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  1. Went to Splatoon today, they'd changed the games around and started with the two longer fall back games in the morning before lunch which I think went amazingly well. Paired with the use of full auto allowed (Used to be semi only) it felt like the games were more competitive and quicker with both sides actually completing the objective (Fighting through four "zones", which defenders need to be cleared from. They have one life where as attackers have unlimited) before the 45 minute limit was reached. First time out with the PKM today and it absolutely shreds! AK-105 sadly still wants to fire upwards, even with a new hop unit etc which is very strange. Got out for the first two games but sadly the PKM had taken a toll on my scoliosis and rendered me almost useless after lunch, so missed out on the third game but still had heaps of fun in the morning!
    3 points
  2. I had been undecided about where to go today, with the options being Splatoon and 501st Airsoft. As I had been tweaking a couple of guns, Splatoon was the final choice as it has a well marked out 60m range. Numbers were lower than usual, but higher than last time I was there, with around 60 being present at the start of the day. Having set up and checked the two tweaked guns, which were both shooting at around 1J with the hop set, I set up my gear for the day and went through the ritual of chronoing, with is handled very efficiently at Splatoon. The first game was the usual fallback, with us as the defenders; we had one life in each of four zones, while the attackers had infinite regens on a marshal. In the first stage, I took up a position on the right and had great fun potting attackers until I took a gun hit and had to revert to my trusty sidearm. I was soon hit and had to fall back to the next zone, where I again took a position on the right and had some delightful exchanges of plastic with enemy players, taking out many of them before one of them finally got me. The next zone was the first half of the container village. I decided to take up a position where I could pick off enemy players who were trying to break into the zone; this worked well for a while until I again had to switch to my pistol, which was not ideal in the circumstances. Having been hit, back I went to the final zone, where I decided to fight on the left flank as usual. As a team, we held up the enemy well, until they eventually reached the grey helicopter, which was their target. After a break, this game was reversed; the fight in the first zone was tough, against a determined enemy, but we took it and moved on to the second zone; the Begadi hop in the MPiKm was proving to be worth its rather high price, with shots being very consistent and long ranged. Having taken that zone, we attacked the first half of the container village, which we cleared reasonably quickly but suffered a 30 second time penalty as an opposing player was still alive in the pile of tyres when we called the zone clear. Pushing on into the final zone, various attempts were made to reach the grey helicopter; none were successful until someone finally took out the enemy player who was in a perfect position to shoot anyone making a run for it. When the dust had settled, our time was around seven minutes faster; hoorah! Lunch followed, during which a few players left; as a result of few of us were asked to switch to the red armband team. The first game after lunch was a simple domination; each team had to set three spinners across the site to their colour at the end of the game to get points. As usual, I headed to the lower field, eager to shoot my former colleagues. This was a messy fight, with the spinner changing hands a couple of times, finally ending up showing the other team's colour. One nice moment involved spotting an enemy sniper who was just getting into position on our flank and sending him back to regen with a couple of well aimed shots. I have no idea who won the game overall! After another break, we had to escort Geoffrey the Giraffe, who is actually a very large stuffed toy zebra, to either of the helicopters; we decided to take him to the grey one as it is harder to defend. We had infinite regens on our start point and the defenders had three lives. Pushing up rapidly, we reached the edge of the woods near the helicopter and stalled in the face of a very solid and active defence. Having taken out a few defenders, I was hit and went back to regen; on my way back to the front, we heard the joyous news that Geoffrey had made it to the helicopter. Hip Hurrah! After another break, this game was reversed; I took up a position on the upper level of the container village and had a great time shooting enemy players as they tried to push into it. At one point I spotted the shadows of some enemy players who were behind a container below me and to my flank. A pyro took out two of them and I shot the other, who had reacted more quickly than his colleagues and ran around the corner of the container into my line of sight. Geoffrey again made it to the helicopter, but in a time that was three minutes slower than when we took him there. After this game, I decided to leave; the final game was a CQB one in the Kill House, which is not my bag, man! Overall, it was a rather spiffingly good day of airsoft. However, I am still not convinced by the site now allowing full auto for all weapons, albeit with a 15m minimum engagement distance; I far prefer semi auto only games. Weapons used: CYMA MPiKM JG/Golden Eagle AMD65 ASG XP18 Commander (CO2)
    2 points
  3. Maaaaybe. Pyrex is rated to 300C, and it wouldn't be pressure sealed. It might crack, but I can't see why it would explode. I'd trust it over a wooden table, for example. I use a bag placed in thick ceramic pie dish, to hopefully vent any flames upwards. I have the same question. You're either bagging/boxing and hoping, or you're watching and touching (risking your eyes and fingers). Given the number of other lithium batteries that we're near constantly using (laptops, tablets, phones) it's not something that I want to obsess over too much.
    2 points
  4. This ☝🏽 Burn down your workplace, not your house.
    2 points
  5. I don't care how rare or limited edition it is, £50 for a patch is taking the piss
    2 points
  6. Friday the 27th of September 2024 my dad old man being 58 put a LI-PO battery on charge, didn’t use the fireproof case to charge it in he had as he completely forgot to do so, what harm could I cause right? It’s just a one off. Being avid air softers as we both are he didn’t see any issue with it as it was only going on charge for say 20 mins so he could test his new RIF. he was smoking a cigarette outside the front door and left it on charge in the kitchen and than heard the smoke alarm. By the time he got back into the kitchen the place was ablaze. Fire brigade had to be called. This was all due to incompetence and negligence on his part. Please people. And all you new guys that play airsoft I implore you all to only charge and store your battery’s in a safe place and always use a fireproof pouch or box to charge your battery’s in. if not, this could be you. Thankfully nobody was harmed but the damage is done and the entire house covered in soot. It’s just not worth the risk.
    1 point
  7. Put it in the Classifieds section. It also helps if you tell people how much you want for it.
    1 point
  8. Bugger! We seem to be destined to miss each other. I think part of the problem is that people have no idea how far 15m is, despite the handy visual guide in the safe zone. Hit taking did seem ok today, although there were a few moans in the afternoon, which is pretty much par for the course. It was a very good day overall, although they do need to reduce the length of the breaks, which did happen in the afternoon.
    1 point
  9. It was you! Haha, I was in the party room just behind where you guys was seated. Me and my friend kept looking at your MPiKM but every time I went to have a chat about it you wasn't around 🤣 The full auto does seem to be causing a few more arguments than normal, I think (And hope) as the marshals get used to it more it'll become less of an issue. The hit taking was a LOT better today than last month when I played and it was by far one of the best days I've had at splatoon in a long while!
    1 point
  10. Barry Sayer

