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Recommend me gear!

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1 hour ago, Lozart said:

There are folks that will only ever buy the cheapest thing that does the job and there are those that choose to spend a little more to buy better kit. Neither are wrong, neither are 100% correct. Fit your kit to your budget and use what you want to use.


Often the talk here isn't a little more it's often 10* the amount the Chinese copies.  I don't mind paying a little more I run a 5.11 40mm pouch and Esstac KYWI Pistol magazine pouches. I probably spent the same money on pouches as I did for my TMC spiritus system clone chest rig + inserts.

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6 minutes ago, Musica said:


Often the talk here isn't a little more it's often 10* the amount the Chinese copies.  I don't mind paying a little more I run a 5.11 40mm pouch and Esstac KYWI Pistol magazine pouches. I probably spent the same money on pouches as I did for my TMC spiritus system clone chest rig + inserts.


People like to discuss extremes because it suits their narrative. You always have to keep things in context and remember that if someone wants to pay ten times as much as you want to for a magazine pouch then that is THEIR choice. They may well have different priorities than you not all of which are "will this stop me dropping my mags on the floor?". I have the TMC Spiritus clone as well and while yes it's good enough for the money, the stitch quality is way below what I can see on my WAS Pathfinder let alone comparing it to my buddy's actual Spiritus setup (which is attached to his Crye JPC 2.0). Now, the big difference here is that I have a mortgage and a number of other financial outgoings that he doesn't so my criteria differ vastly already. Additionally I have the same TMC clone rig in three different colours BECAUSE I CAN. He only uses one basic setup  and he plays a LOT more than I do so his choice to spend what I've spent on all my rigs put together on one rig that he will use more than I will use all of my gear starts to make sense.


At the end of the day we all have different amounts of expendable income and different things we need/want to spend it on. If you can only justify buying TMC or Emerson or Viper then that's fine but if someone else can justify buying Crye or Haley Strategic or Spiritus or Paraclete then that's fine too. What isn't fine is either end of the scale berating the other for their choices. We're all here to play the same game but there's as many different ways to do it as there are people playing so how about we speak from experience and be positive about the things that deserve it and reserve the negative for the things that actually need it.




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6 minutes ago, Lozart said:


People like to discuss extremes because it suits their narrative. You always have to keep things in context and remember that if someone wants to pay ten times as much as you want to for a magazine pouch then that is THEIR choice. They may well have different priorities than you not all of which are "will this stop me dropping my mags on the floor?". I have the TMC Spiritus clone as well and while yes it's good enough for the money, the stitch quality is way below what I can see on my WAS Pathfinder let alone comparing it to my buddy's actual Spiritus setup (which is attached to his Crye JPC 2.0). Now, the big difference here is that I have a mortgage and a number of other financial outgoings that he doesn't so my criteria differ vastly already. Additionally I have the same TMC clone rig in three different colours BECAUSE I CAN. He only uses one basic setup  and he plays a LOT more than I do so his choice to spend what I've spent on all my rigs put together on one rig that he will use more than I will use all of my gear starts to make sense.


At the end of the day we all have different amounts of expendable income and different things we need/want to spend it on. If you can only justify buying TMC or Emerson or Viper then that's fine but if someone else can justify buying Crye or Haley Strategic or Spiritus or Paraclete then that's fine too. What isn't fine is either end of the scale berating the other for their choices. We're all here to play the same game but there's as many different ways to do it as there are people playing so how about we speak from experience and be positive about the things that deserve it and reserve the negative for the things that actually need it.





Love you. Pin this fucking post everywhere. I have a mix of RS and Clone and it does my head in when either side try to argue why paying less or more is better.

Basically, dont be a dick and take your hits. Whether you have a JG or TM or wear skinny jeans or a $600 wildthings jacket, its your choice. end of. 

Oh, same goes for play style. Wanna full on milsim it up? fine. Wanna speed soft your way to victory? also fine. Just don't be a dick in doing so and take your hit

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What I've never really understood about these types of posts is that, eventually, a gear recommendation request will inevitably lead to disagreements over the age old "genuine vs clone/repro/ACM" hypothesis.


Tell someone to stick to the cloned/repro gear, everyone will generally concur and there is a sense of civility.

Tell someone to buy genuine Gucci gear and some will react like you've just insulted 18 generations of their family.


I'm not saying this thread has turned out like this, far from it. 

But I do find the reactions of those that do interesting. 


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Its because its a circular argument with neither side actually being right. People have their opinions and good arguments one way or the other but there's not really any empirical way of deciding so it just ends up constantly circling.


And thats because they havent felt the comforting embrace of our lord and saviour smersh :P

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31 minutes ago, bladerunner168 said:

Tell someone to stick to the cloned/repro gear, everyone will generally concur and there is a sense of civility.

Tell someone to buy genuine Gucci gear and some will react like you've just insulted 18 generations of their family.


