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Everything posted by n1ckh

  1. I bought a metal receiver in black as I hated the flimsy polymer receiver Yep going for the 2 tone black/dark earth scheme as I really like it, but like interior design (yaaaaaawn :0) its the little details that make it Thinking of doing the same with my G36C but spraying it rather than buying the bits for it
  2. Bloody cars they should be cheaper so the money can buy more airsoft toys
  3. .25g bb's x10,000 (taiwangun.com) Dark earth flip up sights Dark earth rubber ladder covers Dark earth pistol grip & magwell grip Dark earth M4 mag (as a tester for my M4 before buying more)
  4. As my dad always says "If brains were dynamite, they wouldn't have enough between them to blow there noses"
  5. Wanna be gangsta's spring to mind Fecking tossers, bet they'd shit themselves if you stuck the real steel versions in there faces
  6. Hopefully some time then to sort it out and get dialled in, fingers crossed it arrives soon
  7. As I live in a 2nd floor flat and don't trust my neighbours (fucking junkies and they broke into the flat above me) all my airsoft gear is stored under the drawers in both my cupboards, I slide them out and plenty of space
  8. ^^ +1 with what beast mode said I've also got the JG G36C and its a great rifle, I downgraded the spring as it came from Poland and doesn't meet site FPS limits You can pick them up fairly cheap and they sometimes come with a battery
  9. New crane stock Metal M4 upper & lower receiver (love/miss the sound of a metal mag hitting a metal magwell) Beretta M9 serpa holster for my sons birthday
  10. Yep, both will do but obviously cut off the american plug and wire on a British plug
  11. Very high tech but awesome at the same time, some innovative ideas there but going to take a while to become really affordable And agreed with jay83, more to go wrong if quality control is a bit lacking (as been proved with some of there MOSFETS)
  12. Unfortunately some people are like that trigger, its just learning how to deal with them I find its usually the newbies who are stuck and just talk, talk & talk As Jackie Chan said "I let people who like to talk just talk, you find out how full of shit they really are" Wise words from Sensay
  13. I've got to try and figure out a way of getting my radio mic closer to my mouth when wearing a face mask cause as 'sods law' dictates, dont wear my mask and I get tagged on my mouth or nose
  14. That might be difficult as I believe minimum age for milsim is either 16 or 18 depending what site you go to
  15. Uhhh yeah, just a bloody bit I still use my old combat assault boots from my army days and that was 15 odd years ago, still got life in them, I did have a pair of magnums aswell but they got covered in shit from building sites There still comfy now but then I'm used to them, I like the weight as its a bit of security on muddy terrain but then I know for some airsofters, its about the Gucci factor and looking good/cool
  16. My mate has an ICS m4, the split gearbox with quick spring change in the field is brilliant but the hole for the rear pin broke and the whole back end fell off
  17. I'd suggest G&G combat machine or a G36 by jing gong You've also got to think about what you want to play Milsim (no 2 tone weapons) CQB or Woodland (rural or urban) These should be taken into factor as weapon length can determine your game style, both my rifles can be used pretty much anywhere because of folding/collapsible stock
  18. I've got 2 action cameras that mount on my helmet but can just cable tie them to my rifle under my aimpoint or mount them under the rail with my old aimpoint mount (I bought a new flip to side mount)
  19. I think he should've ended with "are there any milsim sites in or around Hampshire ??"
  20. I heard the same story on her aswell, I think they were using him as a tank aswell lol
  21. I bought the same one for my sons birthday and stuck some thick card in the front to stop the top folding over even when stood on its own For me personally, its a good bit of kit, nice & light but lacks the area needed for what I have on mine
  22. Im 37 trapped in a 67 year old body until I dose up on the pain killers (permanent army injuries) not as fit as I used to be but I can still keep up with the young'uns My brothers in his 50's with arthritis but that doesn't stop him joining in from time to time, he sits in the safe zone minding his shop most of the time Dont let age hold you back, there's a guy on here in a wheel chair who goes to game days
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