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Ollie Talks Airsoft

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I sincerely hope that he dies a terrible and lingering death.

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3 hours ago, GenuineGerman said:

I think even being hit by a bus is too pleasant and nice for that pos


Personally I’d like to see a Wellie Boot stretched over his head, set fire to it, then try and put the flames out by stamping them out in stiletto heels.

Still too good for the little scrote, but that’s as far as my imagination wandered 

Edited by Enid_Puceflange
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18 hours ago, gavinkempsell said:

We have one in Scotland too... C$%T

We use that one in England too...   though not as freely as across the northern border






But if I may interrupt the misfortune wishing for a moment...


Just seen this on only airsofts FB page. I intend to attend, and hoping to share it around in hopes others will become aware and also join..


Edited by Spartan09
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22 hours ago, gavinkempsell said:

We have one in Scotland too... C$%T

I would agree but I doubt they've got the warmth, depth or ability to provide pleasure 

Edited by Cannonfodder
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How is Ollie doing, does anybody know. Saw a couple of comments left on one of his you tube videos that didn’t look good, but no sure how true they were.

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1 hour ago, Galvatron said:

I spoke to Ollie today for a good 20 minutes - he had a table with PewHub at the Midlands Airsoft Fair.


As you'd guess, he was well enough to attend and is in very good spirits despite the very grim situation so it didn't dull the tone of discussing his GBBR builds and he gave some excellent advice on MWS builds that I will certainly take on.


I'll leave it for Ollie to give a clearer update on his condition with his next video as he's awaiting something more certain from his oncologist.



That’s nice to hear that he is still out & about

Hopefully an update from him soon 🤞

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