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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. You don't need to rewire the gun - just cut off tamiya & fit deans on the present wiring...... (if at any point you rewire later on - you can desolder the gun's connector & fit to 16awg rewiring) Male connector on gun, positive is the "top" of T (some connectors do have a " + " marked on them) Female on battery - see Google & YouTube for more info/clarification yup you could fit any end you wish but may as well follow the standard wiring spec on the connectors (in case you get a new battery pre-wired with deans already) I'm no soldering mofo guru, done bits n bobs & repairs on consoles/toys/electronics in the past I'm ok but deffo not what I'd call great when I've seen some people who do rework & stuff decent solder and maybe flux really helps - cheap $hit solder from Poundland/Dollar Tree is not ideal
  2. ahem - deans is best if you can solder Solder in kitchen where it should be more solder or grilled cripy bacon sandwich friendly ??? loads of guides on you tube - BUT ONE WIRE AT A TIME !!!! cut both and you will see what a punch them lipo's can privide - BANG !!!!! cut 1 wire (fit shrink wrap) solder - when done and insulated move onto second one At a push if mini vice/helping hands ain't available...... push both connectors together, tape to worktop to keep deans steady etc... scratch the connector a bit to key it up, if possible use some flux but decent solder I reckon deans offer a 10% increase over small tamiya (when rewired fully and fetted this goes up to about 15% I have found) to use lipo's on small tamiya is kinda like driving along motorway/freeway in 4th gear instead of 5th yeah you can stay in 4th but wiser to move up a gear if possible 7.4v 20c to 25c on stock guns 11.1v is gonna push a stock gun a bit boring maths bit coming up....... stock gun firing at say 13 or 14ish on small tamiya - ok say 13.5rps on 7.4v deans it and you could get another round or nearly 15rps on 7.4v now chuck in 11.1v and that is another 3.7v cell so a 50% increase = 22 or 22.5rps quite an increase but long term you may get...... carbon build up on trigger piston failure from pick up tooth pulling off (most stock pistons are plastic with 1 to 3 metal teeth) little bit more wear but should be ok - though bearings might start to fail quicker than bushings Now you could say wtf - and go for 11.1v and look to rebuild stuff as n when However - this 15 or 22.5rps is a ROUGH GUIDE on stock ferrite motors pushing 13-ish out of box you could have a neodym motor that gives a bit more kick in that vfc Rule of thumb see what it fires like on 7.4v first then add on 50% if thinking of 11.1v but for us lot in UK with a 350fps limit 25rps onwards with a m100/105 and guns may start to overrun or double cycle - fire 2 shots sometimes on semi Not that are near that but 30rps & risk of Pre Engagement may start appearing BUT - being USA your gun may have a m110 or m120 spring in there so some of the above stats and warnings may not apply just yet Though 11.1v is really gonna need some tweaks like mosfet AoE etc in the long term of things Phew
  3. plastic or polymer aeg's are about 2 to 2.5kg all metal are "about" 4kg there was a post about gun weights then somebody posted about 7kg for a mofo m249 with box mag stamina - well depends on site and your own play style A lot of games involves careful (quick) evaluation, a bit of sprinting (you sprint to cover and use it - well that is the theory) but most succesful tactics is involving just pure clever sneaky stealth or WTF - LETS JUST 'AVE SOME - though this is really for the time based games with unlimited re-spawn for attacking side just get playing - you will soon knock yourself into or in my case out of shape
  4. Genuine B6 charger as said at beginning Well impressed with my clone one and tbh the price HobbyKing do them for you may as well get a gen B6 (I found out what a good price they offer AFTER I bought my snide ones) Charges quick - even at a modest charge setting Them slow cheapo ones I used before will be included on any future gun sales (if I can bare to part with my toys - no they are mine for keeps, always hated getting rid of my stuff but I'm hoarding way way too much) anyway - back on track - Genuine B6 is what you want
