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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/07/17 in all areas

  1. I mainly use ASG Blaster 0.25g and 0.28g. Quality is consistant and well priced.
    2 points
  2. Website - Pretty hopeless. Stock - Inconsistent and sometimes limited. CS - Spot on and should be what others strive for. Made another purchase from them this week due to availability of stock and had annoying q's and delivery changes. Zero One couldn't respond quicker or be more informative or obliging. I felt a real desire to not just help but to provide the best CS possible. Top job, ZOA!
    1 point
  3. SgtTalbert

    Gun picture thread

    Haven't been around for a while so thought id post some new purchases. TM SCAR L & Secutor Gladius Glock 17
    1 point
  4. If you spam this forum you will be banned. Thank you to members' reports.
    1 point
  5. update: got a shortdot ayy
    1 point
  6. Esoterick

    Gun picture thread

    It's all very vague to be honest. It's like I could have a UKARA membership that expires on 17th July. So that means I'm legit today and not tomorrow? What about if I start painting a gun this evening but it spills over into the early hours of tomorrow morning? Unless I'm mistaken I have yet to see a clear definition of what does or doesn't constitute a defense in terms of being an airsofter other than most retailers basically treating a UKARA number as a license when it clearly is not, the 3 games thing is a UKARA guideline after all. As above I've had shops that know all my details including UKARA number but won't sell to me if it's expired despite selling to me in the past. I'd hazard a guess there's no UKARA enforcement team that says I'm now not a valid skirmisher. Not to mention most sites will then renew subsequent membership regardless of how many games you have played after initially qualifying. I do understand what people are getting at though, even if the person they are referring to does have a sensible defense. I've witnessed quite a few "loopholes" over the years but don't talk about them publicly because it just encourages people to go about things the wrong way.
    1 point
  7. Not so much bought bit more inherited... I went to go visit @SeniorSpaz87s mum and collected all the stuff he couldn't take to America. Thanks Spaz! Going to have the GBB Raider stripped and cleaned by the end of the night, see if we can't sort her out! I hope you don't mind if I don't keep the .12 camoflauge Bulldog BBs though
    1 point
  8. well, after 12 days of waiting my new PDW finally arrived. my choice was either spend £60 on rentals for the next two months to get my ukara or spend £70 on a little package gun. Its a Dboys PDW full plastic version. wont lie it does feel like certain parts would break but the main body feels pretty good for a cheap aeg and i will say im looking forward to getting into a game with it.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. They've also got a top forum like this one
    1 point
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