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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Don't give up just yet.... It is some stupidly odd why hop/nozzle not sealing Look out for a complete tear down of ya gun bit by bit... make ultra close comparison's All of a sudden you will see something out of whack, ar$e about face, worn/broke, incorrect part or fitting.... WTF - 5 min fix and all lovely again. If all else fails then it might have to go to a shop but wtf. At least you have had a go or two at it (FFS - soz for ultra jumbo font, posted this on me fone and all hell broke loose and just couldn't change it)
  2. Best wishes really hope something can get resolved
  3. Obviously a great seller with a high level of customer service honesty & integrity.... How did the seller test the gun prior to shipping if battery was f*cked ??? Witnesses - are these normally used when a version of events is being brought into question ie - to try and justify the truth and not a lie ??
  4. I wouldn't hold ya breath too much.... Deffo sounds like compression or seal issue still.... Even if gun cycled at 1 shot per second It would still fire at 350fps when piston releases
  5. I think the main deciding factor though is: crimped 9mm blanks are a LOT easier to pick up/install with gloves on than tichy - "damn it wtf did that go" 6mm/203 primers out in the field just seems less fumbling with gloves on to reload a BFG 9mm might be a bit louder but unless you are Mutton Geoff - you know ya got owned an adapter can knocked up using a bit of imperial metal tubing tbh (forgot exact sizes but is cheap as chips to do - something a bit bigger than an thick old $hite inner barrel about 20 to 25mm in length) plop it in, bob's ya uncle - primer adapter for next to nothing & fill/blow ya boots with both types
  6. 9mm blanks are much more costly than shotgun primers 9mm blanks may cost about £17:50 for 50 also be careful some 9mm blanks for pistols may not detonate 101% correctly in BFG's I bought these a while back: https://www.justbbguns.co.uk/product/534/FLASHBANG-GRENADES/515/OH-SHI-BOOM/2544/9MM-BLANK-AMMO but they are out of stock and there are longer & different blanks that Fiocchi make these might work ok but not tried them myself so don't flame me: https://www.justbbguns.co.uk/product/534/FLASHBANG-GRENADES/515/OH-SHI-BOOM/3412/SP-KNALL-380-9MM-BLANKS shotgun primers cost about £7:50 for 100 - that is getting on for a 1/5th of price https://jdairsoft.net/trmr-primers-shotshell-100pcs so see if your BFG has a 9mm to .209 shotgun primer adapter
  7. well the hop unit might not be fixed correctly and is sitting a little forward I dunno coz ain't got one but think they are the "other" non TM type of AK but should use the bog standard AK hop units here is a comparison of LCT & E&L AK's and they have different but compatible hops http://www.team-black-sheep.com/which-ak-is-better-the-lct-or-el/ it might be that the hop unit itself is the issue - soz yet more crap to check but it may be sitting too far away from gearbox/nozzle due to an unknown issue ??? some weird issue why nozzle is not pushing the bb fully foward and sealing against bucking I would do some googling on E&L reviews/teardowns or asking some clever mofo who has E&L make close comparisons with your E&L - coz something ain't right for nozzle to be 3 or 4mm short bloody weird one this
  8. The cylinder head itself is not the length problem perhaps.... A G36 cylinder head has a longer spout but often can't be used as shorter M4 & AK nozzles "bottom out" on nozzle tube on head What I'm trying to say is the nozzle hasn't travelled far enough into the hop at rest A cylinder head with long/short nozzle tube won't matter atm coz if nozzle tube was too short it would fall off yes a longer nozzle may need a longer nozzle tube on cylinder head for stability but in itself it wouldn't restrict the nozzle travel at rest The nozzle may be catching on hop unit - a large/fat nozzle may not fit inside the hop unit correctly a too tight fitting nozzle may be catching as it enters the hop unit..... easy check - remove nozzle and see if it enters the hop unit fully and seals against bucking (nozzle inserted with finger holding nozzle in place - blow down barrel = airtight seal) if you feel the nozzle dragging/binding that may need investigating (some nozzles - SHS red M4 nozzle can be a smidge tight fitting in G&G hops, can