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Pistols Are Bullpups


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Yesterday night, after a conversation with Fire Team DERP on MyFaceTubes, I have come to the conclusion that modern pistols are in fact...





This all came after we had been teasing our resident bullpup hater "Glasgow". A few guys on the team (myself included) are looking at buying/ are definitely buying bullpup rifles, but Mr. Glasgow absolutely hates the configuration. After another team mate (I'll call him "Dunfermline") said that "I know you have one, we all secretly have a bullpup " Glasgow sends us a picture of his GHK G5, and his M1911. Then it suddenly clicked!


The L85 has a mag which loads behind the trigger.

So does the M1911.


Most of the action/important features like the fire selector are behind the trigger on the FAMAS.

Same as on the M1911.


Holy sh*t...

this can only mean...

but that means....




In case this evidence isn't enough, here's a quick comparison between a bullpup (in this case an L85A2) and a standard pistol (shown as an USP 45)




"BUT DX!" I hear you shout. "How can a pistol be classed as a bullpup when all pistols load from that area?"


Well, strange person who just shouted at a website for some reason, that is a good point. You got me there. Nobody has ever made a pistol which loads from in front of the trigger.


Except for the MAUSER C96






and pretty much EVERY revolver ever made








UNDENIABLE proof that most pistols are bullpups! TAKE THAT SCIENCE!

This also proves that SMGs such as the UZI, MAC-10, MP7/9 are ALSO bullpups! (thanks for pointing that out Dundee!)


*The small as f*ck print: everything in this article is not not not not not not not not not not not not not meant to be taken seriously. If you can work that many negatives out, then you deserve to know that much.

All people portrayed in this article are purely fictitious (except for those who arent). Fireteam DERP and its affiliates will not be held responsible for any deaths, injuries and lack of sense of humor that occur as a result of reading the above thread*

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To be a bullpup, a pistol would also have to be clumsy and slow to switch the mags with, eject the shell cases into your face if you try to shoot it in anything other than one conventional way (or the soldier alongside you when you use it any way), and deafen you when you fire it. Which, come to think of it, means the CZ VZ 61 Skorpion MP qualifies on nearly all counts :lol:

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The tar 21 doesn't have to kissing steel because it redirects the shells forward. Indeed the F2000 even ejects the shells gently out the front, this isn't a general complaint against the bullpup design in general only against particular implementations. Switching mags is mostly only an issue on the ground or if you wear a lot of gear that gets in the way, I have no issues switching mags on a bullpup. Bullpups are far from clumsy and slow, a lot of experts will tell you having the weight behind the trigger makes the gun feel light, feel more balanced and point much faster , its just physics. Bull pups are not inherently flawed, they have a lot of advantages and once the design process on them is 100 years mature like the carbine its faults will have been mitigated as well.


Yes pistols are basically bullpups, because its important for them to be short and get as much barrel length in that short space as they can to maximise accuracy and minimise the weight and length. Its not a surprise a lot of the design decisions for pistols and bullpups are similar, because they have similar goals (being good in an urban environment and close spaces).

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I would disagree:



"Bullpup" describes a modern firearm configuration in which the action and magazine are located behind the trigger group and alongside the shooter's face


This specifies that the Action



In firearms terminology, an action is the physical mechanism that manipulates cartridges and/or seals the breech.


AND magazine (bit which houses dem boolits) are located behind the trigger group (set of components which release the hammer/striker)


On the USP given, the trigger group sits behind the trigger and magazine (at the very back of the frame).

If the trigger group is the MOST rearward unit then the firearm CANNOT POSSIBLY have the action or magazine behind it, surely?

I would say that the argument given relies mostly on guesswork and a poor understanding of the actual mechanisms involved.


That post makes me sound like I'm having a go, but I'm not. Just adding my 2P

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  On 15/10/2014 at 17:31, Rock-climby-Dave said:

On the USP given, the trigger group sits behind the trigger and magazine (at the very back of the frame).

If the trigger group is the MOST rearward unit then the firearm CANNOT POSSIBLY have the action or magazine behind it, surely?


That post makes me sound like I'm having a go, but I'm not. Just adding my 2P


I assume that you read the small as fuck print?

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An airsoft L85 is made by G&G.






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Bullpup means the action is behind the trigger, and I always took the action as being the bolt and breach, which is pretty much always level with the trigger, rather than behind it.

So there!

I know it's a joke thread, but still... It's wrong!

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  On 15/10/2014 at 22:20, TeddyBhoy said:

All cars are Horses and carts because they have wheels and the propulsion (Engine/horse) is usually in the front.


If cars are like that...

But not all cars have horses at the front...

Then most modern Ferrari's, Lamborghini's and Porsche's ...

Are in fact...



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Got it. The A10 Thunderbolt II and the AH64 Apache are both bullpups and not bullpups (at the same time) but depending on which weapon you have selected; either the wing pylon weapons or the nose mounted gun, whereas the Sopwith Camel and the Spitfire are most definitely not, but the Me 109 and Fw 190 are both at the same time providing they have the gun pods attached under the wings (unless you happen to pull the joystick back far enough whilst pressing the fire buttons, when they revert to not being bullpups, except when you are viewing them from the side). A Bayonet is not a bullpup when you have it attached to your rifle, but is a bullpup when not fixed and you hide it behind your back. A hand grenade is a bullpup when you move your arm back to commence throwing it, but as it passes over your head before you release it, it stops being a bullpup.


Glad that's cleared up then.

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you have confused me more by saying that, than my thinking if buying a bullpup confused Glasgow

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  On 15/10/2014 at 22:20, TeddyBhoy said:

All cars are Horses and carts because they have wheels and the propulsion (Engine/horse) is usually in the front.

I think that was the point that I tried to get across to Glasgow when we had our conversation.

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  On 16/10/2014 at 13:59, TeddyBhoy said:

I'm from Glasgow :rolleyes:


Never knew! "Glasgow" is just the nickname for one of our team mates. Incidentally, he's from Glasgow

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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