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Everything posted by n1ckh

  1. I get the X1 and it stops pretty much outside of his place That's settled, I'm going there and putting down a deposit
  2. Its no good, I've got to take a trip there and see what's what
  3. 3 of my team mates use SRC ak47's and they love them One of them had to swap out a spring cause it was hot and that's it, no problems after 4 months of skirmishing with 2 games per month
  4. Why does that bloke make it look like he's being camp lol
  5. Will do samurai Mine works as I use it to find out how fast my rc fast boats and cars go
  6. That's a good point, I've got a GPS unit that I might add to my loadout somewhere
  7. Ukara IS NOT a licence, its a defence for retailers to show that your not buying a RIF to be a k**b in public with it You can turn up at game days and people will just assume you have ukara, I wouldn't worry mate Your game site has proof (the days you've attended on file) and everything's going through Turn up, crack on & have fun
  8. I agree chock When me and my boys are airsofting, they tend wear some of my patches especially my para wings When I went to last years local rembrance parade (my boys very 1st army cadet parade and being in the band) they said everyone was saying 'I wish my dad was in the army, you're so lucky' I pride myself on recognising ex-forces personnel
  9. I'm at cribbs on the 8th so I'll give it a try MTP shirt DPM trousers & boonie OD plate carrier
  10. Cardboard box with an old cushion or large towel
  11. waves back Lipos should be stored at 3v per cell and discharged to 3.3v per cell Nimhs can be discharged down to resting voltage of what they are (is 7.2v, 8.4v etc)
  12. I used electric cable trunking to make a peq style battery box, bought some peq stickers from a forum member on here
  13. Cheers chock Think I'm sticking with DPM but will have MTP kit for the summer months
  14. My 3 year old daughter loves that film and watches it all f*****g day I'm afraid someone might go to far so why not camo it up lol Would be hilarious to see someone waddling around in it and at least you'd blend in if your up north with the snow
  15. I wear my old army DPM kit with all my insignia patches and I'm proud to wear it as it took me 6 months to earn it all, worn on countless exercises and operations, when I talk to people about it all after they've asked me questions, you can see on there face that there not calling you a wanker, some of the more experienced guys ask for my opinions and/or suggestions There's far more available for MTP/multicam these days as that's the modern kit, it was the same 10/15 years ago when it was still OD & DPM, I'm starting to build up an MTP uniform Even at new sites, people dont look down there nose at you, not everyone can afford Gucci kit and make do with cheaper stuff, doesn't make you better or worse, its the persons attitude that does
  16. n1ckh

    Another new bfg

    I agree duck, nothing worse than spending tonnes of money on all your kit and it either comes back damaged, lost or stolen to which you think 'f**k it, I aint doing that again' I've been lucky so far as I've borrowed a mag and gave it back, loaned a mag to someone and got it back Only time I've walked away with someone's gas pistols was when he fired them, threw them on the ground and was heavily distracted so I told him I'll wait outside the safe zone (which I did) I cleared them aswell and waited He appreciated that cause anyone could've walked of with them
  17. I use a small wood frame with a pillow case nailed to it around the outside edge, even at point blank range they dont do any damage and plenty of material to slow bb's down
  18. Fobus and serpa are differently shapes to each other but do the same job I picked up a serpa style glock holster of eBay for about £20, it did state that it was a Chinese copy
  19. How about trying a serpa holster ?? I use it on my PC Doesn't fall out or get in the way and I haven't lost anymore mags (mine fell out aswell, almost lost 2 in one day)
  20. One thing I've always noticed from my time in exercises and on operations in various landscapes Foliage tends to get lighter in colour as it grows towards the sky I know soldiers tend to mix uniforms depending where they are
  21. I'm getting an MTP uniform together (trousers, ubacs and smock) I've got a shirt and wonder what peoples thoughts are on mixing an MTP shirt with DPM trousers (until I get the rest)
  22. I'm part of a 5 man team as we play regular together, I've kind of fallen into the lead role but also follow others aswell, I will give orders and take them I find noob's will attach themselves to who they feel comfortable and relaxed with and I do tend to welcome guys into the fold In all honesty, I steer clear of the guys with 'all the gear & no idea' as there in it for the glory The best people to follow are the ones who just gel together no matter what there experience
  23. Been doing that and saw the video your on about but when I saw a guy do it a paintball gun, that gave some ideas I put straight on paper
  24. One thing to point out to you dude 1- dont post about ukara on the facebook page (just memes & insults) 2- read up on the debate about 'ukara & VCR act' 3- have fun & enjoy yourself And 4- did I mention have fun &enjoy yourself Ok ok that's more than 1 thing, I can't count with shoes on lol
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