  5. 3cm wide that is the stock tube itself It is the two tubes ya need to measure INTERNALLY They might be tight 17mm round tubes on G&G or bigger 22mm square inside like on cyma n D-Boys M4 Well that is what I recently discovered They are not all the same size INTERNALLY Poke a pen stick or something down the tubes and you will get a 140mm maybe but remember it may taper a bit so about 125mm or 5 inch to allow room for wires I would be surprised if you have 30mm or 3cm internal space in them 2 crane tubes coz that is quite big Have been wrong before but if you got 2 x 30mm size tubes you will have loads of options getting a 25x25x125 stick in each of them 2 tubes Which would mean a biggy mah/C rating 7.4v very easily If not then hopefully you might have say 22mm square/round tubes to give you some options As always really measure battery space carefully Take off a couple mm to be sure it fits in ok
  6. That's the scientific bit - lol yup stock aeg's pull what Samurai says, tested an 330fps stock AK and got about 11.5amps (stock everything but with deans if that makes a minor difference to resistance) my tweaked one pulled 26amps on 7.4v (edit no need for crap info nobody cares about) reshimmed (again) and got it pulling 24.5amp through a meter so quite pleased (sounds great too - just hope it don't break (again)) 20c min if 25c is not an easy option Oh if it says 15c - 25c, take it as 15c not a 20c rating I'm lead to believe if it was a 20c it would state 20c on it Your gun can handle a 20c or 25c 7.4v lipo it is when you just chuck in a higher torque/speed neodym motor and try running 11.1v THAT is when things start happening like PE or ripping the back off piston if AoE not corrected etc.... (yeah I have broke loads by not following all the guides thinking it will be fine to take the pi$$ - it won't last going real nutz) but a lipo battery 7.4v will come off charge @ 8.4v and be fine for ya gun without a fuss as is just leave it there for now and further stuff as n when it needs/breaks
  7. short stubby: http://www.evike.com/products/27100/ full or large fixed stock: http://www.evike.com/products/28751/ (get ya lunch in that mofo) me personally find them both either a tad too short or too long - especially the full fixed stock Duck jnr likes the stubby as he ADS with it pulled close into him - others like me wish for a medium full stock in between There is NO ADJUSTMENT - what you see is what you get Now don't follow my lead as is.... Yes they are ok on short to medium length M4's and some snipers or SR25 can have the full stock on but it might not be perfectly 101% ergonomic for others that need that smidge of personal adjustment in their stock some guns it looks ok on others it may look odd or out of place coz it just don't go or look 101% right Not that really bothers me it is more about just being able to fit a cheaper higher spec/capacity battery in me toys Your gun could have come with a folding or mofo type stock You really need to post a pic coz a stubby could alter the look a bit More importantly - as it has a crane on there you need to check a few things.... Does the stock tube come off or is it like some guns that have the stock tube as a single piece bolted on the back Yes you got wires running through it but does the stock tube actually fit onto the mount or an all in one mount (think some APS m4 stock ak's have an all-in-one tube/mount) probably seperate but you gotta check first...... remove battery of course remove carefully the crane stock - then you should see say a phillips screw holding the tube onto the rear of receiver/mount if this can slide off you should be left with a short tube with 2 guides etc.. like a normal M4 etc..... What you need to decide is is it gonna look ok-ish or will you care ? Some stocks on some guns are a main talking point and can really make a gun stand out Alas a number of sexy stocks are not that great for battery space or cost a friggin' bomb a stubby M4 will allow you to use cheap batteries of various sizes/specs I have the 25c 7.4v & 11.1v Zippy Compacts 2200mah and could fit in mental 60c's http://www.hobbyking.co.uk/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=73737 the 2700mah is a tad too long though with thick wires n fet in there - well It can go but requires a bit of modding to rear of receiver which I don't advise unless you are a freak like me But make no mistake it won't look as sexy as some of them lovely stocks with stock tube battery space or very little else room But then if you wanna use block batteries in M4's like Mp5's n G36's and some rear wired AK's Then you gotta weigh up the pro's n cons Check first what size ya crane stock has in its tubes Check also if your stock tube can deffo be removed or you won't get a fixed stock on there