Not just OP will read and get advice from this thread even if OP doesn't think twice about a team wendy helmet at £340  then that is fine I don't care what people spend their money on. When I see people giving advice to buy expensive gear then I think that is bad advice for a new player. OP said it has taken him 36 months to save up £1000 which would take us all different amounts of time to save up as we all have difference financial situations.


New players won't even know what load bearing gear they prefer i.e chest rigs, belt rigs, plate carriers or just a wee messenger bag full of loose magazines and  grenades. Same with the gun he might decide to be a GBBR die hard or a DSG rapid fire beast. 

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my spin on the kit is that it's all great, how can I say that ?

when I served my issue kit was '58 pattern webbing, it was heavy, it got fuckin heavier when it got wet (& then shrunk when it dried), it was pretty uncomfortable & would easily fall apart........compared to that crap even viper is "leet", you guys don't know how spoilt you are with the choices these days, I know the old fellers will back me up on this (cue Druid 😜)

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On 20/08/2019 at 23:50, Druid799 said:

How about go back to your home site have a look around at what the other players are using , have a chat with them and then make your own mind up about what you want to buy ?


This is the answer that should have ended this thread.


No one can tell you or even advise as no one else is you and no one even knows you.

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On 20/08/2019 at 23:16, Tyr1415 said:

(I know this should probably be in the new players thread/ and or this type of thread has probably be made hundreds of times but still)

Having waited around 3 years to get into Airsoft ,mainly because I decided to wait until I was 18, I am finally ready and UKARA certified. I have also saved in very small increments over the past 36 months and have managed to muster around £1000.
Few Conditions:
Maybe M4 platform but can be inclined to more exotic platforms e.g FAL
What Gear do you veterans recommend? 

I'm talking clothes and equipment, all the way to the attachments for a specific AEG.


Thanks for all the help (admin please move if I this is in the wrong area)


To be honest you've already had some truly exceptional advice given within this thread and I'd only be echoing a lot of what has already been said.


Truth be told you have saved up a starting budget which puts you in a very strong position but in the same breath the budget at your disposal is a double edged sword. Personally I think it's a commendable achievement showing such focus on your goal and I'd also argue that you've shown sound logic in waiting until you're 18 and obtaining your UKARA, by doing so you've shown that you have patience and that you were willing to take the time to experience the hobby before making on significant investment.


If you haven't done so already I'd strongly recommend trying as many types of site as you're able in order to try form a more rounded experience. This may assist in discerning a stronger direction in relation to how you wish to approach the hobby and it may also help identify what sort of kit will fit your personal requirements.


As @Druid799 put it, everyone will have varying opinions on all the questions you've asked and inevitably these will all be shaped by a mixture of factors. The unfortunate reality is that many opinions (especially in airsoft) are not shaped by experience but often by third hand opinions picked up from an array of sources and often taken for gospel. One thing I will say is that there are many people on this forum with a staggering amount of experience in airsoft and there are many members who also have very relevant personal experiences when it comes to associated gear.


One area often overlooked, due to draw of that Krytac being haloed by a shop's spotlights, is appropriate protective equipment. You don't want to skimp on the quality of eye protection although it can be a bit of minefield when finding what works for you and also finding something which doesn't fog up. I'd also advise something to protect your teeth, dentist bills can quickly mount if you're unfortunate enough to suffer any damage to them. It would be wise not to overlook footwear either, this is an active hobby and most injuries tend to be related to feet and ankles, so try to ensure you're wearing something that offers good support for your feet and ankles. This is perhaps a little more subjective but I'd also recommend a good pair of knee pads (hell these can just be ones for skateboarding) and a pair of gloves such as Mechanix (these aren't particularly expensive). The gloves will save some damage to your hands if you do down and can offer other advantages.


I would argue that when it comes to gear you'd be hard pressed to go wrong with surplus kit. This can be a bit of a quagmire to navigate with many retailers/ebay shops and a variety of sources claiming to offer "genuine" surplus kit which is often a knock off. I'd be of the inclination to find a reputable military surplus if you opt to go down this route although many bargains can be found on ebay if you have a keen eye. Surplus equipment from the UK military will inevitably be cheaper due to its availability but with a bit of research, and some legwork, you can always hunt down more exotic clothing/gear if you so wish.


When picking your clothing and equipment I'd recommend working out what you actually need as opposed to want. I'd also give serious consideration to what will fit your style of play and how you actually approach airsoft on a personal level. As an example there are many people who opt to wear plate carriers when a chest rig would be far more suitable. Admittedly another point of consideration is a simple question of "what is your goal". If you want to run an impression kit or a kit inspired by a military/police unit then you'll probably find yourself purchasing more kit than someone taking a more personalised approach.


There are a lot of good retailers out there for clothing and kit which won't break the bank while offering good quality for reasonable prices but like many things it's knowing where to look.


