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Everything posted by Albiscuit

  1. Any one know of game days in the south east (ideally near Londonish) on Sat 14th July? had a little look but the sites I know of run on sundays and this may be the only date in July I can play :( 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Albiscuit


      Thanks guys, managed to wangle the saturday before off from the home general so heading to Upwood :) 

    3. Gimli


      Guess i'll see you on the 30th then :P

    4. Albiscuit


      30th? im going on the 7th july mate.. ;) 

  2. I REALLY like the top vector.... Wana swap my Krytac for that???
  3. I have moved away from replica loadouts as they tended not to suit how I played, or became too damn expensive but totally appreciate the efforts going into them even though they are not my thing. I would start with all the basic easy to grab items, and make do in the mean time with almost/that'l do type alternatives for the rest until the correct ones crop up. Other that that piece of sage wisdom I am no use with gear so good luck and update us often with new finds for the build
  4. Wow, finally airsofters with a face... I thought most of the people on here had black squares for heads
  5. Great day at The Mall yesterday, my new guns are amazing!! Met some cool new players and had a good laugh. have a perfect line of shots up my back though, its do damn straight the shooter deserves a high five..

  6. its kind of ugly... In the same way a Vector is so ugly they are beautiful. I like it a lot!!!
  7. Just bung a couple of hi caps on your belt and go low profile like me
  8. I REALLY like this idea!! Cant believe I havent seen these before..
  9. Took a snap of my CQB family today.. 3 are unfired by me in anger!! Will change that on Sunday 😀
  10. No deal, i'l give you tree fiddy and a bacon sandwich!
  11. Lol, a terraced tent or a semi detached tent? ah unlucky :p I havent read too much into the new classifieds. Didnt think it would show exact houses, I think your ad was the first time I have looked at the new classifieds to be fair. Glad its not automatic, would be scary!
  12. Using you as an (probably unfair) example. Personally when I have looked for guns in the past its all these extra which have put me off. Looking at your add and taking into account how much use the gun has had yeah its a fair price. BUT if I were looking for a £140 pistol, I would not generally look at your advert and go for it. When I was looking for a scorpion Evo I saw soo many with decent deals, but all were waay more than retail due to the fact it had 8 mags, a bag, charger, adapter, this that the other and a kitchen sink. Like I said, your ad is an example of the extras I would overlook and maybe others too, nothing personal at all If I was selling a gun I would generally put the extras as extras on separate listings is all im trying to say. and im not 100% sure I like the listings showing a google map of the location of where it is, is this standard for each listing? @proffrink Robertjames has a nice looking house in Enfield :p
  13. @L3wisD and those poxy glitter cannons!!
  14. No its all in the eyes..... Eevil eyes!! You dont get looked at like that by a hampster!! :p
  15. Well played, too many people take Airsoft too seriously!!...
  16. The crowd look like meerkats in that vid. Heads turning left, then right, left then right
  17. Anyone have a EVO stock adapter for less than retail they need rid of?

  18. Looks shecksy as fook!! its basically @rocketdogberts fault I bagged a vector, seeing what he has done with his made me wet myself!
  19. My phone is older than most of you on here Im not one for selfies, pics or any of that. Your lucky you got this to be honest!!
  20. Yeah I like that.. trouble is the gun can go either way and still look great!! I will keep it short for the first few games at the mall, but now I also have the EVO I may turn the vector into a longer beast for outdoor games. Just need to find some good looking front ends for it!
  21. I know this is the gas vector thread but i picked up my Krytac yesterday and sooo happy with how it feels. It sits just right when shouldered and cant wait to use it!!.. Need some inspiration on what to do to it (externally) as im torn between the compactness of it or doing DMR stlyee like some of the ones in here.
  22. Just like @warlord I won Pro Airsofts yearly competition Shhhhh Stupidly excited to the the Evo though...
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