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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/23 in all areas

  1. Sorry guys, I should have made it clear. I've written the gun off as a loss to be honest. I was just giving an update on the situation and keeping it on topic at the same time. Unfortunately for her, now that I've got no other distractions I'm completely focused on getting my son back into my care and safety.
    2 points
  2. She will be seething inside with her loosing a piece of control Keep up the good work & play the system
    1 point
  3. The missus caught me sat on the sofa knocking one out and surprisingly wasn't angry. I just wish the staff in DFS were as open minded
    1 point
  4. First game of the year was a short, wet cqb session at the abandoned fort. 8 people, we played a few 4v4s with pistols, which gave me the chance to finally use my TTI AAP carbine. I definitely need higher sights as the Evo ones I bought for it are way, way too low. And maybe a torch.
    1 point
  5. The mother-in-law came round unexpectedly today. Tomorrow I'm gonna have to find some more reliable chloroform.
    1 point
  6. Played a half day today at a private game with the staff and a few of the long-time regulars at my local airsoft site. My only gripe is that I didn't bring the m700 as the forecast was "it will piss it down all day" and sniping in the rain is just an awful experience. Wanted to run my GBBR AKM, but I felt it was just a bit too nippy for that too, so I chose to run the m21 (the AEG one, not the HPA one that jams). We played until about 1pm and it was really mild. Strong winds meant shots did veer off to one side quite often, but it was a very enjoyable day of 10v10 where everyone involved was experienced and knew the site. I was expecting to remove the scope mount from my m21 early on as soon as the rain started, but the rain didn't come and I got some cracking shots with it. However, I definitely prefer my bolt action, since I found that while the m21 is quiet for an AEG, as soon as I pulled the trigger people on the other team immediately had a rough idea where I was, where if I use my m700 they have no idea at all. It started pissing it down as we were finishing lunch and we all decided to call it there Was good to get out and I'm looking forward to a normal skirmish day next week, as long as the weather is either dry or not freezing cold. I don't mind wet as I can use my GBBRs, I don't mind cold as I can use my m700 in all temperatures, I really dislike wet and cold because it means I have to use my only AEG (which is still a sniper rifle, just I have to run it with iron sights) as I can't use my GBBRs or any of my scoped rifles
    1 point
  7. Hate being a TM fan boy but where are you getting this from? i have ran an H Scar, L Scar and currently run a 416 which were all stock other than changing out the battery connector they could all get accurate consistent hits a 60m on .28g BBs. most of my team mates run stock M4s with similar results. hell i could get 40ish metres with my AA-12 how is that not skirmish standard? i play wood lands most engagement distances are sub 40m. 23 years of playing I have run stock guns until till they broke (general sold them as bone yard rather fix them and bought something new and shiny) and being out ranged is rarely the reason i get taken out. Are TM expensive yes are there guns with better externals yes are there guns that offer the same functionality as a NRG with the same QC and reliability? i can't think of any LTC no VFC no.
    1 point
  8. Myself I can only speak for TM SCAR-L NGRS, as I left regular TM AEGs behind years ago and went with different brands. NGRS is fun and I especially appreciate the more realistic manual of arms without the hassle of dealing with gas mags. That's about it. Modern TM charges stupid money for well... "subpar" quality exterior finish (in case of SCAR-L it's just laughably bad and wobbly ABS plastic, feels like made out of B&Q plastic pipes) and not so great out of the box performance. I've seen and handled VFC SCAR alongside TM SCARL and difference in built quality is just mind blowing. The fact that you have to spend more money to upgrade it with special NGRS TITAN, a bunch of (not cheap) internal parts just to get it to a skirmish standard is pathetic for the cost. Total cost brings you closer to already beefed up GBBR. I was lucky enough to get mine second hand from a friend with all the upgrades already done for a reasonable price, but to be fair I'm still trying to decide if I didn't waste my money. That is just my experience with my replica, though majority of Youtube reviewers laud TM NGRS as the best there is om the market, but fail to mention many of its shortcomings. Modern market is full of well made and affordable airsoft replicas. Marui as a brand still has place in the market with their innovations for the hobby, like the ZET system for GBBRs, bolt release and cut off systems in the NGRS or the newer versions of the gas pistols. Its the mind boggling price system and crap materials they use for the externals of their replicas that prevents them from still being the top dogs.
