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Everything posted by n1ckh

  1. They're easy to fit but like anything, its daunting the first time you do it You can go on eBay and get them with pre soldered wires, just snip off the amount you need from the battery & connector, wire together, solder the joints and some heat shrink, job done
  2. Yes it does mate Battery's will need female part of deans (so no shorting out occurs) the weapon will need the male part along with charger leads If your soldering yourself, scratch the brass lugs on the deans for a better a keyed surface and tin (solder melted) on the bare wires and the brass lugs, put together and heat up PUT heat shrink on the wire before soldering together and ALWAYS strip and solder 1 battery wire at a time
  3. I agree, its not just common wealth forces who died in all conflicts around the globe, but remembrance is for every person who has died military and civilian I live in hope that one day all conflict will cease (and I'm not a bible bashing god botherer) but it will take many years to get there I've also known families who have lost relatives, friends etc (some I've known aswell) but these people dont hold a grudge to what there relatives did, they take great pride in this and that's why these ignorant scum bags will never break our spirits Many have tried and failed
  4. My brother and sister in law have one but I was to late to get one While I agree with what you say about public flogging, yes they should be hunted down but made an example of in a different way somehow It just perpetuates the ignorance of these scum bags
  5. Tight bore doesn't increase range, it will increase feet per second (fps) a decent hop and heavier ammo will increase range and a bit more accuracy If its still under warranty then send it back but knowing how to strip a gear box will certainly help in the future and save you postage costs
  6. Ummm not usually but does happen Check YouTube for teardown and maintenance videos, I had similar problems so I regressed everything and it went back up to 330
  7. Can you believe the guys receiving death threats ?? Its a disgrace, I know its not just from extremists but even the British public, I've seen kids and adults taking the absolute piss on remembrance day and its taken all my strength not to kick the f*****g sh1t out of them Its not wonder there's so much hatred in the country when "civilised" people do this Hate mongering scum bags, try being in our service personnel's shoes or even there families when they've lost a son or daughter etc but I know it won't change anything Yes we occupied various country's through out our history but we're also usually the 1st ones there to sort it out
  8. Possibly mate, god knows what there upto these days or if any of them are still alive ?? My dad told me of a time when he saw 6 of them in a pub going up against a bunch of Para's (i apologise to any para's on here)
  9. Yep gets a bit bloody confusing at times buddy, I served along side the royal signals (was doing there radio course at the same time) and had some snotty female corporal tell me how to do my job, I just laughed and walked away Hell yeah 'the tigers, fierce pride' I've heard worse "we'll make you roar and make you sore" The ghurkas, bloody nutters, hard as nails and the best bunch of blokes around, never served along side them, but seen them in action on exercises with them, there idea of a gentle stroll was a 20 mile run, in full kit in the middle of summer
  10. My bad Cav 3rd (united kingdom) division, I was 1PWRR in Paderborn back in the mid to late 90's
  11. It amazes me how quickly we all go 'off topic' Maybe someone should start a 'miscellaneous' thread and just talk about anything
  12. Fair enough cheese, I'll be near by with the toilet paper when people sh1t them self from laughing so hard, has he ever played at cribbs or portishead ?? Could possibly have been the boys shower room colonel or he had an affair with one of the officers lol
  13. Really, ?? Not sure how to take that cheese (only been there once so far) Is he like the sort of people we've been talking about ?? Just read your post mate, if we're all there at the same time, I'll back you up I had a kiddie try and catch me out by asking what division I was in to which I said '20th armoured infantry brigade which is part of the 3rd armoured division'
  14. I was an oak tree in the sahara honestly no bullsh1t The best lines I ever heard was in Ronin to catch out Sean Bean Robert DeNiro - what colour is the boat house at Hereford ?? Sean Bean - stands quietly then pisses off for being caught out Some other guy to Bob DeNiro - what colour is it ?? Bob DeNiro - F****d if I know (and smiles)
  15. My personal view is that many of us are to competitive, its in our nature to be dominant and that's when it gets fun, watching people trying to be top dog Military has ranks so the people above you are top dog, in airsoft, you have to earn it a different way I've got no time or respect for people who throw there weight around because they've been doing it longer than me, I respect those who 'lead & follow' listen to others opinions, experiences & ideas aswell I'll earn your respect as you've got to earn mine, I will not give respect freely
  16. You've raised a good point Kurtz, people expect more of you when you've been in the military but those who dont know how to 'soldier' it gets difficult to use what you know as 'they' dont know what your on about If you play games together for so long, makes it easier as you teach things to the others in your team, theres 2 of us who are ex army in our team of 5 and we play regular together BUT that doesn't mean we are better Sometimes you will get a bunch of guys on one team who just gel and everyone works together but then you get people who just wants to 'lone wolf it'
  17. As said above by the guys, wear what you want buddy but dont flaunt it in public, as also mentioned above, if your recreating a particular load out, go for it I've seen guys in full WW2 kit with patches but no rank insignia (only proper re-enacters do that) I served 5 years in the army, I have my TRF patches on my kit, I have my jump wings on my jacket but I won't let my boys wear them as I earned them, I left as a lance corpral but dont wear my stripe as it no longer applies I'm proud of what I did and take pride in helping others wether experienced or not but I also watch others
  18. I agree with what people said above Chat with them, have fun and poke fun at yourself. Gives them no where to go, ask some of your mates to go along aswell Both my boys do airsoft aswell, some of the people took the mickey out of them, when they said 'dad' to me, for some reason they stopped taking the mickey and treated them a bit more seriously and even asked them to be decoys or up front with them
  19. From the only ICS rifle I've used, maybe they should concentrate on improving what they already make and interviews claiming how good they are and how they'll 'take over the AEG market'
  20. Well the single fire issue has been resolved I was to quick on the trigger, wasn't letting the gears spin round quick enough What difference would putting 16:1 gear set in the GB make
  21. That's all fine duck but now's the perfect time to stick in a MOSFET so out comes the soldering iron It could also be that I was releasing the trigger a bit to early today it happened 2 maybe 3 times during that one game but fine rest of the time as it was 3 round bursts on auto I'll crack the gearbox anyway
  22. All that is fine duck, the trigger contacts are fine as I pinched them in a bit to reduce chance of arcing but now is the time to install the MOSFET I've got I'll crack the gearbox and see if anythings shifted, recheck AOE etc
  23. No MOSFET/AB fet 8.4v NiMH Sometimes it will be fine but then sometimes 3 or 4 bb's roll out so a quick burst on auto and its ok I would say it doesn't cycle properly on single fire sometimes
  24. First thing I do is take apart, clean & regrease/oil everything My sons M4 dropped to 280 from 330, silicone oil on the piston o-ring and back upto 330
  25. After today's skirmish day, I noticed a problem. We did some CQB work and was restricted to single fire The piston isn't always returning fully forwards but not a problem on auto I upgraded piston, cylinder head & nozzle with SHS components, high speed motor & AOE is set correctly with sorbo pad on the cylinder head Shall I put 16:1 high speed gears into the box Nick
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