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Everything posted by Esoterick

  1. My mate just got a Bulldog PC over a Warrior one, sort of person that makes you grit your teeth when they ask you for advice lol.
  2. Turning up on your own is no problem and I've done it myself a number of times. It's a pretty good way to meet people and on the off chance anyone gives you the cold shoulder just talk to someone else. I've had people lend me guns and let me group up with them for the day when I started. If someone seems a bit off I wouldn't worry about it, although most airsofters are friendly.
  3. Yep used them before and no problems. There was a discussion on here a while back about military surplus grading and I can't remember the criteria. However I've bought stuff listed as grade 2 that's in perfect condition and in what looks like the original plastic bags it came in. The only issue I've ever had with surplus kit was with a smock that looked like whoever owned it used a hot glue gun to stick their badges on. However that was from a now defunct supplier and the only way the quality was effected was it looked bad. Long story short my experience is you can buy grade 2 gear and it will be perfectly wearable and in no way knackered, However grade 1 is either going to be new or in very good condition, it seems you can just sometimes pay a bit more for no discernible benefit. One of my mates likes buying his surplus stuff from air shows as it can be even cheaper, it's just extra hassle to wait for one to come around and attend.
  4. People should give it a go before deciding they don't like it. If I took what I heard a couple of people say as gospel I'd still assume using LiPos would run the risk of incinerating my whole town in a firestorm if I look at them funny. Much like any type of Airsoft game i've seen some strange rules though(looking at you 370 FPS, 30 MED DMR or 1 box mag on LMG regardless of capacity). Although that's more the organisers not thinking about things than limited to skirmishes or milsim or any other description of game.
  5. They've said they will have plenty of parking.
  6. I guess it depends on the make, I asked myself the same after recently buying a G17 - Well more accurately why I bought it at all as my HK45 is a beast and now I need a new holster lol. My old KWA G18C had a fire selector that you were meant to rack the slide back before changing the fire modes. Whether or not it was true I was told not doing so could damage the selector, assuming it is the case I don't know if the WE and TM models are the same in that respect. Edit: This is going back a few years but the KWA was also fairly temperamental in full auto, to the point where anything past a short burst would freeze the gun up and have it venting happily. It might be different with the above brands but I'd definitely say it is pointless having full auto if you can't trust it to work.
  7. From what i've read the Bolt rifles don't last so you would be better off looking at the Magpul PTS ERG range. For the money i'd get an ERG, or if you can afford it a TM recoil shock. Hard to say if the new Bolt range is better than the old ones, which people said were great till they started playing up after a few months use. The general consensus on Krytac guns is they are well made, however they haven't been around long enough, especially in the UK for people to be aware of issues they may have.
  8. I wouldn't chance it and go for one of the German units like Russ mentioned. There was a thread about WW2 German uniforms over on Zero In a while back that quickly became an explosion in a see you next tuesday factory(there's some pretty impressive leaps of logic if you look it up) . Even regular German uniforms seem to upset some people, but SS ones are pushing your luck.
  9. There's a lot of good information here: http://www.airsoftsniperforum.com/41-vsr-rifles and this site is generally considered one of the best sources of parts, their upgrade service lists what they would advise you switch out: http://www.airsoftsniperparts.com/
  10. Got mine from Fire Support: http://www.fire-support.co.uk/search.php?search=xtm&submit.x=0&submit.y=0&submit=Go
  11. Don't buy the ones you've linked as they aren't rated and say they aren't for use in airsoft games in the description. The information in the description is pretty contradictory though but that just means steer clear as it's absolutely not worth the risk Whatever you buy make sure it's EN166/ANSI Z87 rated. ESS Turbofan goggles are going to be the best bet for not fogging but they are pretty expensive. Fogging is an issue, the problem is it varies per person so it's hard to say how it will effect you. I use ESS V12s, which are glasses size but still full seal. They fog occasionally for me, some people find they fog so badly they are unsuable. They can be picked up for around £20-25 on Ebay.
  12. I use one of these: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Element-M600c-Scout-Flashlight-Tactical-Torch-Airsoft-Weapon-Light-Black-UK-/131273699398 Mounts to a rail and has a pressure pad and switch options. Seems sturdy enough and it's fairly bright, lighter than a full size torch and apparently the front cover won't smash if shot. It's a clone of the Surefire M600C, which whilst being much better quality is also getting on for £400
  13. The icing on the cake would be if it was something like a TM recoil or a Real Sword. I personally don't care if people use two tone guns and just think it's a shame if people get an expensive gun two toned, but it's also extremely funny as it will wind people up. As far as camo tape goes that's absolutely fine, i've played at a site that offers it for players with two tone guns at the start of the day. I'm not sure if you are expected to take it off at the end of the day.
  14. I ran the IMI holster on mine, very good build quality especially considering the price. I had some friends that were dubious about retention holsters until I showed them how I could shake it hard upside down with a mag in and there were no signs of it shifting. If you want to spend more money get a SERPA but to be honest the only difference I can see is a different release latch(the IMI is arguably better as it's textured whereas the SERPA is flat/smooth) and the IMI has some seam lines which can be filed down if they bother you. My friend who I sold my P226 to has written off fabric holsters after using the IMI one. Even when setup right fabric holsters are pretty irritating to try and reholster a gun into, as opposed to a retention holster where you know you are set once you hear the click.
  15. I'd go with the one Mike linked if you can find it in stock. They are generally well regarded amongst lots of airsofters as they are good value for money. I'd recomend not buying the Condor chest rig as one of the MOLLE loops has torn on mine after around 3 games of use which is pretty shocking to be honest. Really depends how much kit you want to carry, these look alright: http://www.uktactical.com/p-7530-warrior-light-assault-rig-coyote-tan.aspx Can't vouch for the chest rig itself but Warrior Assault Systems kit is built to last. It all depends on how much you want to carry around with you
  16. I'm going to throw my toys out the pram if anything happens to my TM VOLTOR stock that i've sent off to a tech using Royal Mail recorded delivery. Not very easy to source and so this one came from Hong Kong....
  17. I'd always recommend switching batteries at lunch if you have two. Nothing catastrophic will happen you will keep the cells happy though and ensure they hold their charge. Personally I like having 3 as it means one to switch after half a day and a spare in case one starts to act up. Possibly overkill but i'd rather pay another ~£15 once than risk missing some games due to battery issues.
  18. Esoterick

