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Do you guys keep an aeg as backup?


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Personally, I do, but I know a few players who are absolutely anti-AEG, so they take another gas gun. 


My feeling is that, although I much prefer using my MWS, there are more factors that can cause it to stop working correctly than an AEG, so I cover both bases. I've had the feeling of paying for a game day, the rifle shitting itself within 10 minutes and, with no back-up, doing the walk of shame back to the car and leaving. Don't want to repeat it.


If AEGs aren't your thing though, consider another GBBR. Either way, yes, take a back-up. You can never have too many guns, right? 

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I had an unfortunate episode with Nuprol BBs smashing in my MWS which then caused a BB train wreck causing it to bugger up! Luckily I took one of my Marui recoils with me   and then continued playing well into the afternoon...  Moral of the story... always have a backup when it comes to GBBRs..

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I've just bought my first GBBR...  I thought given the mechanical simplicity I thought they'd be bullet-proof (if you'll pardon the pun).  Maybe getting a bit sticky if not lubricated, perhaps jammed if mud gets in via the ejection port, but that's about it.  Was I wrong?


(I'll always have a pile of spare gnus in the car, one extra gun at the bomb-up point, and a pistol in my holster)

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I always take an aeg as well as a couple of GBBR's. Unless I'm playing a game that requires a spray and prey style the aeg stays in the safe zone. Yes I've had a GBBR fail in a game with a barrel jam, but I've had aeg's fail mid game too . 


I'd be perfectly happy to just take a couple of GBBRs to a game day and that's more a question of different size guns , MP7 and L119 so giving me play options rather than anticipating  a failure.

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I have two AEGs and an AEP for when my m700 goes down and it's really cold, however I rarely use them. During the summer, my GBBRs (TM MWS and AKM) are my backups because they're incredibly reliable with very little to go wrong with them. However, I tend to still use my m700 (gas), mk23 (gas) and either HK45 or mp9 (both gas) all year round, because they just work and I love my gas guns

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In my book the only thing better than an MWS, is a pair of MWS. Sharing the same mags/BCG is handy.  Having said that, I’m enjoying my GHK AK running on CO2 in the cold weather.  

So to answer your question, no I don’t carry boring electric guns as insurance - you’ve got to commit to gas.  I really really enjoy playing airsoft with the difficulty set to hard level, with all the challenges of GBBR’s.


15+ years into the hobby, it gives me satisfaction to hand some HPA spray and pray try hard his arse by moving more carefully and only taking shots when there’s a high probability of hitting. Much fun.

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I always take a back up, what's powering it is largely irrelevant unless you're finding something (generally speaking cold weather performance) an issue that would be less so for an AEG than it would for a GBBR.


Only real advice would be not to 'over invest' in something you're picking up with the intent of it being a 'back up'. I've certainly fallen into the trap of a spending a fair whack on something that by the nature of buying it to be a back up should, and hopefully will, rarely see use. Obviously that budget is a sliding scale based on your personal financial standing,  generally speaking cheap and expensive are subjective terms. Just ask yourself before a purchase, "Am I ok spending this on the asssumption I hope to never use this thing?".

Edited by alxndrhll
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I always take several backup guns whenever I go to any site,  as well as spare MTP shirt/trousers .


My main rifle is my Tippmann m4 (HPA) and I always have my hicapa as backup (CO2 and gas mags), but lately I have been running my WW1 loadout as well,  (S&T spring lee enfield and CO2 Webley revolver)


But I always have a case full of spare guns..   my Nuprol pioneer defender AEG M4, G&G SMC9, Northeast GBB STEN, TM P90 and my AAP-01 (though I may substitute the STEN for my KWA GBB Skorpion)


You can never have too many spare guns..   and it's always good to have a selection to choose from if you do need a backup.


I have only needed to use my backup guns twice...  once when I ran low on air and the tippmann was messing about, and the other when the HPA line blew an o ring 

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Yes, taking a back up is essential and makes justifying new purchases so much easier! I wouldnt recommend buying a back up, buy a new primary.


I love using my mws, it's awesome and makes the hobby so much more enjoyable. Been playing now for around 11 years and it's truly something else. 


Before the mws I used tm recoils, my old primary is now my back up. I've had maybe 3 times in 11 years guns have gone down mid game, but getting time to actually attend an event means I need to make the most of them. 

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1 hour ago, Emergencychimps said:

 I wouldnt recommend buying a back up, buy a new primary.


This is really good advice, and looking back, is exactly how I ended up with an AEG as back-up to my MWS. 

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33 minutes ago, C-Diddy said:


This is really good advice, and looking back, is exactly how I ended up with an AEG as back-up to my MWS. 