Guns are another messy subject and one which is potentially even more treacherous when it comes to sifting the useful from the outright fictitious. I cannot stretch this enough when it comes to guns, find what works for you. I've seen people running full size battle rifles in some very tight spaces at CQB sites and I've seen people running nothing but pistols and/or shotguns at woodland sites. While some guns will inevitably be better for certain situations as long as you can identify and accept potential challenges while being happy with your choice and enjoying the game then that's by far the most important thing.


There are manufacturers out there who do offer significantly better products than others but this isn't necessarily true for the entire product produced by said manufacturer. In addition to this every manufacturer possesses their own strengths and weaknesses. To complicate this further it's not uncommon for each platform to have their own quirks or issues (LCT AK's are known for having "weak" motors). If you're going down the route of more "exotic" options then expect to encounter these more often. This isn't intended to put you off but it's better to go into it with your eyes open.


For the sake of a couple examples @Asomodai produced an excellent blog/diary on the forum in relation to a P90 build he put together from a Cyma P90. The gun itself was under £100 (if memory serves) and he dedicated time to rebuilding the internals to turn it into a great performer which rivals many more expensive guns. This isn't to say that the stock Cyma P90 isn't a good gun (I know two guys at my local CQB site who swear by them) but it goes to show what can be done with a little bit of know how.


For my second example I'll refer to myself and @Druid799, I was looking at picking up a Steyr AUG and after doing some research and then asking for feedback from the community I decided to take the plunge. As a result of my query to the community Druid opted to bite the bullet himself. We both went for different manufacturers and different models. I went for the Classic Army version which was more costly and a bit of a pain to find while Druid went for a JG (if memory serves). We've both had great experiences with these guns despite their difference in cost and we've both given positive feedback in relation to these guns. My point being, just because something costs more it doesn't mean it's going to be any better. Admittedly there are differences in relation to the internals, features and quality but we've both found solid guns which we're both happy with (hopefully this isn't too presumptuous @Druid799 😂).


When it comes to picking a gun I'd recommend trying to handle, feel and experience as many as possible. The best way of doing this is by interacting with your local community (most of us love talking about our kit) as many will often be happy enough to give you their feedback and there are many who will allow you to handle their guns although I wouldn't advise doing this mid-game ;)


While it may look "operator" to run an HK416 with handstop, flash light, PEQ box, holosight, magnifier and the kitchen sink, it's worth remembering that most of this stuff simply isn't needed for airsoft and it will only serve to weigh the gun down resulting in more strain and thus fatiguing you quicker. Obviously if you're doing an impression then you'll have to weigh up the pro's and con's on this one. Personally I like a red dot, flash light and foregrip but this is what works for me and I find the light useful for CQB and buildings.


If you've made it this far then hopefully you've found some of the above helpful. I appreciate it's a bit of a long winded piece but I wanted to try and cover each of your questions as completely as possible.


In the event you want to pick my brains feel free to message me, I quite like my exotics myself although I don't have as many exotics as I'd like. I think @Asomodai is the forerunner in this field on here.

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15 hours ago, Lozart said:

if someone wants to pay ten times as much as you want to for a magazine pouch then that is THEIR choice


And it's one that I respect, when phrased as such.


What I will not let slide are opinions stated as "objective" facts about "guaranteed" quality.


That's a choice too.

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2 hours ago, FreeFrag.UK said:

In the event you want to pick my brains feel free to message me, I quite like my exotics myself although I don't have as many exotics as I'd like. I think @Asomodai is the forerunner in this field on here.


My advice is DONT DO IT. The stress and money sink just puts me into the pits of despair. 




But seriously. If you want something exotic, be prepared for some finicky mucking around at times, look at USER reviews for what it is like with stock parts as there may be no upgrade parts to improve it. Out of all of my rifles the exotic I would recommend out of the box is the ICS L85 which is a solid performer with no upgrades. I did replace the motor for a slightly better ROF. Semi auto sometimes goes to full auto but is easily fixed with a turn of a screwdriver. I can also recommend the Tokyo Marui AUG High Cycle. Absolutely fantastic performer out of the box.


I do have a Real Sword T97 on the way (Though is lost somewhere in the German sorting centre so who knows if I get it!) Which is supposedly the best bullpup available in Airsoft. So I will let people know how that goes. 

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15 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


And it's one that I respect, when phrased as such.


What I will not let slide are opinions stated as "objective" facts about "guaranteed" quality.


That's a choice too.

Thing is, @TheFull9 has a LOT of direct experience with a large range of gear. I would also agree with a lot of what he has to say about the quality of gear, Warrior kit IS objectively better made than the likes of Tmc, Emerson and Viper. Whether or not it is worth the extra or any better at serving it's purpose for you in an airsoft environment is up to you to decide and spend your money as you see fit.

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Some good points.

I've typically bought Warrior rigs and clawgear clothing as a middle ground between the extremes.  When you start buying multiple colours things start to get out of control quickly.


Having just bought a full loadout in black for a themed milsim, I already wish I'd bought cheaper gear.

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