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Everything posted by Esoterick

  1. I'd actually rather have a lower rate of fire on my LMG as it gets through a hell of a lot of ammo, although I also "only" have 1200 round box mags. I think the only way you can remotely suppress people in Airsoft is to more or less constantly fire as people will shoot back as soon as you stop. I do like it when people are blatantly not taking their hits though as you can give them a couple of chances to take it before finding out how much of a box mag they will endure before putting their hand up. I think the record is 5 or so seconds continuous fire.
  2. It depends on how well the belt fits the individual plus how much weight is put on it really.
  3. This is what I use for a belt setup: http://www.uktactical.com/p-8712-warrior-plb-belt-olive-drab.aspx http://www.uktactical.com/p-8713-warrior-molle-harness-olive-drab.aspx It certainly isn't the cheapest, nor necessarily the best but the build quality is very good. Reaching for mags is something you pickup pretty quickly either way, although my limited experience of closed mag pouches with a clip says that I find them fiddly to open and close. Especially as you quite often can't seen what you are doing, particularly with a lower mesh mask as it blocks your vision downwards. Personally I like a plate carrier as it fits tightly and almost all of them have a silly amount of MOLLE space for whatever you want to attach to them. I'd most likely switch back to the belt setup linked above, except I like to carry an extra mag(it will hold 4 plus a dump pouch if I recall correctly) and I run a holster on a belt which would prove difficult if you are already wearing a MOLLE belt. The biggest drawback with a plate carrier is they are without a doubt the hottest bit of kit to wear. The downside to a belt is i've found it obstructs moving side to side whilst lying down far more than a plate carrier does. If you don't end up lying down a lot this wouldn't be an issue. In regards to ear protection I just use a lower mesh mask with the big plastic loops mostly covering my ears. You can get little mesh ear protectors, but it's not my preference. Edit: Also I would test whatever you buy wearing your face protection and gloves as it's massively different compared to having full peripheral vision and dexterity as you would without them.
  4. You could try a MOLLE belt with a yoke which has MOLLE space on the back of it. This would allow you to attach a hydration pouch. You do need to review taking excess stuff into games though as I pop all my valuables in my gun bag in the safe zone and only use a hydration pouch on sites where you are out of the safe zone for 1 hour or more. The real issue i've always found is if you want to try a certain loadout you are inclined to not spend a lot of money, however if you like that configuration it makes you wish you had bought good quality gear in the first place. This is normally the recommended beginner chest rig: http://www.flecktarn.co.uk/sdtmb6nx.html However they are quite often out of stock The second rig I bought was a Condor chest rig with built in mag pouches. It worked fine, but it wouldn't adjust enough to fit my chest well plus one of the MOLLE loops somehow tore after around 3 games. As has been mentioned above it's a bit of a personal thing as to what works for you. I'd be inclined to go for a surplus type chest rig you can pickup for around £20 and work from there. However I couldn't vouch for what is good as the first rig I bought was supposedly a surplus DPM chest rig which is made out of material so rigid it bounces all over the place.
  5. Real Sword are nice but very few shops stock them and even then the gun models available are limited. If you are after an AK or uncommon bullpup design though they are worth a look.
  6. Anyone know if the WE Phantoms are better than the other Chinese clones available?

    1. jcheeseright


      exactly the same stuff, just with a WE logo on it. Saying that, I have a WE phantom ELCAN replica and it's pretty solid, good eye relief and relatively good light transmission for a replica. The WE EOTech 553 I bought was utter trash though.

    2. Esoterick


      Cheers that's the one I am looking at, my mate has one and the quality is pretty decent. However the non branded ones are up to half the price so I think i'll go with the latter.

  7. Welcome to the forum. The South East is amazing for Airsoft sites, especially if you are willing/able to drive. I've been playing for just under 2 years and am still nowhere near checking out all the sites within a 2 hour drive(i'm based close to Xsite Lane End) Lane End is my local Xsite's other site The Outpost is a fun CQB site The Mall in Reading is good for CQB Absolute Airsoft doesn't have a very good reputation, I would avoid purely due to it's affiliation with Special Airsoft Supplies(I haven't been but know people who have and said it's crap) Rift Com3 is a good woodland site, players and marshals are sound UCAP: Green Ops is woodland but CQB mostly due to the layout, enjoyed the site but the players on my team that day sucked UCAP: The Sandpit is a massive site, I think it is also massively overrated. I wouldn't go again. Zed Adventures: Battle Lakes, big woodland site that I really enjoyed. Bluestreak Airsoft, like a lot of sites gets very mixed reviews. Thought the site was very well run, no issues with hit taking whatsoever and the lunch was really nice Hopefully that gives you a good starting point.
  8. I often wonder what is happening when someone doesn't take their hit. Guess it depends on the player as i've told a mate once or twice he has been hit in the past year or so as I heard it but i'd assume he didn't and i'm confident he wouldn't shrug a hit off if he was aware of it. On Sunday I heard the distinct noise of a shot hitting a chaps chest rig, he didn't take it but took the second shot. Later that day a player rushed me, lacing up the cover I was behind but missed me, he then hit the ground 5-10 metres away from me. I put my rifle on the ground, drew my pistol and fired a few rounds and hear the sound of one hitting fabric(almost certainly on his calf for reference). I heard no call of "hit!" so I said "mate I heard that hit you" at which point he took the hit. I think the thing to note is that we all miss the odd hit. I've had two instances since I started of a marshal telling me I was hit when I wasn't aware of it(although one I am almost certain it hit another play, but I took it without question anyway) - What I mean is give the player the benefit of the doubt unless it's consistent One thing that does concern me is the rise of recording game footage. Fine in itself but when the footage is used as a witch hunt it all becomes very iffy. I played a game recently where we were told that a sniper had footage of a player not taking hits and if they ID'ed the player they would be banned. Issue with this is that you don't know if it is a case of a player neither hearing nor feeling the shot and also I'm sure I am not the only one that has jumped as a shot whizzes by them which could be misconstrued as flinching(you will reflexively move away from the direction of the shot as if you were hit) I am actually quite concerned that jumping when you are taken by surprise could be taken as conclusive proof that, actually you flinched and as such are a cheat. I am all for politely telling people they have been hit though. It's something that is only sensible to do within earshot so you aren't shouting across a field. It all depends on how you phrase it, and bizarrely the only time I have had the player disagree is when I saw multiple BBs bounce off them at close range. At that point it meant they have hit me by blatantly cheating so I just take the hit and carry on with the rest of my day.
  9. Esoterick

