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Everything posted by Albiscuit

  1. Found something on their website, but there is literally NO product info... To find out more I clicked the "email us" link and got a pop up with THIS as the email address: [email protected] Guess my money is going elsewhere!!
  2. Anyone else at The Malls xmas game sunday 18th?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. SeniorSpaz87


      And I have learned from the great master Im_Trigger_Happy in the art of sneakin and creepin... hehehe

    3. Sico


      He's a pro at that. Even in orange overalls

    4. Albiscuit


      Sneaky creepy is the only way to play at Mall.... Although the bells on my suit may just give me away hahaha

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA it doesn't work properly!!!! Clicked on the Featured brands boxes on the right, and ALL three took me to a different manufacturer Why am I not surprised....?
  4. A massive thank you to Mo, who played at RAF Upwood yesterday for lending me a rifle. Literally saved my day!! Thankful for the generosity of Airsofters!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Albiscuit


      Yeah the Saturday

    3. djben9


      Haha yeah, never reply on phone, didn't show me date!!. You there on 26th Nov?

    4. Albiscuit


      No, dont think I will be going back this year. Didnt like playing in the rain ;) and not too impressed with the place if im honest. Will try to venture back next spring/summer if the sites still open.

  5. What a waste of money, you could have got some pouches or mags or something useful
  6. I WANT one.... not the shell holder, the whole flipping weapon!!!!
  7. The bit which fits in the back of a M4 stock to hide/hold the nunchuch batteries in place. I seem to have found one on the floor at every single safe zone I have visited
  8. I dislike Geartech more and more. Just when I think I know what I want my next gun to look like he posts more awesomeness and I change my mind
  9. Looks good to me! But like PT said above if YOUR happy with it and its the right set up for you then keep it as is!!
  10. Warrior Gunfighter Belt (decided to bite the bullet, fed of pouches flapping about on my standard rigger belt) Various pouches from the sale section Fastex Sling (fed up of current one rubbing on my neck) 5.11 small kit toolbag to use as a grab bag for the car/trips etc
  11. Keep it as is for the sake of my eyes PLEASE!!! Looks Great!
  12. Dorking sunday :) first outing for a while...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Albiscuit


      Yeah EAG.

      Whats traditional airsoft?

      Been to Dorking quite a few times, and its no less Airsoft than other sites I have been too.

    3. Ewan_Vs_Pigeon


      It may just be from my experience, but the games were so short and pretty much paintball with bb's. I personally think that airsoft should be longer games over a wider area, which happens at the sites I go to (except CQB).

      Im not trying to start an argument or anything but just when I went, the three times I felt like it wasnt anything like my usual sites. Maybe 3 times wasnt long enough to make a judgement. Or maybe the sites improved.

    4. Albiscuit


      Im just not sure what what the difference is between a paintball game and airsoft. Dorking has been no different to me to the other outdoor site I play at. Some of the games can be short depending on what types they pay, others can be a long slog fighting through the forest and villages..

  13. Not saying I wouldn't strut around my site like a peacock wearing it.. Just that it probably wouldn't be my no1 headwear when playing. But you are onto something, although getting a display piece past the Mrs wouldn't be as easy as an airsoft helmet My nerd shelves are pretty full already
  14. I still REALLY want one of those helmets but cannot justify the price as Im not sure they are really skirmishable. I dont think I would get on with it, It would look awesome on display (which is why I want one mostly if im honest)
  15. Likey the triple M4 pouch. Just what I need for my lasted loadout idea
  16. Dont wana give too much away, not even got the rifle yet. But was brainstorming earlier. If I can get the rifle I want, and the changes on it I want I know what to ask him to do
  17. Gona defo use Geartec soon. No idea what to do though, just want something different. May go totally crazy, I do have one or two ideas
  18. Out of interest did you get a reply? if so whats the ballpark figure for one? I am really interested but do not use BookFace and wondered if they were in my price range ..
  19. Bagged a pouch of the Bay of E which is molle, but has no straps attached, just the slots like my PC, apart from cable ties which I dont really want to use, is there a simple way of attching what is efectively molle to molle?

    1. AirsoftTed


      Malice clips might doe the job ?

    2. Albiscuit


      YES... Thank you, I knew there must be something, had no idea what they were called. Kinda bummerd as saved some money buying it from there, but now need these clips to make it work, couldave bought a new one.. Oh well Muchos gracias.

  20. Saw this... http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/teenage-paintballer-needs-emergency-surgery-after-suffering-serious-liver-injury-during-game/ar-BBsGXXt?li=BBoPRmx&ocid=mailsignout The comment at the end is potentially worrying.. Something else for people to want to ban, never mind hundreds of people kill themselves whilst falling off ladders etc and we dont ban them L(

    1. Lozart


      We don't ban ladders but we do have Health and Safety legislation that tries to ensure people know how to use them safely. If you enter into an "adventure sport" activity without properly protecting yourself then you only have yourself to blame.

    2. Albiscuit


      Oh I know all about H&S Loz..has been the bane of my working life in almost every job I have had. Was just using that as an example. Its one case like this which bring certain people out with petitions and trying to blanket ban things which is never good for our hobby!


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