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Lack of enthusiasm. Again.


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I'm quite the opposite right now, having returned to airsoft after a good number of years I feel refreshed and ready to shoot shit!  However, I can completely acknowledge what it feels like to burn out on airsoft.  

I simply had other interests that I wanted to sink money into.  For me it was cars, motorsport and trackdays. I think it's one of the few things that rivals airsoft in cost! 😅

As others have said - maybe it's time to refresh and minimise your kit back to basics.  Or, like what I did, sell off the majority and keep the basics - knowing you'll be back at some point in time.  

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12 hours ago, PopRocket123 said:

Maybe try going back to basics. Take the bare minimum kit, go with a few friends and just strip it back to the core experience. 

Wise words indeed


12 hours ago, Dentonboy said:


I don't think the current climate of a pandemic has helped. I think it is more the concern that we are playing with toys, they can break, and it can be expensive to fix doesn't help my thinking. I have started to collect pieces that I want to use but don't want to break - TM Uzi, TM PSG-1 for example - and while I am not in debt and can afford to have this stuff in my loft, knowing that it is unlikely to depreciate, I do think at any moment one law change could render them all as wall hangers and the hobby could go. Which is reason enough to play whilst I can, I know...I know...

Your over analysing it, why worry about something that may never happen, alternatively if it did happen your worrying won't have changed anything🤔

As for the kit, it's meant to be used, & will look just as good on the wall even if it's stopped working, so again no excuse to not get out with it.

look at sites with a good reputation for ensuring fair play, doesn't matter that site "A" has more features than a Swiss Army knife, if it's badly managed & full of teflon warriors then a bad day is almost guaranteed, so choose carefully, even if it's just bog standard woodland running some simple old skool capture the flag type games etc.

47 minutes ago, Dentonboy said:

Am going to give my local site a go on the 29th. See how it goes. Thanks all for your input and advice.

Which site is that ?


last few years ive experienced similar feelings, but after 20+ years of ptsd & its associated effects, as well as other physical health problems, Airsoft has always been my "medicine" to let off steam so to speak, my real fear now isn't not wanting to play, but having the choice taken away from me, literally today put on a waiting list for a new knee, In addition to last years minimally invasive cancer diagnosis becoming a more pressing issue requiring drastic intervention this year, wtf, more than ever I need to pew pew.

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7 hours ago, Tackle said:

Wise words indeed


Your over analysing it, why worry about something that may never happen, alternatively if it did happen your worrying won't have changed anything🤔

As for the kit, it's meant to be used, & will look just as good on the wall even if it's stopped working, so again no excuse to not get out with it.

look at sites with a good reputation for ensuring fair play, doesn't matter that site "A" has more features than a Swiss Army knife, if it's badly managed & full of teflon warriors then a bad day is almost guaranteed, so choose carefully, even if it's just bog standard woodland running some simple old skool capture the flag type games etc.

Which site is that ?


last few years ive experienced similar feelings, but after 20+ years of ptsd & its associated effects, as well as other physical health problems, Airsoft has always been my "medicine" to let off steam so to speak, my real fear now isn't not wanting to play, but having the choice taken away from me, literally today put on a waiting list for a new knee, In addition to last years minimally invasive cancer diagnosis becoming a more pressing issue requiring drastic intervention this year, wtf, more than ever I need to pew pew.


You are indeed right mate. Hope you are well.

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1st world problems 


On the rare occasion where I start to feel like this (usually from a prolonged time away from airsoft) I just turn on the news, 5 minutes later I am not exactly raring to go but it puts my (self cantered whinging) lack of motivation under a spotlight. Frustration with the last 18 months restrictions and impact on my business and finances would be top of my list of reasons to feel a lack of enthusiasm for something I enjoy doing.

We all need our own motivation to get off our arses, looking at the shit show in Afghanistan and  the fact that people would try and hold onto a plane as it takes off and getting killed doing so puts my life into perspective somewhat.

Airsoft is not the answer, but a profound lack of motivation to do something you normally enjoy? I think you are asking yourself the wrong question about the wrong subject.


go airsofting, change your attitude to the Teflon’s It’s more fun that way.


(As this is out of my usual posting type, Normal service will be resumed)


Edited by Stratton Oakmont
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I had this last weekend. Ended up last minute.com ing my kit and running round in the woods with a ngrs that really needs a service (240fps on .25s) and had the time of my life. Was competing with hicap heroes using low fos and midsize and getting some brilliant kills through field craft and thinking rather than eying on kit. Was a lot of fun. (Not as much fun as sneaking up on an oblivious Player whilst using an m60 but y'know)

Edited by hunter511
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10 hours ago, Stratton Oakmont said:

1st world problems 


On the rare occasion where I start to feel like this (usually from a prolonged time away from airsoft) I just turn on the news, 5 minutes later I am not exactly raring to go but it puts my (self cantered whinging) lack of motivation under a spotlight. Frustration with the last 18 months restrictions and impact on my business and finances would be top of my list of reasons to feel a lack of enthusiasm for something I enjoy doing.

