Sam_G Posted January 22, 2015 Share Posted January 22, 2015 OD WAS kit is the bestest!! No really. Think myself and M_P had some of the first OD DCS rigs sent out. Will Lewer, UIVenger and Lozart 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Lewer Posted January 22, 2015 Share Posted January 22, 2015 Think I'll be getting myself a DCS in OD sometime as well, or A-TACS FG. Not sure yet. I almost went for the A-Tacs FG DCS as I'm currently in the process of developing an A-Tacs FG loadout, however I wanted to mix up the camos a bit to make it more interesting. 'Tis a shame that UK Tactical don't have the option to purchase an A-Tacs DCS with the 3 quick mag pouches as they do with the OD DCS :/ Airsoft_Mr B 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tinywind Posted January 23, 2015 Share Posted January 23, 2015 +Free Shipping from = $115.92 - $50 on orders over $100 (until 24/01/15) = Total $68.92 Hi Ian, thanks for your sharing here. We are glad to be here and hear feedbacks on tinywind from you all. By the way, your order is under processing and will be shipped within 24 hours, and we have divided it into 2 packages so that you may save some custom tax. Lozart, Mack and Ian_Gere 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest PT247 Posted January 23, 2015 Share Posted January 23, 2015 . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest PT247 Posted January 23, 2015 Share Posted January 23, 2015 Hi Ian, thanks for your sharing here. We are glad to be here and hear feedbacks on tinywind from you all. By the way, your order is under processing and will be shipped within 24 hours, and we have divided it into 2 packages so that you may save some custom tax. Mr/Mrs Tinywind, we salute you. I shall most definitely keep an eye on your website for future purchases x Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supporters M_P Posted January 23, 2015 Supporters Share Posted January 23, 2015 I almost went for the A-Tacs FG DCS as I'm currently in the process of developing an A-Tacs FG loadout, however I wanted to mix up the camos a bit to make it more interesting. 'Tis a shame that UK Tactical don't have the option to purchase an A-Tacs DCS with the 3 quick mag pouches as they do with the OD DCS :/ Email or phone them, they may put a deal together for you. Worst they can say is no Will Lewer 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sam_G Posted January 23, 2015 Share Posted January 23, 2015 The fast mag pouches are not made in atacs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supporters M_P Posted January 23, 2015 Supporters Share Posted January 23, 2015 Sam_G, on 23 Jan 2015 - 07:43 AM, said: The fast mag pouches are not made in atacs. Happy, Esoterick and TacMaster 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sam_G Posted January 23, 2015 Share Posted January 23, 2015 I stand corrected. The UKTactical website doesn't link all the pouches were you think they should be That's why I didnt know you could get the sabre drop leg in OD! Until now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Posted January 23, 2015 Share Posted January 23, 2015 Czech Needle Pattern m60 jacket Vz61 20 round ammo pouch - £17 off eBay Just need to find some matching trousers - thinking DDR/East German ones as the pattern is very similar - and my new impression will be mostly finished. Only issue will be finding a pair in a size that fits. Edit: Annnnd I ended up buying some strichtarn trousers. Size too big, but easily remedied with my awesome sewing skills haha Ian_Gere and Airsoft_Mr B 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supporters Esoterick Posted January 24, 2015 Supporters Share Posted January 24, 2015 Rail mount Bipod and Padded 2 point sling. Nearly finished buying stuff for a few weeks after the Huey's order.... Airsoft_Mr B 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheGrover Posted January 24, 2015 Share Posted January 24, 2015 Culmination of a few days shopping: -Bits and bobs for propane usage -New molle rifle sling (my SA80 sling is too short for my G5 for obvious reasons) -small riser for the G5s optic -Dynatex BFG with .209 primer adapter (adapter so i can use it at The Hive) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kerby91 Posted January 24, 2015 Share Posted January 24, 2015 TM 1911 MEU hehe Airsoft_Mr B, Lozart and DEF 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
airsoftwarrior147 Posted January 24, 2015 Share Posted January 24, 2015 TM 1911 MEU hehe Let us know how it is, nearly brought one myself but will wait for first hand experience first. On the other hand I brought a g&p dbal for £80 now to get some nvgs? kerby91 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supporters TheFull9 Posted January 24, 2015 Supporters Share Posted January 24, 2015 You really don't need to wait for first hand experience to make a judgement on the TM MEU, it's been out for probably 5+ years at this point and there's many reviews floating around. I owned one for maybe 3-4 years, ran it stock and it got the most abuse of any pistol I own/have owned, only time it had slight problems was when it got full of sand inside and that sand mixed with the silicone and got in all the teeny tiny crevices. Strip down and a good clean later, fully sorted. End of the day it's the same inside as all the other TM 5" 1911s so any review of any of those will be applicable and there's tons of those out there (very few having much negative to say). DEF, kerby91 and Airsoft_Mr B 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Airsoft_Mr B Posted January 24, 2015 Share Posted January 24, 2015 Haley Strategic Dragonfly hoodie Mack 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