bind and a red mark appears quickly in hop's nozzle end) So check the nozzle - and any nozzle slips back n forth in the hop unit if it binds or catches on hop - sometimes the the thicker end of nozzle catches in hop - stopping nozzle entering hop fully OK once this is checked an ruled out/fixed nozzle back in gearbox - either complete gearbox or right side of case removed.... nozzle fully forward at rest = max nozzle smacked up against the fron of gearbox.... place hop unit up against gearbox - the nozzle has gotta seal against bucking.... how the nozzle is still failing to travel say 3 or 4mm short is unclear to me..... if it is only half way in hop unit's feed tube is beyond bizzare unless the nozzle has started to retract again which it does when firing on semi's cut off position - it shouldn't in theory but in practice it does as box slightly "over runs" a little Thus when it finishes after a single shot on semi - the nozzle has just started to retract again so it may seem like it is stopping short Phew all that crap is confusing to me but hopefully you get what I'm trying to say - the nozzle might have started to pull back 3mm and so it "looks" like it is stopping short, when in fact it might not be and retracting once again..... Yes it seems like the AK might use longer AK nozzle but that is only 1mm longer not 3mm difference so investigate the nozzle's proper full travel - paying real attention to the proper fully forward/resting position and also check how the nozzle slips into the hop in case it is too tight/binding And yes - it is all a major bollock ache checking n double checking stuff but it really has to be done with every single part a tiny difference or minor misalignment will through out by loads or fail to operate correctly Any part changed needs to be fully compared with the part that is replaced at every stage chuck more n more new parts and if there is any slight difference - just nozzles - length too short or binding in hop creates mega grief add in a few more bits n bobs - tight piston fit inside box, bad seals, hop bucking lip catching on bb's and creating feed problems Oh yes so many bits not quite working correctly together 101% = a weekend of aeg headache's So to check EVERYTHING is working as 101% best and as smoothly as possible takes more just a quick couple of hours of slappin this n that in there Soz for ultra mega War n Peace post - but you need to REALLY check a few more things out first before jumping in and ordering more stuff You should have say 8mm or so nozzle movement, that should be fine for bb to enter and nozzle to seal into bucking if not something ain't right or hop isn't seating correctly to gearbox/nozzle It is difficult for any of us to see what is front of you - hence trying to ultra detail stuff you need to check out first pics will help though I doubt if any wrong parts have been fitted by previous owner but you never know with some people so thorough checks will need to be done for everything until the main problem(s) are indentified
  9. Actually needs to move about 8mm, 6mm bb + a smidge either way to enter easily and to shove it into hop Tappet plate n nozzle has to move to very front of box and all the way back to cylinder head or nigh on This should be the usual aprox 8mm movement Remove tappet spring and rotate sector gear to check how the tappet moves back n forth. Check for any snagging or broken bits or wear or bent tappet plate etc.... Strongly advise open up box Do loads of close up examination of tappet moving Take a few good pics too to show what is going on I'm no expert especially on v3's But sounds like something broke/worn or worse previous owner may badly fitted something Heck even a v2 tappet into a v3 or something daft But you are making progress yourself in identifying a too small movement in tappet perhaps Get some pics up first before fitting any new bits As present parts may not be worn badly or heck They might be the wrong parts or fitted badly At some point you may need to fit a new nozzle with o-ring for better seal But the tappet movement sounds wrong and needs thorough investigation atm When you have checked it all out you might need a tappet plate so you can add a nozzle maybe at same time, but for now check out everything is as it should be
  10. Great just great....NOW you tell us !!!!! too late for me I think
  11. did you use voucher " RC10 " to give ya 10% off ???
