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Overshooting kids this weekend

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44 minutes ago, Wo1f said:

That picture is the is everything I hate in airsoft.   


Could be worse, could be a HPA high ROF Bullpup Glock, then it would be almost everything I hated ;)   

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Always amazes me that people turn them up that high. I am a hpa user of both polarstar and tippmann and tbh my ROF on my polarstars are always set at 20rps.

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Just because you can shoot 60rps doesn’t mean you have too... the only time that’s required is when some cheating spac starts getting mouthy... and even then, I’m not wasting 60 rounds on him... maybe 20. 

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2 hours ago, Albiscuit said:


Could be worse, could be a HPA high ROF Bullpup Glock, then it would be almost everything I hated ;)   

*vomits violently*


i have only ever had a couple of bad days airsofting, and they have always been with those  HPA overkill, speedsoft cockwombles that call everyone ‘dude’ and have the frame of a 13 year old girl. That and “Mattthecheatingwankerteer” but that’s for a different thread. 

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19 minutes ago, Wo1f said:

“Mattthecheatingwankerteer” but that’s for a different thread


We do need an Airsoft "Celeb" Dish the Dirt thread. 🍿

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3 hours ago, Robert James said:

Overshooting kids this weekend.... Wow.


3 hours ago, EDcase said:

Airsoft would be so much better without that kind of shit

60rps ffs

That tells me you're frustrated because you can't hit anything with single shot or normal rate of fire.


2 hours ago, Mike W said:

Always amazes me that people turn them up that high. I am a hpa user of both polarstar and tippmann and tbh my ROF on my polarstars are always set at 20rps.


2 hours ago, Eenthuncob said:

Are there even that many sites that allow full auto these days? No site I visit does and if they do they regulate it heavily.


2 hours ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

Getting sent home for overshooting like a twunt this weekend!


2 hours ago, Prisce said:

Just because you can shoot 60rps doesn’t mean you have too... the only time that’s required is when some cheating spac starts getting mouthy... and even then, I’m not wasting 60 rounds on him... maybe 20. 


46 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


We do need an Airsoft "Celeb" Dish the Dirt thread. 🍿



Its only game game why you heff to be mad?


serious stay home kids 

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47 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


We do need an Airsoft "Celeb" Dish the Dirt thread. 🍿

Well I’m taking full responsibility for that douche quitting😂


ive never met such an arrogant, cheating knowitall in my life. Before we even start playing he interrupts a conversation to tell me about my own gun (half of which was wrong) and then wanders off to do the same to someone else. Presumably because he got the “who’s this tw@t?” Expression, instead of “OmG is MaTt!”


In game I hit him several times on the torso, from 4m away max (with tracers so I watched them bounce off him). He stands there, presumably hit for 5 seconds then shoots me in the back as I continue to progress through the room. 

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1 hour ago, Wo1f said:

*vomits violently*


i have only ever had a couple of bad days airsofting, and they have always been with those  HPA overkill, speedsoft cockwombles that call everyone ‘dude’ and have the frame of a 13 year old girl. That and “Mattthecheatingwankerteer” but that’s for a different thread. 


Wo1f is one of the few I’ve ever met that even if you treat him nice,his autism will kick in and take it as insult so there’s no point doing it anyway 




wo1f is so mentally broken he’s only friend with children’s because they’re the only people that’ll give him the time of the day because they don’t know the difference between a retard and normal person.



Dude speedsoft is much better than Milsim, and I can aim ay DUDE! HEY DUDE what the heck,DUDE

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13 minutes ago, Esmo said:


Wo1f is one of the few I’ve ever met that even if you treat him nice,his autism will kick in and take it as insult so there’s no point doing it anyway 




wo1f is so mentally broken he’s only friend with children’s because they’re the only people that’ll give him the time of the day because they don’t know the difference between a retard and normal person.



Dude speedsoft is much better than Milsim, and I can aim ay DUDE! HEY DUDE what the heck,DUDE

Thank you for proving my point with your horrendous use of sarcasm and low wit. I assume by your response you’re one of those grown men who run around in Lycra overkilling everyone in a game of airsoft because you weren’t born in America and didn’t get the opportunity to shoot up your school full of bullies, so you live out your mock vengeance by dressing as a power ranger and ruining people’s days? 


Sound about right? 

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@Esmo - wind your neck in a tad.

Theres no need to resort to insults like that, including dropping in the oh-so-hilarious "autism" joke.


This thread is an obvious attempt to bait the regular members into your lol-tastic trolling.


Roll off the volume and join in with the forum normally please

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43 minutes ago, Esmo said:









Its only game game why you heff to be mad?


serious stay home kids 

Where do you play? Lemme come along and shoot you with your own gun, then tell me there’s no issue. And if you try telling me there is no issue with tears in your eyes you will prove everyone’s point.

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