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Ex attempting to sell me back my RIF - Is this an offence under the VCRA?


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If anyone sees my TM MWS being sold please message me on here as my ex has kindly stolen it and she refuses to hand it over.


Local to Norwich/East Anglia Areas but could try to sell it further afield.


Has an Angry Gun 10.5inch Outer barrel

Clone CTR stock

IMI pistol Grip

Clone Magpul foregrip

Nuprol 4x ACOG

OD colour Magpul on magazine

Nuprol 600XL Torch




Edited by DrFumbles
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4 minutes ago, JimFromHorsham said:

If you know who stole it then why not just call plod ? 

Believe it or not, I was actually getting my belongings from the house with Plod there to keep the peace. I had the reciept, invoice and order confirmation all in my name from my account and they told me it would be a matter for small claims court.

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That sucks mate, it's a shame there's no precedent can be applied here to enable the plod to retrieve your rif ☹️

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26 minutes ago, SBoardley said:

Would have been the first thing I’d have grabbed.  You can buy pants in Tesco I believe. 

She kicked me out at 2am with pretty much just the clothes on my back. 

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2 minutes ago, DrFumbles said:

She kicked me out at 2am with pretty much just the clothes on my back. 

She’s already sounding like a gem. I believe she has to give you fair notice to collect your stuff, while keeping it in fair condition. Keep any receipts as small claims will need them to award you, and she , in her wisdom will also get stuffed with the court fees too. 
onwards and upwards buddy. 

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Yeah bad news buddy. ☹️


Sneak back in and lift some of her gear and use it as a lever.

But seriously good luck and remember it's only possessions.👍


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Bloody hell!  This is better than Eastenders!  What did you do to merit being kicked out at 2AM?

Going back in and lifting some of her stuff is a bad idea; it is theft and could seriously worsen your situation.  Keep the right on your side.

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My first thought is “does she have a reasonable justification for a RIF?”!


Hope you get it sorted mate, onwards and upwards!

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2 hours ago, SSPKali said:

My first thought is “does she have a reasonable justification for a RIF?”!


Hope you get it sorted mate, onwards and upwards!

There is no need to have ‘reasonable justification’ to possess a RIF

The only directly relevant legislation for RIFs is the VCRA - she has not manufactured, purchased or sold 


(If she does put it up for sale then that becomes a different matter on her ‘permanently depriving’ him of his property



Currently there is nothing to establish that it has been stolen, only that the OP has not been able to recover his property during a dispute.


Softly softly is the order of the day, with the advice above

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So some of you may have seen my previous post in General regarding my ex girlfriend stealing my RIF.


She has no UKARA Defence and no legitimate reason to keep it. I paid for it using my funds, my bank account, UKARA Number etc. And it's all in my name.


She is saying that she will give it back once I pay her £350. 


The police have said this is a civil matter so I understand that but they also said it becomes a crime if she makes any attempt to sell it.


My question is, if she is asking me for a large sum of money for the RIF is this not technically an attempt to sell it?


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Certainly sounds like it, question would be do you have the demand for payment in writing ?, text or email, ideally with her reasoning behind demanding payment ? 

If you have, great, take it to the plod, but if it's verbal, then it's just your word against hers & your back to square one. 

If this is the case maybe you should try to initiate comms via text, & carefully get her to admit her reasoning for wanting payment for releasing your own property back to you. 

Unfortunately without the big picture, some may assume that you also played a part in the demise of your relationship, & her actions & demands are either a form of revenge, or her attempt to recoup financial losses she has somehow suffered. 

I'm not judging, just saying it's a bit of a minefield & these situations usually don't happen spontaneously, if there's more to it then you might have to consider that your not gonna get to walk away with no recriminations, financial or otherwise. 

We might see you on judge rinder lol. 

PS pretty sure there's nothing in the vcra that covers this, in fact as daft as it sounds she could demand to see proof of your ukara before handing it over, even if you paid the 350,its mad🤯

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She does not need a defence to keep it or to sell it; however, before selling it to you, she needs to be sure that you have a defence.

Attempting to sell it to you would almost certainly not be a criminal act.


Tackle's advice is good, as ever.

Edited by Colin Allen
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18 minutes ago, Tackle said:

Certainly sounds like it, question would be do you have the demand for payment in writing ?, text or email, ideally with her reasoning behind demanding payment ? 

If you have, great, take it to the plod, but if it's verbal, then it's just your word against hers & your back to square one. 

If this is the case maybe you should try to initiate comms via text, & carefully get her to admit her reasoning for wanting payment for releasing your own property back to you. 

Unfortunately without the big picture, some may assume that you also played a part in the demise of your relationship, & her actions & demands are either a form of revenge, or her attempt to recoup financial losses she has somehow suffered. 

I'm not judging, just saying it's a bit of a minefield & these situations usually don't happen spontaneously, if there's more to it then you might have to consider that your not gonna get to walk away with no recriminations, financial or otherwise. 

We might see you on judge rinder lol. 

PS pretty sure there's nothing in the vcra that covers this, in fact as daft as it sounds she could demand to see proof of your ukara before handing it over, even if you paid the 350,its mad🤯


Hi, thanks for the advice. 


I actually have it from her in messages multiple times.


In regards to the relationship without getting into too much Jeremy Kyle Material. She snooped and found a draft email I was writing up regarding her controlling and coercive behaviour towards me as a method my GP and Wellbeing recommended for me to cope with my situation. It was never intended to be sent or read by anyone else. So I guess I had a part to play in the demise of the relationship.

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Want to say a big thanks to @Tackleand @Emergencychimpsin particular for the help and advice.


I retrieved all my other belongings with the police on the 27th December, however the RIF Is the only item she kept from me. 


Unfortunately she knows how important that RIF was for me as it kept me in the sport and the sport in turn allowed me a healthy and physical output for my mental and physical health. 


Because we have a 2 year old son together and the police are at least aware of the Domestic Abuse from her I haven't outright made a complaint to the police, more so because I have no real proof and evidence to back me up, it just descends into a he said/she said situation.


I was just hoping the Legal side of things regarding RIFs would have allowed me to get it back more than anything.

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20 hours ago, DrFumbles said:

She is saying that she will give it back once I pay her £350


She's already stolen it from you once, she'll just keep the money if you hand it over first.


So arrange to pick it up, ask to see it before handing over the cash, then just take it off of her one way or another without paying a penny.  Tell her it's a civil matter.


Forget the VCRA offence. The police won't be remotely interested, and even if they were, her defence is that she's selling it to you for use in airsoft skirmishing. The CPS won't touch it.


Sorry to hear that she found the receipts.

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She has appropriated it already via the act of selling it, she treats it as her own property, and also by selling it shows intent to deprive you of it.  Bad darts from the cops to be honest, they will just have wanted to get the incident closed down.  Best way to deal with it is to phone again, report a theft and also complain to the Inspector of the shift that attended about the lack of action from their officers.  This is just based on what you have told us.

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