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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/14 in all areas

  1. Ok. So this is basically another loadout thread but this is for impression posts only instaed of a mish mash of kit. So work on gear whores.
    2 points
  2. So you don't mean a 'milsim' loadout you mean an 'Impression'? To me a 'Milsim' Loadout would be one used for taking part in a Milsim. That would be one that reflected the needs of a real battlefield.
    2 points
  3. I would recommend the collapsible stock rather than folding. As you can see, when the stock isn't extended you can still have it up to your shoulder for a very tight steady aim. Have you tried holding an MP5? I personally find the stock wide forearm front grip about as comfortable as is possible. Some people don't get on well with it, I would suggest you try it before opting for more expensive rails and foregrip. The reasoning is simple, if you hold a vertical grip your elbow sticks out. Your elbow needs to not stick out in CQB as people will then shoot it.
    2 points
  4. I wouldn't give up on it so soon. Check out some yank forums where a lot of Polarstar techies hide. Some guys like 'SilentObvervant' from reddit are really knowledgeable,as is Bingo from Bingo airsoft works. AirsoftMechanics is also a great place to discuss those kinds of issues. There could be a myriad of issues and might be easy to fix. Could be nozzle alignment issues or it could be that the Fusion engine itself is not releasing the same amount of air all the time due to an issue with the poppet valve or something.
    1 point
  5. It's been oooohhhh so long since I actually started a topic, but I think I have reason to today. A while ago now I bought a custom made L129A1 based on an A&K SR25 URX, and since then I have wanted to put a Polarstar into it, because it only came shooting at 300fps and it was a pile of cack. I have skirmished it once and with it only firing at 300fps, the obscene weight of it was just too much considering it's immeasurable crapness. Well today, the dream became a reality and I finally got a Polarstar into it. A long time ago I started a topic regarding whether or not fitting a Polarstar into an SR25 was even possible, due to Polarstar Fusion Engines all being standard sizes, but SR25s using longer, 7.62mm style receivers; and obviously a standard V2 and hop configuration would only fill the same space as a regular 5.56mm receiver. So to get it to actually fit, I had to a buy a G&G SR25 hop unit, and the Polarstar G&G SR25 air nozzle. The G&G SR25 uses a standard V2 gearbox and long hop and nozzle configuration; so that made up the gap you get from using a standard V2 size Polarstar in a longer receiver. However, the G&G hop didn't fit properly, so I had to remove 4mm from the back of it, which also meant I had to remove 4mm from the front of the nozzle (the highly accurate digital callipers came out). So with the power of a Dremel tool me and my mate Joe managed to get the length PERFECT on the first attempt, we crowned off the nozzle, rounded the edges to get rid of any sharpness, and voilà. With a black nozzle we're getting about 425fps at 120psi, meaning it's firing nicely at 350fps on .30s, it may actually be more due to the barrel being a .01mm tightbore, so there'll likely be a degree of joule creep, but we've only chrono'd on .20s so far. But shooting nicely it is, nicely, for at least 60m with a respectable, rough 1.5ft grouping. 1.5ft actually sounds terrible now I've put it on paper, or internet space...? But without looking through an optic you'd watch the shots going down range and be thinking, "Well, being on the wrong end of that would be shit" because it's only once you see it through a scope that it looks as bad as it sounds, and don't forget, 1.5ft is about as wide as your average person, and most of the grouping was out along the vertical axis, which means it's pretty much down to hop inconsistency. But! The target was a 6x4" metal plate and mounted about 10m higher than the firing position, so a man ought to be a doddle to hit at around 70m I reckon. But we'll have to wait until the weekend to see how it actually performs in a game situation, the true test will be when there's only an arm visible around a tree at those sort of extended ranges. Personally I think it'll be better once the hop's had a chance to better bed in, I'm using a Madbull red rubber with the stock nub at the moment, but R-hopping it with an expensive Prommy barrel is very much on the cards at some point down the line. Before I get the funds for that I'll be trying a much more rigid H nub though I think, since the stock nub is squidgy as all hell, which I don't imagine is great for consistency, and almost definitely the cause of all the fliers. Not been this excited about using a gun since my first ever purchase Oh, and here's a reference photo of the real one it's based on:
    1 point
  6. Oh FFS! We all know what he meant... this is a loadouts thread not a definitions thread!
    1 point
  7. Corrected that comment for you mate!
    1 point
  8. Belt broke so no alternator or Power Steering. Replaced and driving again today.
    1 point
  9. cropzy