  12. indeed - to each their own a little personal touch some may like & why not its their gun to do what they like sometimes repainting them can make them look silly me - I like to leave looking as they arrived....... http://www.evike.com/product_info.php?products_id=43136&fb_comment_id=649605158387519_908112552536777 that orange flash hider has just ruined it for me
  13. true - some sites may frown upon it seeing it as a bit noobish got this - alas out of stock: http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft/replica-m416-box-high-cap-type-5000-round-magazine-black.htm#.VeWGJX3p8i4 it is the manual winding version so it ain't mega overkill like auto-winding version it comes out for games like "Closest to the Flag" - a complete hose fest where most people are out of ammo and the last few minutes its just mental as everybody just goes for it in the dying seconds of the game many are just dry firing by that time etc...... yup is a bit noobish to use for other game types where a couple of high caps will suffice plus it weighs a bit too - so hope ya mag catch is pretty strong probably sprays about 50 or so shots before it needs winding - usually I just grab it when I'm testing/chrono a gun as it always has 0.20's in it and can feed quite well in higher rof guns Head Marshal shook his head at first but now most peeps know it is just for $hits n giggles on that game but he even borrowed a DSG Firehawk to hit test a player with it - yup they called it after that As I said it depends a bit on the site - mine is a not so ultra serious site - still a safe place but a little relaxed cheap n cheerful place Doubt if I'd ever take to Sandpit or Mall on a normal aeg, good for a laugh and ask ya site if they would recognise it being ok probably be ok with a 1k or maybe 2.5k electric drum, electric 5k is mega overkill for use in all game types though
  14. capacity wise in crane stock tubes....... you will be a little limited depending on space available as I said some guns/stock tubes are bigger/smaller than others G&G Raider is more like a max 18mm diameter x 125mm in its crane stock Cyma & D-Boys M4 seem to be able to take up to a max of 21mm or 22mm diameter MP5k's are the worst - take a single stick type battery and even 18mm diameter is a tight fit Nothing worse than buying a battery that just don't fit & even when I thought I measured it all correctly - I still got it wrong In theory you should be able to fit in say 1400mah twin stick 7.4v lipo about a 20c http://www.componentshop.co.uk/7-4v-2000mah-20c-continuous-discharge-airsoft-lipo-split-pack.html This should - and I say "should" fit but is a little pricey compared to say a block battery which would be half that price but anything "AIRSOFT" will cost a bit if using the more unique or bespoke type batteries due to space another couple of options: http://hobbyking.co.uk/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=44774 only 1200mah but you can fit one in each tube and swap over out in field or wire them in parallel NOT SERIES coz that doubles up the volts to 14.8v So 2 x 1200mah in parallel will give you 2400mah Actually is not quite as good as a single 2400mah battery as the 2 x lipo's or 4 cells involved may discharge differently but a possible option to consider all the same Another option is fit a fixed M4 Stock - either long or stubby stock and use the block type batteries a Imax B3 charger is a basic easy to use lipo charger that can be bought for about £10+ there are some clones about - so try to buy any cheap charger from a reliable UK seller than from Hong Kong There is the B6 charger which is far more advanced and can charge batteries at a faster rate but a tiny bit more bells n whistles to use cheaper types are out there but a B3 is a simple cheap easy to use charger or go for the B6 if you really get into it All lipo chargers are smart chargers - but still need to keep eye on any battery charging Though they should stop charging - it is still wise to monitor any charger (a watched pot never boils - or battery explodes) This is just a rough guide to lipo batteries and like I said size measurements etc... must be checked by YOU before jumping in and buying a few - finding out later they are 1mm too tight to fit in
  15. big drum mag - sod any pouches for mags man up and run a naked loadout to always feel & call your hits soz being silly - ignore this post as it may contain nuts