airsoftwarrior147 Posted January 24, 2015 Share Posted January 24, 2015 You really don't need to wait for first hand experience to make a judgement on the TM MEU, it's been out for probably 5+ years at this point and there's many reviews floating around. I owned one for maybe 3-4 years, ran it stock and it got the most abuse of any pistol I own/have owned, only time it had slight problems was when it got full of sand inside and that sand mixed with the silicone and got in all the teeny tiny crevices. Strip down and a good clean later, fully sorted. End of the day it's the same inside as all the other TM 5" 1911s so any review of any of those will be applicable and there's tons of those out there (very few having much negative to say). Thanks, I did have a look, but don't really know why I waited, just spent a fair but so won't be getting one soon, got to get rid of 3 pistols first Airsoft_Mr B 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
streetja Posted January 24, 2015 Share Posted January 24, 2015 When I first joined the forums i'd spent pretty much 5 years while I was finishing school and studying at college with no money trying to make good airsoft guns out of broken backyard plinkers and now I have secured a job with my qualifications. So I thought it was nice to show you all where my wages seem to dwindle away into airsoft Primarily a gaming pc rig and guitar stuff on the side. Maybe even get some opinions on my gear I dont mind any comment if it means I filter through the rubbish gear to get to know the good gear with the advice of fellow airsofters. Thanks for reading. So the first thing I bought a was a copy vsr which was shooting 650fps on 0.25g bbs which is obviously way too hot (the look on the guys face holding the chronograph down at my local site was funny) So I took it all the way to the patrol base store and those very nice chaps sorted everything out I wanted doing to it and now shoots on par with regulation limits. Then I tried making a ghillie suit and realised how tasking it is and that I didnt have enough time with work and all now which I miss. So I had ordered one yesterday! (please dont judge because i ordered one) Then I treat myself to a G&P M16A4 RAS Rifle AEG with a 552 holo sight also a magnifier is on the way. My cousin wanted a grenade launcher on his KWA M4, so i treat him to one for his birthday and when it came it didnt fit on his M4 (but it did fit on my M16 lovely) So i ordered another M203 for him which now fits his M4 so we both have grenade launchers. I've had my WW2 Colt M1911A1 for quite a while now and was wishing for something a bit more modern and tactical so i treat my self yet again to a WE Sig P226 (which i love) Now for my wearable gear I have purchased a US army vest complete because I dont like really like getting into the molle side of vests (but i will one day) Then I got my dpm 95 trousers My DPM 95 shirt just came today along with two spare mags for the P226 through the post. Also an SAS style Coat is on the way JamesAirsofterAgent and Monty 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kerby91 Posted January 24, 2015 Share Posted January 24, 2015 Nice kit streetja, love the sas smocks, may have to get one now....hmmm...damn you! streetja 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
streetja Posted January 24, 2015 Share Posted January 24, 2015 Nice kit streetja, love the sas smocks, may have to get one now....hmmm...damn you! sorry dude haha kerby91 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supporters TheFull9 Posted January 24, 2015 Supporters Share Posted January 24, 2015 If you're after some input this'd be mine. The vest looks like Italian Vegetato, certainly not anything US Army related but then airsoft retailers have a bad habit of mis-labeling stuff. MOLLE (or PALS to be more accurate) isn't complicated or expensive, check out the Warrior stuff and BULLE gear on UK Tactical and respectively. You can get a basic chest rig for not much money, indeed often less money then some of the f*****g absurd prices that some airsoft shops charge for poorly made copies of obsolete designs of load-bearing gear items. That DPM shirt is some weird looking knock off stuff, get yourself on ebay and buy surplus if you want anything brit issue, it's comparatively cheap and mostly good quality (certainly CS95 stuff is, most of the new PCS cut stuff wont be as hardy overall). Not sure what that smock is but they're good for carrying lots of stuff like food and lights and navigation/survial gear and not particularly useful for your average sunday game of running about in the woods, you'll hardly ever see anyone wear one; 100% not appropriate for indoor CQB too. Get yourself a decent combat shirt/UBACS, particularly when the summer comes around you'll soon understand the desire for having the absolute minimum of material under your rig; the current PCS/MTP issued UBACS is IMO the best option for airsoft (including all the really expensive mega gucci s**t). Not sure there is such a thing as a TM VSR 'copy' that uses gas, but hopefully someone who's more knowledgeable on bolt guns that me can comment on that. Ghillies are damn hot so if you're gonna go the 'sniper' route just be aware of its' limitations, it's a very specific niche in an airsoft game. Personally I'd dump a ton of stuff off that M16 cause it looks damn heavy. 40mm shells aren't very common because fun as they are, the usefulness vs weight ratio isn't good overall; some folks like 'em but you don't see them all that often for a reason. You might have the inclination to drape all sorts of lights and lasers on that forend, but I'd advise against it. I've been there, done that, so have many other people.. just... skip that step, save yourself the time and effort, you'll most likely realise the problems with it soon enough. I mean heck if you're a massive body builder then maybe it'll feel like nothing in your hands, but otherwise put as little as possible on the forend of your guns. I'd recommnd dropping the UGL, fitting a low-profile gas block and putting on some nice plastic handguards, your arms will thank you greatly after a few hours. Again if you've skirmished this already then just ignore me, but if you haven't.. well give it a go and you'll probably see what I mean. Internet forum disclaimer: Everything's subjective, everything's about what the user wants in terms of looks and function in both guns and gear. I'm not ragging on anything anybody uses in any way. Just some advice based on experience gained through wasting a lot of time and a lot of money on kit/accessories etc that I've ended up not actually liking. streetja and Airsoft_Mr B 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