    War Thunder

    Oh dear: http://warthunder.com/en/devblog/current/810 and for anyone that wasn't aware: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/3hly4k/development_b%D0%BC824/ They certainly weren't warmly received, although they were actually bad tanks.
  10. The real thing to be mindful of either way is that space where the butt plate clips onto the stock is at a premium: on my HK416 I quite often have to readjust the wires a few times to close it as they get caught and on my Recce rifle I have to push a load of the wiring down one of the two side tubes on the stock and that just about fits. I thought about cutting some of the plastic out on my HK416 but I don't see the point for what amounts to a minute or two of faffing with the wires. What Lozart is suggesting looks fine I am just not sure if it would effect the space in the stock and you will have to pay for it either way. You can also get gold contact bars which have better conductivity(which could be highly neglible) but are meant to be easier to solder a section of wire onto. The other option is a baton adapter but it locks off one of the two tubes so I really can't see the point as you will be running a crane stock battery(1 in each tube). If for the sake of argument you want to sell the gun in a couple of years time, outside of some very eccentric people no one is going to want to have to buy SOPMOD batteries.
  11. Good review, I have the same shirt and trousers but in Multicam Tropic and they are great bits of kit. If anyone is interested as a point of reference I have one of the multicam tropic shirts made by Tru Spec and whilst the material on that is sturdy(and by no means a bad shirt) it feels very cheap and coarse compared to the Ops one. However you can roll the Tru Spec sleeves up, whilst I barely can on the Ops one with the elbow pads removed and I by no means have chunky forearms Found out the other day that the standard side pockets you get on almost all trousers and the openings just in front of them for the knee pad draw strings hold PMAGs perfectly. Makes for an insanely lightweight setup for CQB, although I don't know if I would risk it crawling about in woodland - Although they do sit quite snugly and the pockets go deeper than a mag pouch does.
  12. Best bet is to get the gun rewired to deans, it's a simple job but needs a good power soldering iron otherwise the solder won't take properly. Basically where the SOPMOD connector goes gets removed and a standard wire with your connector of choice(deans, tamiya etc) soldered onto the contact bar that runs through the buffer tube. If you want a gun tech to do it the going rate was around £15 last time I checked but you may get it done for free if you are buying the gun from their shop. The proprietary batteries are not very good plus you can get 3+ LiPos for the same or less money. I don't think one SOPMOD battery would even last a day of moderate use. I have a TM HK416 and it's a great gun, I run 7.4v 1450mAh LiPos which last me the whole day. I can happily get 2000 shots out of one battery but I rarely fire anywhere near that much, on days I do I swap the batteries over at lunch.
  13. Last couple of clothing orders I made were from http://www.hueys.co.uk/ - Good quality gear and excellent customer service.
  14. Outside of cutting down/changing the spring are there any good methods to lower the FPS of a spring sniper rifle? It's around 515 FPS currently.
  15. This sounds like good fun and i've just found out they do it just up the road from me at the local shooting club.
  16. Sounds like those videos from the far east where they rinse people up with guns held together with gaffa tape in a field with chest high walls. I think the objective is to unload an entire high cap onto someone at point blank, at which point the marshal declares the player hit.
  17. Fortunately all of the sites I go to have never suffered from vandalism. Although what used to be my go to site has sadly been left to fall apart over the past couple of years and the standard of games has followed, makes me think of the broken window theory.
  18. VSR-10 TM MP7 GBB GHK AKS-74U M14 of some description If it ever sees the light of day i'll buy a WE G3 GBBR also. I also wouldn't mind another LMG as a comparison point for my Stoner M63
  19. I describe it to people as like paintball but better which normally seems to click. As the name sounds like a Japanese translation perhaps something like super happy shooting time would be suitable?
  20. I don't mind the name Airsoft, it does sound like a translation that only kinda works though(which i'd imagine is the case). It's surprising how many incorrect variations of Airsoft people who don't play can come up with
  21. Sounds like Red 1 AKA the school: http://www.red1airsoft.co.uk/epages/62031177.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/62031177/Categories/Red_1_Airsoft_CQB_Game_Day_Booking/Page__Category
  22. Argh my rifle finally arrived but the XTM rail covers don't fit :(

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