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Airsoft Etiquett

Lord Daem

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Hello again!!


I've been searching the forums and have googled it, however I was wondering if you could all give me some etiquette tips (I don't want to be THAT newbie that annoys everyone by not having a clue!)


I know the basic "take your hits" but watching some YouTube videos I've seen a few other things I would have had no idea about (like not standing behind doors) but would love to know what the standards are.


Thanks again

Lord Newbie ;)

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If you think you have hit someone but aren't 100% assume you haven't. I'm sure people thinking "well they aren't taking their hits so I won't take mine" is the main reason cheating escalates in a day, and in actual fact you never hit them.


Don't fire in the safe zone, ever. A lot of sites cover this in the brief but either way it still happens so much it isn't funny. Sometimes I wish I could hold my gun up to someone who is doing its face and say "this gun has no magazine in it, are you happy for me to pull the trigger to confirm there's not a BB loaded?" - I would never do this but I am illustrating a point in case anyone isn't sure :)


When crossing in front of another player shout something like "crossing" let's them know what you are doing and avoids some point blank friendly fire incidents.


Fortunately a lot of sites mention this, but if you aren't sure if you are hit just take it. I've been walking back to the safe zone and realised that what hit me was a rain drop.. It's better safe than sorry.


Edit: Most of what I am saying tends be covered in safety briefs, but anyone that plays at a site regularly will notice that occasionally the person doing the briefing is essentially relying on regulars to highlight anything they missed. This is something I have seen happen at multiple sites.

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  On 21/08/2015 at 22:25, Esoterick said:

If you think you have hit someone but aren't 100% assume you haven't. I'm sure people thinking "well they aren't taking their hits so I won't take mine" is the main reason cheating escalates in a day, and in actual fact you never hit them.


Don't fire in the safe zone, ever. A lot of sites cover this in the brief but either way it still happens so much it isn't funny. Sometimes I wish I could hold my gun up to someone who is doing its face and say "this gun has no magazine in it, are you happy for me to pull the trigger to confirm there's not a BB loaded?" - I would never do this but I am illustrating a point in case anyone isn't sure :)


When crossing in front of another player shout something like "crossing" let's them know what you are doing and avoids some point blank friendly fire incidents.


Fortunately a lot of sites mention this, but if you aren't sure if you are hit just take it. I've been walking back to the safe zone and realised that what hit me was a rain drop.. It's better safe than sorry.

Thanks for the reply!!


The "crossing" suggestion is probably going to save me a lot of pain.

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Biggest gripe for me in the few games I have had is "dead people don't talk".

We had some guy get hit aways in front of us, come running back for a re-spawn screaming at people to move up.... Not only upsetting everyone but giving the whole teams position away as well. We were at the time creeping through undergrowth silently to sit an pick off the people looking at the main assault points.

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The dead players is a good one. When you have flanked players and drop them then they shout "AH MAN WE DIDN'T SEE YOU" - Yes I know you didn't please pipe down. It's nice having a bit of banter but not when you are in the process of flanking more people that have no idea you are there.


Also try to avoid using being dead and walking back to safe zone as an opportunity to scout half the enemy team. Everyone does it now and again without thinking but some players are terrible for it. I don't think I have ever heard it mentioned in a briefing but it is a cheap tactic.

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Even being asked by a member of my own team as I walked back to dead zone


where are they then - soz m8 I'm dead so can't say - jeeez


most of this is all common sense fair play stuff really


end of the day - don't sweat it if you get it wrong at first - you are a newbie ffs

(I'm still a noob tbh and it is just a game but we try our best to play fair & we are all learning by mistakes)


newbie rental kids you kinda expect them not to fully grasp it first time around

it is when you see the experienced players bending or blatant cheating it really stinks


Good on ya for asking - you got the perfect idea of trying to play as fair as possible

(if only all players did this there would be few rows & bitching so we could all just get on and play ffs)

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I hate hearing abuse fly on the field of battle, we all get the hump now and again but I hate it when players start hurling abuse at each other. Really ruins it for me.

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  On 21/08/2015 at 22:00, Lord_Metile said:

Don't shoot people on stairs. (CQB only)

Yes you can. Some sites might have this rule but never heard of one.


Main rules are;


Dont be aggressive to other players.

Always play safe as possible

Dont be a try hard its a game no one is a real soldier.


And the most important one is get stuck in and have fun.

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Everyone plays for different reasons. Just because you or your team are serious players, a lot of people just want to get out the house at the weekend.