    BB pistol

    Airsoft pistols are definitely fun, although less power than lead or steel bb's. Since getting into the airsoft stuff I've noticed not much difference in accuracy, though lead slinging rifles top trump everything imho. I've got the full selection...lead, steel & 6mm bb
    1 point
  11. This thread made me also think about using Aliexpress to do a cobra hood and so I have now made a summer hood just in time for winter (I want to wait until proper winter to do a winter one so I can get the colour palette correct). The raffia is from elsewhere (not expensive), but the hood and all the other materials are Aliexpress specials. I also have a cloak I can clip onto it that I haven't crafted, as I am planning on using a cobra hood and playing a bit more aggressive when I get back into airsoft in a few weeks. Also for AI500 which is at Anzio in 2 weeks time and I just know there's going to be a lot of pyro, so this setup will allow me to wear a cap instead of a boonie and then also use my earmor headset because I do not want to go into a FIBUA event with lots of pyro-happy players without earpro...
    1 point
  12. Galvatron

    New member

    Welcome back!
    1 point
  13. EDcase

    New member

    Welcome back ✋😉
    1 point
  14. Deep metal loaf pans are my alternative solution, whichever is closest to hand.
    1 point
  15. These locks on my garage door. I have a wall anchor, but don't bother locking on to it any more as thieves would have to cut or drill the door locks, so I'm not going to get any more awake. A disk lock on the front and a light chain (I think 10mm) and basic padlock on the rear when parked up outside for any length of time. I used to haul a 16mm anchor chain around, but cropping is old school now. A battery angle grinder will go through any chain in a matter of seconds, no matter what they claim to the contrary, so it's really just a "Please steal the bike next to mine" request. If they want it, they'll have it. I do keep the chain off the ground by running it through the back wheel and over the seat, but more out of habit, as that's only really a consideration for croppers. I never use the steering lock, as thieves can break those without breaking stride. It won't stop them, and if you do get it back, you'll get it back with a broken lock.
    1 point
  16. I keep a couple of old metal roasting dishes for this purpose.
    1 point
  17. Ok, so CBR is inbound next week, the garage now has a defined spot where its going to live (is big...LOL). so after youtubing myself to death and still ending up confused, what security do people use? It looks like the shopping list from an S&M specialist but i'm looking at a ground anchor, a 16mm chain with big ol' lock, disc lock and maybe a U lock for when i'm (eventually) out on it. Apparently it has an alarm and is datatagged. Sound about right?
    1 point
  18. He doesn't have the original barrel, he bought it pre upgraded sexond hand.
    1 point
  19. ak2m4

    New arrival

    Hi and welcome. Kent here. Congratulations for not calling UKARA a "license" 🙂
    1 point
  20. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    I am selling this for a friend of mine that got into real guns so now, these toys are collecting dust in this place. Both are like new, collectors as he never played Airsoft. I bought it for him from Taiwan,a few years ago and now, l help him to sale it. He sucks in making pictures 🫣🙄 this is what he sent me. I also have some videos for the ones who are really interested. For the ones who don't know it..these are full steel pistols, CO2 powered. Price is per piece, p&p included.