    1 point
  9. I see Prince William has been accused of not knowing when to stop playing knock down ginger.... Seriously, at his age.
    1 point
  10. Second^^ £350 is a small price to pay when children are involved. Amicable is the buzz word and generally it’s us guys that have to rise above it, unfortunately - but true.
    1 point
  11. Did I read that you have a child with this person? My suspicion is that this is purely about exerting control and influence over you. It's taking up your time and thought etc. If there is a kid I'd advise that you don't mention it to her again, write it off, stop it from being a thing that she can manipulate you with. I suspect you'd get it back in the future once she realises it not a thing of importance (it'll get in her way, remind her of you etc)Even if you don't taking something that she can manipulate you with away from her has value. While it's not a cheap rif, you'll need to maintain as cordial relations with this person as best you can (assuming there is a kid). Is any of the above right or fair etc? Not at all, but during a messy break up, custody arguments and the associated solicitor fees you may find the price of the rif is small beer.
    1 point
  12. I had a look ar some Magnums a couple of months ago. Horrible cheap wafer thin leather. The screws in our local nick all used to wear them for years, but I notice that they wear a variety of brands now. Like you I've funny shaped feet, and find that the Lowa fit well but only if you get the right width fitting. Same for Haix.
    1 point
  13. No you don't. Her snooping and controlling behavior is not your fault, it's 100% on her. As for what to do, don't pay her a penny as she's trying to manipulate you. Unfortunately I don't want to give legal advice as I'm not a lawyer or solicitor so I don't want to post something that turns out to be bollocks. Good luck with it
    1 point
  14. If it’s cold then an aeg (I always have one with me for back up) Summertime, then only gbbr for me Rarely has somebody not felt a .36 hit them, can’t say the same with a .25/.28 🙄
    1 point
  15. If i want to win. AEG If i want to have sweaty fun in an urban or cqb environment. GBB Biggest issue with airsoft (If you say it isnt so. You are a liar or you just never actually shoot anyone.) is that it often takes a number of BB's to hit and make a target take their hits. Especially when range and brush is involved. Which is why i rairly use my GBB when there is any chance i am going to need to shoot through a bush or engage at range. I would rather run my PTW and carry 7 x 120 round mags and just get more kills.
    1 point
  16. Try telling that to James (formerly*) of Enola at Paintfest/Airfest when I had prepared a revised format for the killhouse game on the first morning. Traditionally Enola and mornings do not go well unless they are snowboarding I had a good idea on my needs for smoke, as this hangs well in the kill house, so that was an easy one - I’ll have those for setting atmosphere, some of those and some of those Bangs were a different matter, with early morning zombified James and me trying to work out “We went through x before with y people, but I’m also planning to do this and might do a bit of that….” James hands me a case and tells me to go away Some of the pyro gets handed out to players, but most is for game atmosphere & manipulation (eg forcing players around the CQB maze towards each other) James then panics on the £s he’s just given away, freaking that at any minute I’ll send a runner over for more, plus the fact that we have another days sessions to follow …. Am I going to turn up for the same again? If you look up ‘relief’ in the dictionary you would see a photo of James face when I return late afternoon with a case of flashbangs, most of the contents still there, and even better when I tell him “I’ve hung onto a few which should last for tomorrow - I’ll send one of the guys if we run out” * ‘formerly’ being unrelated to this, he left Enola voluntarily for other pursuits (Unless the general stress of Adam and my event pyro ideas got too much)
    1 point
  17. I like your thinking. There's no such thing as too much pyros
    1 point
  18. Minimalist, definitely minimalist.
    1 point
  19. Should also include overpriced second hand springer sniper rifles too. Cus then you’d have my opinion.
    1 point
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