Also, only the losers are playin for fun! Hahah

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If you have the drop on someone and would be able to shoot them point blank, give them a chance to just accept that they are dead. Either a tap on the shoulder with a hand or melee weapon or a bang rule if that's something your site does.

The stairs thing is pretty simple. If you shoot down at someone you will hit them in the head at short range and that will hurt a lot.

Don't start complaining loudly about other players. If someone isn't taking hits, tell a marshall so they can watch that player. There may be a reason for it (your gun isn't as good as you think it is, the other player may be wearing too much clothing to feel the hits etc.)

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Only problem with bang rule is really get ready to shoot


Over here a number of people expect to be shot,

an ultra competitive player will just go for shot when they are presented with a surrender

even if they know they are banged to rights, it is a toy gun and wtf I'll die the hero type of thing....


So if you offer somebody the sporting chance rather than shoot them in the back

really be prepared to pull the trigger the moment you suspect they are not gonna comply


Flip side of this - arguments about I was just gonna surrender ffs

yeah - why try to raise ya gun at me

I wasn't I was raising my right arm but the was the arm that held my gun

ohh yeah sure you was, whilst turning to look straight at me

I was trying to make eye contact to whom I was surrendring too....


and so on and so on..........


Black Death summed it up by saying I play and expect to get shot - he is a big mofo to say the least

he would even go to surrender so you'd think with right arm whilst left arm might try for a melee knife kill

as he said - if you got the chance shoot me


That is how he rolls, now obviously if you got a point blank shot at a 12yr old that is a bit different

(though watch it - coz them little sods will go for just as much as Black Death would)


No offense to anybody above - but each situation is different

yes we like to play fair and safe - just your opponent might not play quite as fair as you may assume


offer a surrender but just don't for a split second they will take the offer as you might expect them to

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I usually go for the knife kill if I'm that close. No-one ever argues with a foot and a half long blade painted to look real (P1908 bayonet=they don't like it up 'em). If you have to shoot someone close up, aim for somewhere less vital, never the head.

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Surrender and bang rules are b*llshit I dont care if someone is 6ft or 6 inches I am pulling the trigger and expect the same from them.


I have had people try to go for the surrender and dry fire so you never know.


If you are worried about getting hurt by a little plastic bb fired out of a toy gun then you you really need to man up or take up knitting instead.

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  On 22/08/2015 at 10:33, ImTriggerHappy said:

Come to the mall some time and we can check that theory.

Bet I dont stop having fun and smiling the whole time I am shooting you 😉

It's 3 hours from me but I will make the trip befor the end of the year.


I don't really us surrender rule. If am that close to that I wouldn't want to shoot then that must mean I could use a knife kill. Being that close usually means I have spent time creeping around enemy team so to say the word surrender or bang load enough for the player to hear will alert the other opposing players to my position. It is often possible to take out two or three players before firing a single bb.


On the etiquette front, if u are knife killed and the player whispers "stealth kill" in your ear don't shout hit. Stand up and walk back to regen. Once back in the game shout as loud as possible to alert your team but dead players don't talk.

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  On 22/08/2015 at 10:30, Russe11 said:

If you have to shoot someone close up, aim for somewhere less vital, never the head.

Funnily enough I was warned on another forum for suggesting that deliberate head shots were a dick move.


My suggestions -


Watch your engagement distances. Lighting someone up with full auto at close distance is the best way to get on a marshalls watch list.


Don't go yelling instructions, commands or tactics to your team unless you're a designated leader or commander. No one was ever helped by someone screaming "move up!" Have seen groups of newer players get mowed down in obvious ambush positions again and again because someone had to play at being general. Even worse if its a site Marshall yelling to run forward in some sort of paintball esque idea. Thankfully my regular site is great for avoiding these situations.

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  On 22/08/2015 at 19:31, Raffles said:

Funnily enough I was warned on another forum for suggesting that deliberate head shots were a dick move.




I am guessing zero one forums?

Shooting someone in the face full auto at point blank is not only a dick move, it's dangerous. If the head is all you can hit then it's fair game, but if you are close and you have a choice, always aim lower. Emptying a mag full auto into someones arse is safer and way funnier :D

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Great info for newbi me also.

I've got my first "walk on" skirmish day next week. I work in the "real" weapon world and I'm quite nervous about messing up and annoying the old sweats at the skirmish with their established tactics and drills.

Hugely looking forward to the FUN aspect of the airsoft environment.

Thanks again

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