    Cropzy here again. Here is how I made my gun case. I purchased one of these of off Fleabay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271152550770?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 Now they are old and have been stored outside since the 90's so they have a little rust on them. The case itself is quite heavy being an army surplus ammo crate. They are air tight and water tight and the locks are very tough and hard to lock. Mine came with the original inserts for the munitions it once held, which are certainly bigger than 50 cal. I took the lid and give it a scrub down with a wire brush to get rid of all of the loose rust and then did the same to the case itself. I then took the lid and painted it with some green Hammerite we had laying around, this is so that the lid is protected from rust and rain etc for the future. After it had dried. I then started looking at foam to put in it, I figured most gun cases have egg box style foam in so I bought a sheet of it measuring 2m L x 2m W x 3mm H and cut it to size in 3 pieces. 1 for the bottom and lengthways sides. Then the other 2 for the other sides. I then purchased some spray glue (carpet adhesive) and sprayed the inside and fitted the foam and then let it dry. The final product turned out quite well, its not as good as a professional but it will do!
    1 point
  10. Russe11

    Tactical Sten Gun

    You don't hold it by the mag! You're supposed to hold the heat shield at the front and try not to lose your little finger as shells eject
    1 point
  11. jcheeseright

    complete novice

    No need to paint it, ownership of a RIF is not a crime.
    1 point
  12. Kaza66

    Black Hills Airsoft

    A new site in Chesterfield! Went along and played the trial day on the 3rd, here's what we thought! http://airsoftoperator.com/black-hills-airsoft/ More details of the site on their Facebook Page
    1 point
  13. A milsim loadout would be if you have say a full 75th ranger impression.
    1 point
  14. CaptainSwoop

    Tactical Sten Gun

    Surely, if the Philippines Army did it then it is an official dsesign which has seen service?
    1 point
  15. I have actually been thinking of getting rid of a tan tactical vest I never use: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00F51MZXO/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It has 2 of these MP5 pouches on it (in tan not flecktarn) http://www.taiwangun.com/en/magazine-pouch-mp5-flecktarn-a-c-m?from=listing&campaign-id=20 Thats space for 8 Mags. It also has a single point sling attached. If you're interested send me a PM and we can discuss a price, then I will have an excuse to have a trip to the Mall The mount you will need is this type http://www.amazon.co.uk/TopOutdoor-Tactical-GSG-5-Aluminum-Picatinny/dp/B00DXXTOGW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399296236&sr=8-1&keywords=mp5+rail
    1 point
  16. The Leprechaun!

    Tactical Sten Gun

    Don't we all...
    1 point
  17. What do people consider a loadout to be a "Milsim" loadout?
    1 point
  18. I do love to wind ed up..
    1 point
  19. Obviously inspired by the Dutch masters... or Caravaggio perhaps. You should do a series of them for an exhibition, Monty. L96 And Fruit Madonna And Glock Prometheus Outwits Eagle With Plate Carrier
    1 point
  20. Eye-Pro Pro-Tip: If you have to ask if it's safe, the answer is no. If you're not one-hundred and ten percent positive that they're right for you, don't touch them with a s**tty stick. You only get one pair of peepers.
    1 point
  21. It's a VFC gbb, even if it goes back together it wont work anyway
    1 point
  22. Airsoft-Ed

    ICS L85A2

    I accepted the fact that I was nuts a long time ago lol, I think I have a financial illness. Kinda like a heroin addict, but my drug is airsofting. When you're a student with a ton of dosh to spend on nothing, this seems like a far more worthy cause than a massive amount of alcohol... =/ At least with this I have something to show for my money, as well as the memories of spending it haha.
    1 point
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