    London - GB

    1 point
  21. Dam ! That's unlucky 😕 The warnings ⚠️ about lipos have been around for many years.....not that I pay any attention......but what if. A Pyrex dish with lid would be good to contain the carnage?
    1 point
  22. I have a question about charging LiPo, what are you supposed to be "keeping an eye on" when you are charging the LiPo, indoors? Do you need to literally watch it with a hawk's eye and unplug and chuck it out the window the nanosecond it swells? Or are you just feeling the temperature every 30 seconds or so? And how are you supposed to do all these inside a LiPo bag?
    1 point
  23. "This was all due to incompetence and negligence on his part" I wouldn't blame him. Its not normal for a battery to fail so catastrophically. It must have been damaged (possibly unnoticeably) or the charger failed if it was a cheap one. Yes, its a pity he didn't have it in a safer place but I'm sure many of us leave them unattended for a few minutes at a time. Sorry you all had this experience but thanks for the reminder.
    1 point
  24. I've had no batteries catch fire or explode, except some nicads back in the 70s which overheated exploded and melted some carpet, in 50 years. I store my batteries in ammo boxes partially charged nowadays, but before that just looked after them, threw away the puffies or physically damaged ones and use a decent charger. I'm also older than you're dad, so lets not use that as any factor in batteries catching fire. 58 being old.. Pah If you have a damaged lipo ( they are only protected by a thin plastic pouch) chuck it. if you have a cheapo charger, chuck it. If you have electrically abused the battery, chuck it. That's how to stop batteries nuking. Don't use old batteries, if you have been using a battery for Airsoft for a year get a new one, you've likely dropped your battery more than once, either in the gun or just being lazy and chucking it on the table. Lipos are soft and will deform if you drop them. I neither charge my batteries attended or place them in a nest of kindling, just use sensible charging currents and a proper balance charger.
    1 point
  25. Bloody hell! That was difficult to read.
    1 point
  26. Bit steep for a WE, even if it's the RAT L3 kit. Rare, but nothing practical really. You could buy a second hand ViperTech for that price...
    1 point
  27. #metoo Things got that bad, at one point I ended up talking to my wife🧙‍♀️🧹
    1 point
  28. They don't. I think that either A. The seller bought it from somewhere like justbbguns who jack the price up to something stupid before they offered it at a "discount" price matching other shops B. The seller is a cunt who wants to rip people off C. A bit from A and a bit from B
    1 point
  29. This times million. IMO far too many sites are happy to cram in as many players as possible which turns games into a boring stalemate where nobody is able to move. I know it's a bit late but last Tuesday I took a trip back to Bunker 51 for the first time this year. Numbers were low at 12 total dropping to 4 for the last game and on the whole I had a great evening. Hit taking was good with no problems. Although there was one amusing moment where myself and an opposing player were both thinking the other wasn't taking their hits, only to find out both of us were having feeding problems. We both had a good laugh about it afterwards when we realised what happened. All in all I think I definitely would recommend their mid week games. The Sunday games I think I'll avoid though, from talking to other players it sounds like they have too many players for both the game zone and safe zone
    1 point
  30. MikeMarden

    MP5 Rigs

    I had a custom made front placard made with 4x mag slots for MP5 Mags / Works with MP7 Mags as well. Used a company called Mission Tailors, matched the OD colour to the Warrior Assault OD as well as ensuring this worked with the WAS RPC Rig. More than happy with how it turned out
    1 point
  31. I thought working on your own suit is part of the fun. I got just Sniper Bolero https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/invader-gear-sniper-bolero-head-and-shoulders-ghillie-suit got some raffia and started crafting. The Invader gear bolero is very sturdy, hides the head shape nicely and it is easy to add extra stuff to it. I got some leave strips and raffia from Novritsch for that. Might not be as cheap as AliExpress but was a lot more fun then just clicking on a link.
    1 point
  32. ibo7

    what do you ride (motorbike)

    Honda CBR600F which I bought recently😁
    1 point
  33. Ah. Erm. Oops. 😁
    1 point
  34. Jez_Armstrong


    What do you need to know, I custom built my one (which I'm probably selling too)
    0 points
  35. Not mine, but my buddy Made an horrific discovery on his Aps cam 870 😳
    0 points
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