    Time limit

    Believe it has to be within 12 months but I might be pulling that out of my arse.
  19. I don't know if you can still buy them but you used to be able to get bottles with tips, I found them annoying as they had a habit of releasing BBs really slowly if at all. What I do is pour them from a bottle into my speedloader(the M4 mag style ones) with my thumb and index finger running along the length of both sides. Seems to work pretty well as ones that would have missed the opening bounce off your fingers into the loader. A trick I was shown a while back is to use a small aerosol lid as a scoop when using a bag of BBs and then pinch it to create a sort of funnel. That works well but means you need to use a bag of BBs and I personally found it slower than the method I use. When I first started I'd always planned on snipping the corner off a bag as a pourer then clipping it shut, but I ended up finding a simpler solution. Another thing I thought of was using a little funnel but you would need to carry a funnel about with you.
  20. I think he might have but would need to check, could that effect feeding?
  21. He's using the same MAG midcaps but also has the same issue with his G&G ones(also tried the old velcro in the magwell trick). Going to get him to try some King Arms BBs I have knocking about next skirmish, not sure if the hop rubber has been changed but last time a tech looked as it they said it would be a waste of money as it's only skipping the odd shot. Thing for him is he's a sneaky bastard and has had the drop on multiple people only for the gun to not feed several shots in a row.
  22. Which magazines do you use Mike? My mate has a Katana and has had no end of feed issues but various techs have not been able to replicate it.
  23. Esoterick

    War Thunder

    I play quite a lot of ground forces realistic battles. Really good fun, just a shame the tanks are really blatantly unbalanced depending on what BR you play in.
  24. The thing is there is a big difference between going: What's the best gun and how do I get my UKARA license? To someone writing a post demonstrating they have bothered to do some research but still had questions(which sounds more like what you'd be doing) I am surprised that there are so many UKARA/VCRA questions though as I originally played when the only real "rule" was you had to get an adult to buy you a gun if you were under 18. I'd argue as someone that grew up without that it's more confusing but all it took was 5-10 minutes of reading to think "right so 3 games in no less than 2 months, time to get some games in"
  25. Yeah I was on the green team too, it was a good night.
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