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Everything posted by Esoterick

  1. "The time period over which you have to play your 3 games is at the discretion of the participating game site providing the 3 games are not played in a time that is less than 2 months, the maximum time period is 12 months." Source: http://www.ukara.org.uk/questions.php The wording would suggest that the actual days are dependent on the months you played. My local site for instance says 9 weeks if I recall correctly.
  2. Unless I am mistaken the primer would have to specifically be hit reasonably hard to set them off. I use a little pot that holds diabetic testing thingies that some chap gave me, it's a bit smaller than a camera film case. I have lined it with kitchen roll doubled up, but that's mainly to stop it making a rattling noise.
  3. Picked this up on Sunday, really happy with how it came out:
  4. Anyone know how long it takes a new batch of BTC Spectre MOSFETs to come around. Looks like that my hold up the work on my new gun :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Esoterick


      2 years is certainly a long time! I'm going to find out how long the chap doing the work on my gun is happy to hold it while I/we wait :)

    3. clumpyedge


      I waited 3 months and they were released after the previous batch. From what I understand they are in a constant state of production but only release certain size at a time. Cant blame them really as they are a small team making them.

  5. I like the HK417 but the long variant TM have chosen is not my cup of tea. I'd imagine it looks alright with something on the rails but it was off putting to me. I remember there being talk of TM releasing different variants but i'm too impulsive to hang around for that lol.
  6. Yeah it was a tough choice but it was narrowed down by the fact I already have a HK416 and a load of PMAGs. I was leaning towards the SCAR but the Recce caught my eye, plan is to get an R Hop fitted plus a load of other internal work by Kingdom of Airsoft.
  7. TM if you want a gun that works well out of the box, WE if you want to mess about with it and also run the risk of it not working properly without work out of the box. Nothing wrong with either approach, I just wouldn't get a TM if you want to tinker with it, but personally I wouldn't get a WE because I don't like tech work so it's your preference really
  8. Tokyo Marui Recoil Shock Recce rifle Magpul AFG2 Magpul XTM rail panels Marui swivel sling adapter This is going to be an expensive project, glad i'm not doing the tech stuff
  9. Will any 30mm Kill Flash fit a WE Phantom sight or is there a specific one I need? and Does anyone know where I can pickup a TM SOPMOD type VLTOR/VOLTOR EMOD stock. Everywhere seems to be out of stock, this is the type i'm after: http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/tokyo-marui-voltor-emod-stock-for-m4--m16-series-black
  10. Thinking of treating myself to a TM Recce, anyone know when I can find a VLTOR Emod(black) that's in stock?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Esoterick


      Yeah they do manually update stock on some items. When I bought my HK416 it showed 5 in stock, then dropped down to 2 or 3 then went up and down a couple of times as people bought them. Think they do it to create an illusion of demand as they had no trouble finding stuff when i've been in the shop.

    3. Spatch


      True dat mate, never had an issue when in store, glad you found what you wanted too

    4. Esoterick


      Cheers mate, going to get it shipped off to have an R hop fitted along with a load of other goodies.

