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  • Guns
    Bren Gun Mk1 (currently unbuilt)
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    UCAP Sandpit,Apocalypse 249,Okto Eight
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  1. Fun morning watching the police engage a gunman on campus. The police used my block as cover so we took a few rounds xD (Training excursive).

    1. JamesAirsofterAgent
    2. Max2000


      Is that in UK?

    3. BBrotherwood


      Aberystwyth - who said nothing interesting happens in mid wales?

  2. Woop, had my first airsoft game in 7 months today! Buzzing :)

    1. Albiscuit


      Likewise.. I think July or August was my last!!

    2. BBrotherwood


      Just a bit :) It was one of UCAPs Battlesims.

  3. I know these feels, the local site is only reachable by personal vehicle or taxi (fecking expensive here) as no public transport goes near it. And then the nearest site is the other side of Wales I believe. Wales is a bitch to travel through xD. Due to work I cant play anyway but if I could here I would have to rely on the university soc to get there and back.
  4. A single one that stings like a bitch or hits something unfortunate is fair play, it's not the other guys fault its bad luck. Them lighting you up on the other hand is their fault and completely unnecessary/painful and far more dangerous. TBF I have only had the one bad experience but that was enough to question how much I want to trust a random stranger to not be a complete nob.
  5. Getting shot across the back of the knee caps from 10 metres by a half second burst while 'dressed properly' was a lovely pleasant experience that left me limping for the rest of the day... Dressing properly is not the problem its the fact that people are twats and aim for stupid places and hold the trigger down on something that shoots an unnecessary amount of bbs. I don't play the game to get shot to pieces.
  6. I can confirm, getting shot by a trigger happy tit with a high ROF weapon ****** hurts.
  7. If that's how they get their enjoyment from a game then so be it. Different styles for everyone. As long as it's not shoved down everyone else's throat as being the only way to play the game. For the record the Games Workshop clan would go home and paint some more models.
  8. My challenge to you would be to adapt the rails and turn it into a proper replica of an AUG A3 rather then the horrendously bad and non existent in real life system the airsoft companies dreamt up.
  9. They seem to have managed to overcomplicate the very simple process of setting light to propane to move a big striker... What is the point in the key card? Extra money for something pointless. If you leave your rifle unattended then its your fault if it goes walkies.
  10. GHK AUG... Excitement levels rising!

    1. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      :o I saw that this morning. Makes me want an AUG now
    2. GiantKiwi


      yay more different types of mags, feed lip is different to the M4/G5, so no compatibility

    3. BBrotherwood


      I prefer that they are using the traditional design mags.

  11. Get my work shifts changed from a Sunday. Smuggle my AK into Uni owned house. (What could go wrong?). Go with the uni society to some games. Get a valid defence again. Become poor and be forced to assume student life of eating pasta while struggling to find places to hide a growing collection of contraband RIFs.
  12. Trolling Americans on FB using logic is fast becoming a new hobby.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheFull9


      Rather vague statement?

    3. SeniorSpaz87
    4. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      I started doing the same thanks to UKAC, there's always wannabe rednecks who post links to posts on right-wing american groups. After looking at them a few times i realized it's every trolls dream, you don't even have to be edgy or rude or anything, these kind of yanks will go from 0 to RAGE with the slightest bit of disagreement

  13. So last night my housemate tries stabbing herself with a kitchen knife after having sex with her ex. Tonight their back together again. What?.....

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lozart


      Sounds to me like the best thing to be done is MOVE OUT OF THE HOUSE, SHE'S CLEARLY MENTAL!!!!!!!

    3. EvilMonkee


      Yeh, serious issues there.

    4. BBrotherwood


      Just a couple... And she swears blind that professional help is useless. Keeping her sober is going to be the strategy of the year lol

  14. For some reason Royal Mails sorting office is incapable of getting parcels to Aberystwyth - they have returned two and lost a third one in two months! Everybody else seems to manage to get them here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      Order an Abba Wrist Watch to Aberystwyth and watch as the fuckery unfolds

    3. cyrexx
    4. BBrotherwood
  15. I'm not sure their description is particularly accurate. From what I've heard it is a closed bolt system rather then an open bolt.
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