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Gbb guns


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Yeahhhh, for that budget you will get a KWA mp9 and *maybe* one spare magazine if you're lucky. Since the magazines are 48rds, you need a lot more than a single spare magazine.


GBB SMGs and rifles are unfortunately expensive to get into because the magazines are hella expensive and you need a bunch.

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21 minutes ago, Owen82636 said:

What about a rifle?

Same deal. Pretty much all gas magazines are expensive. Just sort by cheapest on places like Patrolbase, the cheapest GBB M4 is £250 and the mags, which are out of stock, are £50 each and only hold 50 BBs each, so you're going to spend just as much on magazines as you are for the rifle.

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If you’re just getting into the hobby, my advice as disheartening as it is, is simply - don’t.

The maintenance and upkeep, as well as the cost of magazines, the limited ammo, the weather, the type of gas and play style differences are massive factors. 

Based on your budget, you’re already setting your sights low. However, I think one of the most forgiving and easier GBBR’s to get started with is a WE G36. Cheap, reliable, and mags are robust. Alternatively look through classifieds and see if you find anything that’s within budget. 

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As all the above.

I have a few GBBRs but I still haven't used them in a game yet because of the necessity to bring loads of mags WITH extra BBs and gas into the game.

And you'll still be outgunned by anyone with a couple of hi-caps


If you really want an entry GBBR to use in the garden then the cheapest option is the WE G36

BUT the internal parts will only last a few thousand shots before the trigger sear wears out so be prepared to buy spares from KYAirsoft

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While gas guns are more fun, they have their pros and cons. 

One con is cost. Even a simple GBBR can set you back pretty much double the cost of an aeg equivalent. 

As mentioned above, if you're relatively new to Airsoft, stick with AEG for now, with perhaps a GBB sidearm. 


Though on a personal note: since I bought my first gbbr I tend to rarely use aeg now. 

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20 minutes ago, Owen82636 said:

Ok thank you I think will buy an aeg as my budget overall for the gun plus the mags is around £300 thank you 🙏 

Wise decision. 

Have a look around the forum, and feel free to ask questions about any gun you're considering buying. 

There is a huge amount of experience and knowledge, going back decades, on this forum. 

We can stop you buying a lemon. 


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We can stop you buying a lemon. 


Whoa quiet bud🤫 I was hoping to sell him a lemon. 😉

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Sounds like you've come to the right conclusion, you can scratch your GBB itch at a later date. Cost of entry into the GBB game is eyewatering, a sidearm is a cheaper way in as you use it less and therefore can get away with less mags, but it's certainly not a necessity or a replacement for a rifle.


You can prepare yourself for getting a GBB by getting mid-caps, or even lo-caps. I use 100rnd midcaps on my 308 but still have my emergency hi-cap as a last mag. It was actually then that I found that 200 rounds does me just fine in most games, so I bought enough gas mags to cater for that and a bit of extra on top. I see you have an MP5K, how may shots are you using most games?


All that said, I love my MK18 and MP7 GBBs!

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I was going to say that if you're playing CQB, you can run a GBB pistol primary effectively, and if you get the right one, you can dress it up in any carbine kit you like.


However, Apocalypse is a hundred acre woodland site, so I'd definitely go AEG there.


And of course rent first and try airsoft out a few times before buying anything (except footwear and maybe eyepro).


I suspect that OP may be listing what he wants, rather than what he has.

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Currently in the process of trying to build a mws GBB. I have just bought the upper receiver, but it’s missing a part. I have been looking on the web and can’t find its name. Even tried contacting the supplier who can’t seem to acknowledge my question. Please can someone help me establish the name. Many thanks :)


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59 minutes ago, Crosseyedcat said:

Currently in the process of trying to build a mws GBB. I have just bought the upper receiver, but it’s missing a part. I have been looking on the web and can’t find its name. Even tried contacting the supplier who can’t seem to acknowledge my question. Please can someone help me establish the name. Many thanks :)



Probably go find a more appropriate section or thread for a start.

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A WE G36 is a good starter gun.


However, make sure it has a NPAS fitted as it can run super hot. Also, the mags are much thicker than standard M4 type mages so you would need to buy bigger pouches to fit them in.


When I use GBB's in game, I normally take six mags in with me, which means the extra expense of buying them. I suppose you can get away with four mags if you are conservative with shots and have cover to hide behind when you are reloading. Then there is the gas, you will needs a few different power types depending on the time of year you play. So it all adds up.


BUT, the most important thing with GBB's is that they are super fun and once you start playing with them, you won't want to ever go back to using AEG's.



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On 25/04/2024 at 19:41, Owen82636 said:

Rifle but potentially an smg and around £230-£240 maximum and would use very often

With that budget, the best I could suggest is trying to find a WE G36. They're relatively cheap, often around £200 and they're relatively reliable and perform decently. 
There is also the AA R36 (which is a clone of the WE) for £220 and they're normally readily available, plus they come with 2 mags, however, they are a bit cheap quality wise. 

An SMG setup *may* be a little cheaper. If you're lucky to find a decent one second hand, KWA MP9's are decent guns which sell for £250ish normally, however, they are prone to breakdowns which are normally common so unless you know what's going on with 'em, don't get one. (the VORSK VMP1 seems like a nice alternative though I have no experience on them so I can't comment).

Other than that, a gen 2 VFC or a TM MP7 would be the safer bet. 

You will be hard pressed to find anything for £240 that is decent enough to last, and leaves enough room to buy magazines and gas. It's best to save up and buy yourself something nice like a MWS or a Gen 2/3 VFC AR/416 (or the aforementioned SMG's) and get a few more mags with them.

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