We all need our own motivation to get off our arses, looking at the shit show in Afghanistan and  the fact that people would try and hold onto a plane as it takes off and getting killed doing so puts my life into perspective somewhat.

You use the phrase 1st world problems as if it’s something to be ashamed off , yes the pictures coming out of Afghan are horrendous BUT it’s nothing new is it ? Every time you switch on the news there’s more and more horror and suffering played out in 4KHD from some 3rd world shithole wether it’s famine/war/climate change/political upheaval/etc that’s caused it , but there is literally nothing we can do about any of it except offer some false sympathy and send the ubiquitous ‘thoughts and prayers’ and some loose change from down the back of the sofa to be embezzled by the corrupt government of what ever country it is so the locals will be lucky to get 20p on the pound that gets sent ?

Yes this may be a ‘1st world problem’ but just because no ones getting killed or displaced or what ever still doesn’t mean it’s not possibly going to have a massive effect on the person experiencing it ?




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32 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

You use the phrase 1st world problems as if it’s something to be ashamed off , yes the pictures coming out of Afghan are horrendous BUT it’s nothing new is it ? Every time you switch on the news there’s more and more horror and suffering played out in 4KHD from some 3rd world shithole wether it’s famine/war/climate change/political upheaval/etc that’s caused it , but there is literally nothing we can do about any of it except offer some false sympathy and send the ubiquitous ‘thoughts and prayers’ and some loose change from down the back of the sofa to be embezzled by the corrupt government of what ever country it is so the locals will be lucky to get 20p on the pound that gets sent ?

Yes this may be a ‘1st world problem’ but just because no ones getting killed or displaced or what ever still doesn’t mean it’s not possibly going to have a massive effect on the person experiencing it ?




Selective use of part of a quote to make your point, we will make a journalist of you yet.

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56 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

 and some loose change from down the back of the sofa 




It's gonna cost us a lot more than that when we have to house and look after the 20,000 + that we are taking in 🤔


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@Dentonboy are you feeling like this just about airsoft, or other things in life too? If the latter then it sounds like you may be suffering from depression or a similar mental health issues. If so then I suggest talking to your GP about possible treatment options, whether they're medication, talking therapy or something else


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Glad to hear it, mental health problems are no fun


As others have posted, try taking a break or go back to basics to see if anything changes

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13 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

Glad to hear it, mental health problems are no fun


As others have posted, try taking a break or go back to basics to see if anything changes


Thank you.

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14 hours ago, Stratton Oakmont said:

Selective use of part of a quote to make your point, we will make a journalist of you yet.

Let me guess “taken out of context” ? 
AND we’ll make a politician out of you yet ? 😉

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  • 2 weeks later...
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8 minutes ago, Dentonboy said:

Well, I took on the general consensus of advice and picked a beautiful summers day to dust off the cobwebs.


Went fairly light and did a half day (best option for me as I find post-lunch I am full and verging on wanting a nap!) and it was pretty...pretty good.




Good news, where did you go ?

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Just now, Tackle said:

Good news, where did you go ?


Dogtag near Crawley. Has been more hit than miss of late, which is good.

5 minutes ago, Jacob Wright said:

Really glad to hear this, good on you!


Ha, cheers, was good to give it a go again.

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1 hour ago, Dentonboy said:


Ha, cheers, was good to give it a go again.

After a month of not being able to get out I’m booking on for the 12th … hopefully my night shift won’t be too busy or I’ll have to duck out for a nap for an hour or two 😂

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Well definitely getting my interest back in the game at last , just got back from ‘the yard’ in Ammanford South Wales and had an outstanding day . Only my 2nd visit (private day first time so don’t think it really counted) 32 players , really good game play from all present , really fast turn arounds between games and made to feel really welcome by the regulars , so all in all definitely helped to improve my negative feelings about airsofting . 👍
At last ! 😉

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Glad you had a good time caps.  


You still get ten pressups for having the Union Flag upside down on your plate carrier though Dentonboy!  😜

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8 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Glad you had a good time caps.  


You still get ten pressups for having the Union Flag upside down on your plate carrier though Dentonboy!  😜

Ha! That is exactly what my Dad would say too. Will rectify!!!

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10 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Glad you had a good time caps.  


You still get ten pressups for having the Union Flag upside down on your plate carrier though Dentonboy!  😜

Its printed wrong because it would be the same the other way up 😆


Edited by EDcase
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edit ; for forum harmony and my sanity . 

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