airsoftwarrior147 Posted January 24, 2015 Share Posted January 24, 2015 Might have actually just got myself a Tm Meu 1911 with 2 45 round mags 😃 Airsoft_Mr B and kerby91 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Almightybeardedkial Posted January 24, 2015 Share Posted January 24, 2015 If you're after some input this'd be mine. The vest looks like Italian Vegetato, certainly not anything US Army related but then airsoft retailers have a bad habit of mis-labeling stuff. MOLLE (or PALS to be more accurate) isn't complicated or expensive, check out the Warrior stuff and BULLE gear on UK Tactical and respectively. You can get a basic chest rig for not much money, indeed often less money then some of the f*****g absurd prices that some airsoft shops charge for poorly made copies of obsolete designs of load-bearing gear items. That DPM shirt is some weird looking knock off stuff, get yourself on ebay and buy surplus if you want anything brit issue, it's comparatively cheap and mostly good quality (certainly CS95 stuff is, most of the new PCS cut stuff wont be as hardy overall). Not sure what that smock is but they're good for carrying lots of stuff like food and lights and navigation/survial gear and not particularly useful for your average sunday game of running about in the woods, you'll hardly ever see anyone wear one; 100% not appropriate for indoor CQB too. Get yourself a decent combat shirt/UBACS, particularly when the summer comes around you'll soon understand the desire for having the absolute minimum of material under your rig; the current PCS/MTP issued UBACS is IMO the best option for airsoft (including all the really expensive mega gucci s**t). Not sure there is such a thing as a TM VSR 'copy' that uses gas, but hopefully someone who's more knowledgeable on bolt guns that me can comment on that. Ghillies are damn hot so if you're gonna go the 'sniper' route just be aware of its' limitations, it's a very specific niche in an airsoft game. Personally I'd dump a ton of stuff off that M16 cause it looks damn heavy. 40mm shells aren't very common because fun as they are, the usefulness vs weight ratio isn't good overall; some folks like 'em but you don't see them all that often for a reason. You might have the inclination to drape all sorts of lights and lasers on that forend, but I'd advise against it. I've been there, done that, so have many other people.. just... skip that step, save yourself the time and effort, you'll most likely realise the problems with it soon enough. I mean heck if you're a massive body builder then maybe it'll feel like nothing in your hands, but otherwise but as little as possible on the forend of your guns. I'd recommnd dropping the UGL, fitting a low-profile gas block and putting on some nice plastic handguards, your arms will thank you greatly after a few hours. Again if you've skirmished this already then just ignore me, but if you haven't.. well give it a go and you'll probably see what I mean. Internet forum disclaimer: Everything's subjective, everything's about what the user wants in terms of looks and function in both guns and gear. I'm not ragging on anything anybody uses in any way. Just some advice based on experience gained through wasting a lot of time and a lot of money on kit/accessories etc that I've ended up not actually liking. I'd agree not a US Army vest, well not anything they wear these days, I'd say its mthatsitsly if not all about plate carriers and those sort of chest rigs. That definitley looks like shady DPM of the british ex issue kind anyway, As CKinnerley said get on ebay or find your nearest surplus shop there more than likely to stock a generous amount of cs95 dpm as its now for the use of deployment and anything for the british obseletebritishearing certain things like cadets or maybe training excersises.MTP is the way forward in my opinion and its much better made the pockets are a lot better and the whole design.Ubacs are a good shout though or a good tactical hoodie for its cold at the minute. As anything it's personal preference and if your happy with your gear then good for you dude ! Its nice to have advice of the guys on here. streetja 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Almightybeardedkial Posted January 25, 2015 Share Posted January 25, 2015 Excuse the typos my phone dosent seem to comprehend well the letters I type im sure you can hopefully piece what im trying to say together ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
n1ckh Posted January 25, 2015 Share Posted January 25, 2015 I still use my DPM kit from my army days, its what I grew up with so to speak, its all dull and worn in Viper make a UBAC shirt in DPM which I use now, I even have my old chest rig I bought while serving but now gone over to molle stuff in olive drab, I will be investing in MTP gear (my boys already have it cause of the army cadets) they noticed DPM is better at night as being darker in colour AND I still use my SAS smock during winter and autumn along with an olive green shemagh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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