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Photos from the field

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Haven't posted for a while, so here's a few from games at the sandpit and the billet and a training day too!






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Photo from The Gaol. Taken by Snoopy Snaps back in last year when I was using the AUG A1.

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Ended my drought by playing for the first time in what must be almost 6 months yesterday, and am back to being hooked once more.

One of me:



One of Sam and myself shitting on everyone:


And one of our little train:


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Sitting on the job for some train of thought.......

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blitzing between buildings at Sennybridge FUBIA with dragon valley on saterday.




Pic by TIna Evans

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I'll add a few from Sunday.....




Someone got a great shot on me during the day and hit one of the chem lights on my rig setting it off!!





This was really quite funny.....but dam effective! 2 TM SCAR recoils and a WE GBB M4...the noise alone put them off!!



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Was at Viking Airsoft the other week with a couple of friends. Despite having the SR25, I couldn't actually use it as it chronoed in at 490 fps, even though taiwangun pre checked it and it came out at 430...

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A couple of shots from a while back at POW airsoft taken by H.





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Wentworth CQB



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Some pics courtesy of POW Airsoft -


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Recently went to Red1's the school at the weekend as I was unable to go to Okto8's milsim in Eversley (cheers work) and they've recently turned a wooded area next to the school into a skirmish area. With 2 villages and a bridge, the organisers set up a rolling defence game. I got to field my SR25 for the first time as well and so far; I'm impressed, although the FPS has dropped considerably since taking it apart (shooting at about 370). Whilst defending the bridge, the marshal managed to get a few shots of me as I tried to shoot anyone who went through the choke point as they crossed the bridge.




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The Stan - Sheffield







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