  8. You might have to use a 20c at a push depends on choices due to size dimensions of tube/battery space and just what you can actually get hold of easily Thin nimah's are about 18mm to 19mm in diameter Unless you got the jumbo mofo ones Many stick types are 18diameter See wtf you got in the stock and what your options are 20c is deffo better than a lame 15c
  9. Burst rate Although it has 7.4v or up to a Max 8.4v fresh off charge It's kinda like how much zest or response it has the moment you pull the trigger.... 15c is maybe too low imho, maybe a lame stock gun but nahhh if you are buying new n got options of more zest 20c absolute min on a slightly tweaked gun 25c if possible but 20c if options are limited 35c is for whippy zippy tweaked setups And some you nutters that seek ultra trigger response go for like crazy 45-60c $hit. ... Jeez 35c Max for me tops I find When used a 25c n high speed motor I got a bit more overspin @say 26rps 20c brought it down just under 24 with next to no overspin (Yeah I need to short stroke on a 110 spring really) But there was a small difference it seemed to me
  10. Have a butcher's around, somewhere I saw on some Philippines airsoft site about the avacado burst Either it worked with a basic 3034 or It didn't -lol Yeah I know that helps a lot but saw something but can't for life of me was it a yey or ney outcome Think the burst stuff was something to do with a Philippines guy programmer. No I wasn't look for a new bride or odd lady boy site But something about a Philippines AIRSOFT site n burst wizards If you end up on a totally different site do not blame moi
  11. Wait you got a bells n whistle fet already ?? Then if its programmable then set it to one shot burst
  12. Burst fet one of them plug in ones for quick fix Lock burst to single shot perhaps ? Actually might have one them crappy avacado burst bollox things around - small tamiya that might work Ask around or have a Google n see if it might work If so his a shout and maybe a fiver if it does the job in the end
  13. Have ya got a picture of this ??? should of had a folding stock & peq box me thinks looking around a crane stock don't do this justice me thinks but hey I like G&G - so what do I know ??? anyway if you got it for a good price and ya happy then wtf in the end
  14. and me - and I am a fussy tight arse bastid at best of times (I'd have one of them super duper 3500 chrono's off him but trying to go easy & my x3200 is... - nope not gonna say it and tempt fate)
  15. AK's show up the western M4's tbh v3 gearbox is easier to work on imho higher capacity mags - even some starter cm 028's seem to kick my G&G's on range/accuracy only thing I don't love is the fire select - just can't get on with it like M4's plus it isn't as add on friendly as a M4 with rails all over the place but that is just my personal take on it G36 hire guns should not be taken as how yours might look unless you loan her out like a cheap whore every weekend but even battered n bruised they keep going - the gun not the woman btw M4's well yeah but find they are easy to pick up use with spares n mags easily available in many kinds MP5's - only got cheapo Galaxy MP5k's and not skirmished them so can't say really but many love them especially in cyma & ics form mp5's have lower capacity mags than 300/450/500 - even got a 1k AK mag for going nuts (I do tend to spray n pray sometimes but still get my ar$e kicked) I'm providing covering fire I yell "you are the only bloke left on ya team ya dumb ar$e" they yell back ahhh to hell with it I'm going down but taking some of ya with me then.....
  16. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jing-Gong-M4-M16-Stubby-Killer-CQB-Shorty-Fixed-Stock-for-Airsoft-AEG-DARK-EARTH-/271859334264 http://www.hobbyking.co.uk/hobbyking/store/__36177__ZIPPY_Compact_2200mAh_2S_35C_Lipo_Pack_EU_Warehouse_.html?strSearch=zippy%20compact%202200mah cut the xt60 off fit deans most of my short to medium M4's have this btw cheapy block batteries 25 to 35c unleash juicy hell !!!!!!