  16. £300 ??? I know it its worth a lot more could say £250 but is kinda taking the pi$$ a bit if he wants rid of it quickly and holds little value for most stuff in his very well provided world of his you don't ask you don't get as they say
  17. 7.4v is the wise option a B3 type charger will have a mains lead and is a good starter lipo smart charger what you need to ensure is your crane stock's tube size/diameter usually the tubes in the stock will be about 18mm - "maybe" a bit more like 21mm but you need to really check as crane stocks & their capacity/diameter can vary G&G ones are very thin - so make up something - maybe a magic marker or felt tip pen or roll up a bit of paper/card tube and see how it fits in there YOU must check all stuff BEFORE you order the wrong stuff too big length of battery should be ABOUT 125mm max - this is a rough guess btw so please check
  18. Thought Stti were SRC which gets rebranded to HFC and so on & so on.... (well going by the GC (co2) & GG (green gas) 104 & 105's) which TWG will be restocking these soon and their cheap Green Gas mags £13:46 gun & mags about £7:28 http://www.taiwangun.com/en/gas-guns/m92f-m9-heavy-weight-gas-pistol-replica-stti?from=listing&campaign-id=19 http://www.taiwangun.com/en/gas-guns/m92f-m9-vertical-heavy-weight-gas-pistol-stti?from=listing&campaign-id=19 http://www.taiwangun.com/en/gas-pistol-magazines/m9-magazine-stti?from=related&campaign-id=6 OP needs to very closely compare mags in great detail but they might work just remember seeing on airsoft cz site something abould old & newer stti models also some kjw mags "may" be different the blowback mags are deffo different but like I said pay close attention before ordering one heck tbh - wait a week or so when they come in.... order a gun & a couple of mags - less than £30 for gun with a total of 3 mags if they work in the OP's gun great he can have a spare mag or two or if not then at least he has a cheap non blowback pistol with extra mags (better than buying just a couple of mags and they not fit - £6 more and get gun with mag - bargain)
  19. it is something like the stti or KJ Monty posted... they are ever so slightly different to pic under barrel/rail but nigh on same meat different gravy.... what you need to do is take close ups of mags from a few angles coz the lips n stuff are a tad different on some m92 mags
  20. Early Stti SRC HFC m92 non blowback star on mag sounds about right later became the GG104 & GG105 (no thread on later models) that is my guess an early SRC or rebrand m92 ahh sod it I was close - this might be nearly the exact type or model: http://airsoftshop.cz/product_info.php/cPath/385_386/products_id/2051 but if ain't 101% exact look through this list and see what else it might be: http://airsoftshop.cz/index.php/cPath/385_386 Damn it I need to get out more
  21. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/17294-ians-guide-to-noobism-on-a-tight-budget/ welcome to forum maybe G&G Raider @ £123 with free 2-tone at Zero One atm due to big airsoft event their site/orders are on hold until another week I think A lot of stuff goes out of stock as the "good weather" - pah pi$$ing down with rain and summer holidays with new younger players getting into it stocks will arrive soon but do NOT look at any site with BB in its name - their guns are $HIT and you will regret it - many including myself got taken in thinking their £100 or less guns are good value (they are crap compared to G&G, Cyma, JG, ICS etc....)
  22. Maybe componentshop - Google is ya friend They got lipo's all ready and good service too
  23. Charger is fine head over to hobby king Battery locator type in dimensions of battery Buy from UK or Europe not International Hong Kong Maybe a Zippy Compact 25c BUT comes with Wrong connectors ATM you have small tamiya on gun so you need to ensure you get battery with small tamiya or change connectors - yeah you can look into that stuff later But a quick rough rundown on what battery specs n crap
  24. B3 charger maybe or b6 lipo chargers Get yaself to component shop or hobby king for batteries 7.4v lipo 20c to 25c burst value is what ya want Don't rush n buy with out checking size dimensions
  25. Only reason for no G&G is coz they don't sell G&G at TaiwanGun otherwise....... G&G G&G G&G G&G G&G G&G
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