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Everything posted by Albiscuit

  1. Absolutely nothing wrong with that rationale, if its what keeps you interested and playing then why the hell not?
  2. Something wrong with the picture, it makes your TV look like its from the 80s
  3. Why did the sperm cross the road? I had the wrong socks on.... I have a joke about my cock.. Never mind its too long!!
  4. Seconded for the service. Bought a pistol from the boneyard section, owner called me to clarify address ( I was sending it to work and there was an issue) and told me he had stripped it down, serviced it, regreased and lubed seals etc.. At no extra cost, as well as the history and some extra info which was very useful. Was stupidly happy with the service, I love when stores go above and beyond, tells me a lot! Especially as customer service costs the store £0!!! Would use again and check the boneyard section weekly now
  5. So ugly its beautiful!! @Fearny how did you paint the MK23??
  6. Seen a few of these knocking about and was never sure what they are for. actually seeing one like that makes it blatantly obvious
  7. Ah shuddup! I use the term jeep like I use hoover and biro.. I know they are brands but I don’t care. Go and split hairs with your barber I COULD have meant I want a wrangler with a tent up top but no.. you got me. plus if I were to get a proper 4x4 off road looking beast it would be a defender all day long!! can barely afford my fiesta in all honesty so no chance there!
  8. Its like that gold revolver. I cant possibly see anyone paying the asking price for it. But someone will see it and decide they NEED it and buy it or make an offer!
  9. That would depend on the quality of workmanship and the costs of the other parts its added too. Obviously it would be extremely harder to sell modified or customised guns as the market is considerably less but what you ask for it would depend on what you thought was a realistic return. Bearing in mind the buyer has not commissioned the project, you cannot expect to get a return that would equate to covering your full costs. again I would suggest 2/3rds of the cost to not be unreasonable but expect to haggle.
  10. @Prisce and the Evo wins!!.. Need me a jeep with a tent on!!
  11. Hardly so, in fact I have WAAY more energy now I do not eat meat (not a vegan, but hardly have any dairy/processed food and no meat)
  12. I had a pretty good start with making Siege from R6 siege, but gave up as I couldnt wear let alone play in a gas mask and unless I could find a LARP sledgehammer/crowbar thing he had for knife kills I didnt think it would be worth it so gave up. Interested to watch your progress though
  13. @L3wisD shoots like a Stormtrooper anyway so might as well sound like one!! Albiscuit was banned for this post -Lewis
  14. Looks like the carpet fitters said, fuck it we have loads left, lets do the walls too
  15. Ok it looks normal size in your hands (im assuming your not a 'little' person But do you live in Northern Ireland in the 70s?
  16. You have put the fattest sling on it and took a pic next to the biggest bottle you could have found to mess with me some more haven't you?
  17. Both so ugly they are brilliant!! well done
  18. Would look great olive, or a dirty tan/desert style look.. Yes, tan stock please.. and a shorter supressor Not sure why but this looks TINY....
  19. First game since October this weekend. Hoping to head to Airsoft Plantation as per @Asmodias recommendation!! Pray for no rain please peeps. :) 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Albiscuit


      @Robert James is that a regular occurance?

    3. Robert James

      Robert James

      Nope. Never happened before but someone misplaced their 40mike. It was later found though

    4. Albiscuit


      Ah you had me worried I had missed something about that place.. 

      Was planning on taking a few different guns with me as some haven't been used in ages and was worried about leaving them in the safe zone!

  20. @L3wisD How pissed off would Luke from The Mall be if we all rocked up shooting guns with blaster sounds
  21. Same thing I tell every one, sell it and get an EVO Just kidding, only do what you NEED to do to it. On my first RIF I stuck so much pointless crap on it it became silly!! Slowly took it all off and even played a few games with nothing on it at all, including iron sights and the stock, I taped the battery to the stock tube for a day Got as many kills as I normally would and had as much fun as before. Just have a sight, grip and tracer (play indoors a lot) on guns now. If you feel you want a torch, tracer or need a new this that or the other then try it. But only you are using it and know what needs to be done, if anything. £400 of gun bling will not make you a better player or make you enjoy your day any more than leaving it as it is, unless you play in a dark CQB environment, in which case by a bloody torch
  22. Anyones local site running special xmas / new years games? Particularly in the south east... I will be bored with a few weeks off and need to run off all the mince pies I will be eating!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Robert James

      Robert James

      23rd and 26th at UCAP Portsmouth


    3. Albiscuit


      Cheers guys, If Id had know about Gunman weekender I would have gone for the sat/sun. Love me a bit of winter camping. But is seems Worthing may be an option, otherwise will keep an eye out for games on the 29/30th or 5/6th


      Portsmouth is too far for my little car to manage :D 

    4. Seany.exe


      Debating going to the worthing one myself weather depending. Hit me up if you're going, been trying to get this m4 up and running for weeks now but no matter what I do i'm getting the annoying air nozzle problem where it gets stuck halfway after shooting -.-


      Might just break out the UMP for a game :P

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