  17. ahh soz - got confused there.... (the electronic bit n fet) yeah it has the ETU bollox or what ever it called like in BOT 300 the whole electronic trigger sounds bollox to me but have seen a place http://airsoftzone.co.uk/etu-electronic-trigger-unit-burst-mosfet-for-cm16-series-v2-gearboxes-gng but as it fitted with fet it won't burn out - but still unsure about it being better mechanically than old skool trigger (which is gonna be easier/cheaper to replace/repair imho)
  18. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/17294-ians-guide-to-noobism-on-a-tight-budget/ G&G M4's are the Ford's of airsoft - but decent starter guns also look at ak's 47 or 74's G36's are one of the popular rental guns too as well as mp5's look at all guns/options - one thing is cost/availability/capacity of extra mags & spares etc..... M14 hops & gears might not be so easy to get hold of as say M4 or AK bits (before any m14 owners flame me - just pointing this out, yes I know you can get them but just not as easily as the ford spares) most people go for M4, AK, G36 or MP5's - what style/length of barrel is up to you somewhere in middle 250 to 350 (AK47's can go up to 455/469 which can be a bit long perhaps especially for cqb)
  19. Deffo good idea to use a fet even a basic fet if running higher juice/motor/tweaked setup stock gun on 7.4v not a major big must have but if going a bit higher or tweaking with neo motor etc.... Fit one - only minor ache is rewire and fitting it all in properly if you can fit one - fit one is my opinion
  20. ehhhh wtf - the space is limited in stock or the 3rd burst fet no likey 7.4v lipo what C charge is that 7.4v coz not heard of this stuff in any reviews n stuff surely we not gonna have to run on higher juice (and stop calling me Shirley) I've got a Kong II burst wizard bell n whistle mofo in the FH DSG on 7.4v 25c so can't work out why G&G SR is no likey 7.4v Then again them G&G fet's can be qwirky in the past surely you mean ya 7.4v don't fit in the stock (and stop calling me Shirley ffs)
  21. some links n crap: bit lame tbh @ 15c http://www.hobbyking.co.uk/hobbyking/store/__17285__Turnigy_nano_tech_2000mah_2S_15_25C_Lipo_AIRSOFT_Pack.html on deans: http://www.hobbyking.co.uk/hobbyking/store/__67728__Turnigy_nano_tech_2000mAh_2S_15_30C_Lipo_AIRSOFT_Pack_T_Connector_.html or maybe 2 of these - 1 in each tube and wire them is parrallel http://www.hobbyking.co.uk/hobbyking/store/__67731__Turnigy_nano_tech_1200mAh_2S_25_50C_Lipo_AIRSOFT_Pack_T_Connector_.html charger - genuine one but will require a psu - maybe old 15-18v laptop psu http://www.hobbyking.co.uk/hobbyking/store/__36905__IMAX_B6_50W_5A_Charger_Discharger_1_6_Cells_GENUINE_US_Warehouse_.html The above stuff is a rough guide - you may be able to get stuff easier n quicker locally but ffs measure what battery space ya got to play with BEFORE you order up a battery that don't fit
  22. measure da tubes...... some are tight 17-18mm diameter which will limit your choices others can take say 21-22m diameter which makes a difference aprox 125mm length maybe probably get 7.4v in 25c rating charger B3 or B6 check out hobbyking.com
  23. F*ck me even by my standards that ain't quick questions 1 yes folding stocks but battery needs to go elsewhere 1a yes ak's can have folding stocks too 2 hmmm kind of but not 101% exactly certain of each model to model 3 pistol grips are different on each gun AEG m4 AK n pistols are not same 4 nimah & lipo - lipo is modern battery as nimah is crap Turnigy battery genuine B6 charger SHS motor torque Nope a SHS high torque or Lonex are great all rounders Neodym motors very strong magnets - very strong motors 5 AEG primary Green gas pistol £30 for non blowback or about £80 upwards for blowback. Starting out a cheapo will do same job if money is tight 6 only if you sit on them or clobber trees with ya gun 7 yup if it ain't broke don't try to fix it Phew lots of info in the sticky/tutorials n guides - this one is a goldmine of stuff to get started with: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/17294-ians-guide-to-noobism-on-a-tight-budget/
  24. Fitted just inside nozzle to help seal (99% pre-fitted already BTW) Ak2m4 is a good bloke that can get you stuff quick without charging you the earth on parts or postage SHS or zci - same meat different gravy
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