That’s actually a good way of looking at having a backup. Make sure it’s another primary coz let’s face it you don’t really want to be playing with a rif which is cheap and cheerful and which just ruins the rest of your day. Of course as it’s already been mentioned it’s also down to one’s financial standing and I appreciate times ain’t easy for many folk. 

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1 hour ago, AlphaBear said:

Of course as it’s already been mentioned it’s also down to one’s financial standing and I appreciate times ain’t easy for many folk. 


Absolutely, especially the way airsoft prices in general have shot up in the last 6/12 months. Some things are absolutely ridiculous now. 


Getting back on topic though, @cart3rlfc what GBB are you currently running and what backup are you considering?

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On 04/02/2023 at 16:02, BigStew said:



1 hour ago, C-Diddy said:


Absolutely, especially the way airsoft prices in general have shot up in the last 6/12 months. Some things are absolutely ridiculous now. 


Getting back on topic though, @cart3rlfc what GBB are you currently running and what backup are you considering?

Thanks for all the brilliant replies! Definitely an insight to what people run with gbbr as backups, as I wasn't even sure if people took backups!


I currently have a tm Mws and mp7 gbb, which I guess is a back up, but I guess it's a sorry excuse to buy more 😂 


But I was thinking maybe a tm aug or scorpion Evo or krytac, something small enough to not be a hindrance, but big enough to cope with woodland and cqb, and something that doesn't matter if it's cold etc.


Then I also have in the back of my head TM akm 😂👍


What do you think of the above options? 

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TM AKM is brilliant and I prefer it to my MWS as it's far easier to maintain, can be used in basically any loadout kit and everyone has an m4 / 416 / AR-adjacent rifle so it's a bit different (though a lot of people do like their AKs too, so it's not exactly a unique piece), however getting magazines for it has been and still is a challenge. For mine the only thing I want to get for it is a wood kit, but the faux wood looks pretty gorgeous too.


However, it's another gas gun, so you'd have issues if the weather gets too cold. Don't have any experience with the other guns listed, so I'll defer to others on those.

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27 minutes ago, Impulse said:

TM AKM is brilliant and I prefer it to my MWS as it's far easier to maintain, can be used in basically any loadout kit and everyone has an m4 / 416 / AR-adjacent rifle so it's a bit different (though a lot of people do like their AKs too, so it's not exactly a unique piece), however getting magazines for it has been and still is a challenge. For mine the only thing I want to get for it is a wood kit, but the faux wood looks pretty gorgeous too.


However, it's another gas gun, so you'd have issues if the weather gets too cold. Don't have any experience with the other guns listed, so I'll defer to others on those.

How do you find the recoil and range compared to the mws?

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With an MWS and MP7 (that combo sounds familiar 🤔) I'd be tempted to add an AEG option, but it's entirely subjective. 


Can't comment on the options you've mentioned, but if one of them makes you feel warm and fuzzy in the bathing suit area, go for that one. Not wanting to teach you to suck eggs, but if you don't have an AEG and decide to go that route, consider battery space and mag compatibility, as well as decent battery charger when budgeting. 

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I currently have an MP7 that I use as a backup but going against the theme of this thread I use AEG's as my primary go to setup at the moment, but I always have it in my kit as its reliable and I don't have to rely on batteries as long as I have gas.


My thinking behind this rational is that if my primary AEG goes down for batteries I can grab the MP7 and game on as most sites sell gas Whereas batteries and charging facilities are a different matter.


But that's my theory and it might be skewed.


Just to note I normally take at least 2 x AEG's to a game and MP7 GBB. All depending on the site and if my mates are going as well but I have been known to have 4 AEG's especially if I have travelled for a site. But that's the luxury of having multiple rifs to choose from.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know why but I just don't get along with AEGs traditionally lol. I've always felt more comfortable with mechanical systems over electrical and kind of came into airsoft with more knowledge on real gun function than batteries and gearboxes and stuff.

My backup (besides a GBB pistol, which I've also used alone from time to time either 'cause I felt like it or my primary failed) is a springer trishot shotgun, which before I had an MWS was literally my primary. I guess I just like making my own life difficult 🤣 people were always surprised I could be effective and on par with the regular AEG users when running that thing.

I'm also poor AF so that trishot, a worse trishot, the MWS, and a TM P226 are all I own. Probably could have got multiple cheaper guns instead of an MWS, but god damnit I wanted an MWS. 😅

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  • 9 months later...

I've recently purchases a TM M4A1 MWS and I can't see myself going back to AEGs as primaries. It would kinda feel like changing the difficulty in a game from 'hard' to 'easy' - or that's how I feel anyway. I still have my AEG as a back-up though. 

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54 minutes ago, The DrabOlive said:

It would kinda feel like changing the difficulty in a game from 'hard' to 'easy'

In what way?


I'm reletavely new to airsofting & currently only use aeg's, how is GBB harder?

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