful to say what it is you're ordering, and the hivemind might be able to suggest alternative shops

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. 🤯Been a hot minute. Why are Combat machines now over 200 quid? 

    1. rj1986


      The real reason...Vaguely gestures at everything

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Am I going senile, but do crye pants have a waterproof gator bit around the ankles?
    I think i remember my G2/AC pants having a waterproof ankle bit and a bungee thing to tighten, but after a year out, I can't remember if it was my good ones or cheap ones that did

    1. rj1986


      I must be imagining it then. I just remember last year putting on some pants, and noticing that a draw-sting was missing inside one ankle, and not the other. 


      edit: it was indeed my cheaper ones. Which is odd as you would expect the super army soldier version to have it 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. Percentage of airsofters who bring/buy pyro - 90%

    Percentage of airsoft who can effectively throw pyro - 10%

    1. rj1986


      There's been a few times I've seen people stacking in a doorway trying to throw grenades, getting them prepped and lit etc. Just shoot the bastard.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. Silly question time, does anyone know where I can get this cable from or what its called? I know its a 3.5mm audio cable but I cannot find anything with 1 end '2 band' and the other '1 band' supreme-pro-x-msa-sordin.jpg

    1. rj1986


      I run similar but with peltor’s which has a bespoke 2 mono fork connector to mono.


      might be easier to find a stereo to mono Jack, or find a local friendly stereo shop to whip one up. Or get the parts and soldering iron 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Silly question time, does anyone know where I can get this cable from or what its called? I know its a 3.5mm audio cable but I cannot find anything with 1 end '2 band' and the other '1 band' supreme-pro-x-msa-sordin.jpg

  19. Me and late nights don't mix. I just tend to buy shit. It starts cheap but then it escalates to double the initial amount I decided I could sacrifice.

    1. rj1986


      I (somehow) went from ordering a hop rubber and nub.. to an MTR16

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. I was about to pop a case of cloudy cider into my trolley this evening.  I thought I'd treat myself for Crimbo.  I then remembered the weight adding properties of the stuff, and that any added belly fat would mean that my winter Russian loadout would be too tight.  


    Can't decide whether I should be proud of the self control, or saddened by the reach of my obsession with running about with toy pews at my bloody age...


    Enjoying an isotonic sports scotch in consolation.  

    1. rj1986


      I'm not normally one to use this excuse, but after the last 2 years ; "Go on, it's Christmas" is a perfectly valid excuse in these situations

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. is Fubar Bundy still trading? Placed an order 2 weeks ago and silence since then -no reply to emails either 

  22. is Fubar Bundy still trading? Placed an order 2 weeks ago and silence since then -no reply to emails either 

    1. rj1986


      I’ll give the a good old fashioned phone call tomorrow 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  23. ‘Tis official it’s bad news !! 

    Physio “strongly” recommends no more shouldering of rifles if I want my shoulder to get any better, use of anything that doesn’t involve my shoulder is ok so pew-pew with pistoleros is looking good! 

  24. M249 locked up gearbox mystery solved. Wasn’t the ARL or battery, but…


    1. rj1986


      No clue, rest of the gears, gearbox piston all seem fine - no metal dust or anything at all in it


      Although I just found a bearing/bushing has failed on a different gear, so last minute panic shopping to find some in stock

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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