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CQB injuries


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Walked round a corner one time, only to find a bloke there with a shotgun. Took a few BB's to the hand from about 3ft resulting in a golf ball sized knuckle for a week. Lesson learned,got some nice gloves after that ;)

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4 swollen bruised lumps on my left arm from a high fps G36c, one which has scarred me, but I was in the middle of charging in and using the rubber bayonet on the end of my Lee Enfield on him at the time.......

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My younger bro got hit on the bollock last weekend at bunker lol. He felt proper sick! I did the suportive older brother part and just pissed myself with laughter. But we will both be getting cups for next time we go there i think. Is a hectic site to play but awesome.

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Took one square In the left nut at Epsom, the dull pain in my crotch pain went on for hours. Last week I took a few shots I'm the back close range about 2 feet away (friendly fire) kidney pain in varying degrees for a nice 48 hours. Mesh paint in the eyes isn't fun either

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Epsom bunker had my left hand little finger fractured from a hit onto the joint (darn fingerless gloves!).


Had a scary moment in Bunker51 where a super heavy BB hit my mesh mask flicked up onto the underside of the goggles and pushed through the rubber over my nose and tapped me in the eye (full seal isn't a complete defence apparently but I wasn't hurt).


I had a shot in Total Warfare that came down from on high and hit me square in the goggle pane at the centre. The lens bent so much that it produced a pressure wave that made me think it might have penetrated and certainly felt the impact in my eye but without any damage.

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Christ, some bad injuries & certainly some narrow escapes for people


Not really an injury but fairly funny (still don't know what happened) but managed to catch a BB in my mouth somehow, no damage or anything ?? which is weird


Last game day, a bloke had broken his leg somehow to the point where game was ended, everyone had to gather at the RV point & no one was allowed to the safe zone


Everyone complyed & respect to the marshalls for being on the ball


So glad I have an emergency whistle in my kit

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Shot a mate in the knuckle in his first airsoft game this sat (was a bday party at ucap bunker) his knuckle looked quite sore and swollen. Tbh i was very well dug in with my cuz and we where defending in a hunt and kill game. I did tell them to go another route to try and help them but they didnt listen lol and all got hurt one way or another lol.

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  On 28/06/2015 at 17:35, n1ckh said:

Christ, some bad injuries & certainly some narrow escapes for people


Not really an injury but fairly funny (still don't know what happened) but managed to catch a BB in my mouth somehow, no damage or anything ?? which is weird


Last game day, a bloke had broken his leg somehow to the point where game was ended, everyone had to gather at the RV point & no one was allowed to the safe zone


Everyone complyed & respect to the marshalls for being on the ball


So glad I have an emergency whistle in my kit


Which is why ALL sites should have trained First Aid staff... sadly I feel this isn't always the case...

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First game, fIrst ever day out, I managed to get shot in the mouth and thought the bb had grazed the back of my tongue and bounced out again as there was nothing to spit out apart from a little blood. It wasn't until lunchtime that I decided to have a look in the mirror, as the graze was really annoying. I noticed a tiny little bit of white in the side of my tongue and gave it a little squeeze.


Like a big zit, the embedded bb popped out.


I still have it and it's in the inside pocket of my fatigues every time I play...

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  On 28/06/2015 at 23:27, DEF said:

First game, fIrst ever day out, I managed to get shot in the mouth and thought the bb had grazed the back of my tongue and bounced out again as there was nothing to spit out apart from a little blood. It wasn't until lunchtime that I decided to have a look in the mirror, as the graze was really annoying. I noticed a tiny little bit of white in the side of my tongue and gave it a little squeeze.


Like a big zit, the embedded bb popped out.


I still have it and it's in the inside pocket of my fatigues every time I play...



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Private game playing in a laser tag arena, someone was using subpar ammunition and his gun got "stuck" in full auto as I was coming round the corner. Received a 3 second burst into my lower face mask, which would've been fine except the subpar bb's shattered and retained enough velocity passing through the mesh to wipe out half the teeth on my lower jaw. £600 dentist bill, which he graciously paid (well if he hadn't i'd probably have broken something of him >.> ) and he owes me pints for life.

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Yesterday..Got 2 good forehead welts between my eye pro and hat, awesome shots or lucky and the last game of the day is always real silly cqb within 5 meters sometimes, it was pistols on out team of 2 the other guys had pistols and a shotgun!

Got 8 nice welts on my left arm from that, he got me at about 4m 😂

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3 scars on my hand along the index fingers tendon (couldn't use it for a day and even then it hurt like a b*tch) and 1 on my knuckles shot from about 10m away but it still left a massive blood blister and me being me after 2 weeks forgot about it and punched someone...

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I took a hit in the gonad and felt a bit sick. The adrenaline sort of saved me till i got home, had a nap, and woke up in agony lol

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Not my injury but I did knock some poor guy flat on his back yesterday. Sprinting through a doorway and he came running out of the shadows I hit him full pelt he looked a bit messed up for a minute. I thought it might be time to get a solicitor but he was ok in the end. Fair play to the guy he didn't bitch about it when I spoke to him in the safe zone after and it must of hurt. Seemed like a nice bloke which made me feel even more guilty.

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I had a flash bang explode on my knee cap it hurt a little (lot)2 weeks later the bruising is just starting to go

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