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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/18 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. Gepard

    Gun picture thread

    x4 arrived today. Looking pretty good on my M4 I think!
    2 points
  3. Update: They're in customs right now.
    2 points
  4. Just to put my spin on it, my "go to" is my tm m4s, bought from another player probably 15 years ago, he'd had a buying frenzy (as many of us do 😉), so had only used it once in the month he owned it (I saw the receipt), & I gave him £140 I think, saving £100 on something that was essentially new. In the last 15 years its been used on hundreds of games, both by me & numerous friends, its never been serviced, never even been opened up, completely stock as the day it was "born", shoots straight & accurate as any gun I've used. AND NEVER EVER LET ME OR MY MATES DOWN. (prob jinxed it now😒) Irrespective of how much dosh is in my pocket, would I spend upwards of 1k on something that flings bb's slightly faster than my tm, & feels a little bit more realistic? FUCK NO 😁 Just sayin is all 😜
    2 points
  5. Like with so many airsoft toys, it's apparently been "only fielded once". Buying/building one to keep, I can get. Heck, put it in your will that you want to be buried with it (me, that's my Paul Binns sword). Buying/building one to use once, and then get regrets over, eh, not so much. Not listing the secret extra amount of PayPal fees that you'll want added on is disgusting. I mean, I feel viscerally repulsed that anyone could be so fracking lazy as to not bother to work out the number that they're going to have to work out anyway once they have an interested buyer. Not to be hyperbolic, but it's literally worse than Hitler.
    1 point
  6. Some have said they haven't had to touch theirs for years others have sent off for either repair or service maybe once or twice a year (depending on issue) agreed mate its always going to personal circumstances and what you like/want. Not for everyone but can say the same about anything these days.
    1 point
  7. That's an insane amount of money to spend on a RIF. You could kit out a newbie group of 5 from head to toe including entry level RIFs for that. Sorta money. Very intrigued to shoot something valued that high to see if it's a dream to shoot or a nightmare on your bank balance.
    1 point
  8. I sold mine recently for £1200 which also had a genuine peli case and a load of other accessories but I wanted to shift it quick and it went, probably could have got more in hindsight but that's not an unreasonable amount to be asking for the platform although the market for them has gone down somewhat over the past year or so (More so since next gen recoil platforms have been about)
    1 point
  9. That and the abundance of RS parts... Yes, yes it is. Not sure they should have listed as £1500 + paypal fees though maybe £1500 all in.
    1 point
  10. Given everything else in it, I assumed that the mags would have the springs removed and be full of either fire ants, or the restless spirits of deceased P90 owners.
    1 point
  11. Patches are allegedly dispatched and will be here within 5 days. Only took opening a dispute I guess.
    1 point
  12. Gepard

    Gun picture thread

    My WE G19 arrived today!
    1 point
  13. Tackle

    Gun picture thread

    Zebracamo maybe ?
    1 point
  14. Snakeeyes75

    Tanaka PCS Bolt

    It allows you to adjust the fps by turning the thumbwheel. Very useful when the temperature on the day alters the fps. You can still adjust it but it involves dismantling the bolt and tightening or loostening the main spring but as the bolt is soft metal the thread wont last long.
    1 point
  15. £150 for two daysacks which might have some interesting stuff in them. Loot Boxes have really turned it up a notch. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/British-army-MYSTERY-mtp-daysacks/202427128683?hash=item2f2198db6b:g:AgYAAOSwcOJbasqb So which lucky bugger is gonna get a couple of Kombat UK bags and a few Viper pouches?
    0 points
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