  11. Yeah I'd agree with this. Some form of radio is really helpful, even if it's just for finding each other after respawn I think you want to decide on what your goals are as a team. There's loads of options ranging from a group of friends that play together, all the way through to groups that aim to have matching kit and may or may not emulate the look of a given military group. It isn't up to anyone but the people in your team to decide on what works best for you. Some groups like to have a fairly strict recruitment process whilst others are happy to accept people that are a good laugh, regardless of skill.
  12. Overheard someone giving this gem of "advice" to another player a while back: "LiPos strip teeth off pistons, damage gears and cause general damage to your gun." He wasn't talking about 11.1v LiPos either, just telling someone NiMhs were better...
  13. You could do that, another option would be to cut outlines for the guns so they stay put. I'd have thought the RIS on my HK416 would bite into the eggshell foam and stop it moving but it doesn't seem to be the case. I think you would be better off getting a decent soft case with straps to secure the guns but of course it is your choice at the end of the day. I'm sure the warrior assault systems case isn't the only one with straps either but that's the only one I can personally vouch for.
  14. I've got one like the first of your links and there's 2 issues: The guns slip about in them, depending on whether or not your guns have any weak points it does open them up to getting damaged as they can potentially hit the case where the padding ends. You can basically pick it up by the carry handle and shake it gently and all the guns will shift to one end. This case is also massive, it doesn't actually fit in the boot of my car as it's too long. Personally I use one of these: http://www.uktactical.com/p-690-warrior-twin-rifle-bag.aspx No idea if they will be getting them back in stock, build quality is great. After a year and a halfish of use the only signs of wear are it's a bit dusty. It has a large main pouch that will fit an LMG with velcro straps so it can't shift about, above that there's another smaller pouch that fits my HK416 and also has straps. Then above that there's 3 smaller pouches, 2 of which hold about 7 PMAGs/M4 mags each and the 3rd has straps to lock down a pistol plus two elastic loops for mags. I don't know if the slipping is standard with hard cases but it happens with that one sometimes just picking the case up... Mine now just acts as a storage box under my bed for whatever guns aren't in my main gun bag.
  15. This was a couple of months ago but I thought it was worth writing up anyway. My mate sang their praises equally when I started talking about them, they were originally recommended by someone on here then my friend got tropic MC trousers from them which made me look them up again. The only thing they didn't have to complete my loadout were the OPS trousers which were out of stock. I dropped them an email at midnight on friday asking when they were getting stock back in, get an email from Matt at Hueys on the Saturday morning saying they are putting in an order and asking if i'd like a pair of trousers added. I asked him to order them for me and then asked about combining it with the rest of my order and was told I can either order the rest now and the trousers later with free postage on the latter or wait and get it all in one go, with the risk some other stuff may go out of stock by that point. Basically the service I got was excellent and really to the point. Every time I asked Matt a question he would get back to me within hours regardless of whether or not it was a weekday or the weekend. Although the kit they sell is more expensive than some of their rivals the build quality difference is instantly noticeable. If you have the money and quality is a priority i'd recommend Huey's without question.
  16. Just hassle them more, there's no reason for it to take so long. Mine was ready to go in under an hour of signing up, I did it in the shop onsite if that makes any difference...
  17. I'd have to go with this, although I am the sort of person that would pay to get most work done on my guns as I just do not enjoy the tech side of the hobby. One of my mates I play with regularly has a nice G&P M4 that was shooting fine but he decided he wanted to "upgrade" it. For the last few months he has no end of problems with the thing actually feeding, to the point he has missed games. You could argue that he just doesn't know what he's doing but you do have to factor in that your gun may be one of the "friday afternoon specials" as a lot of people refer to them.
  18. Good to hear, I've got the Rush 12 and i'm really happy with it just need something a bit smaller for travelling
  19. 5.11 Range Master WP boots and Rush MOAB 10 backpack. Great service from Tactree.
  20. Any chance you could knock together a review in a couple of months time please? That's the one GBBR i've very nearly bought a couple of times now and there's not a huge amount of reviews about.
  21. Part of it is games I think. When I was a teenager I was absolutely in love with M4s because of counter strike. Although they are very common across all media where guns are featured. When I first got into airsoft everyone was going crazy for the SPAS 12 and I think it was partly due to it being featured in the matrix, along with stuff like the MP5k. If the hobby was bigger I think you'd see the range of guns on offer grow organically and I doubt in the scheme of things if there are many, if any manufacturers that really care what the UK market wants. Variation is nice but I always roll my eyes when someone says they don't want an M4 like everyone else then goes and buys a G36, MP5, M14 or to a lesser extent an AK variant which are all very common. If someone wants a certain model of gun then that's the best thing to advise them on, unless the only manufacturers producing said gun are terrible. Recommending a gun on the potentially false premise that it is almost unique isn't going to do anyone any favours in most cases. It's quite interesting how much faith is put in essentially anonymous people online pretty much across the board. For sake of argument we could all say what we want with little recourse whereas if the chap down the local shop misleads you then it's much easier to give him a good talking to(or worse if you are that way inclined lol) Whilst smaller communities like this one more or less police themselves, whilst the product reviews sections on online stores and on larger forums it's a bit like the wild west. I've repeatedly seen people slagging off products to the point where I question if they are just parroting something they heard someone say when you own said product and know a lot of people who do also that have nothing but good things to say about it. I won't mention anything specific as I think it would potentially lead to a massive thread derailment.
  22. Anyone got any experience with 5.11 footwear? Looking at something like the range masters for every day use.

    1. M_P


      No but I've got a fair bit of 5.11 stuff and assuming they're up to the same standards then they'll be very goof

    2. Esoterick


      Cheers M_P, I was kinda thinking the same thing.

  23. A couple of months ago I was at Xsite: Lane end. It was the beginning of the day so we were doing the standard warmup game which is 6 attackers with infinite respawns vs everyone else as defenders who join attackers once they die. A few people had joined attackers but we were still very well dug in, then a chap with no gun walks up the middle of the game area towards the building we are defending. Most of us must have seen him but I thought it was just someone being dopey looking for lost kit in the middle of a firefight. Next thing I know a couple of players nearby are out and I feel a tap on the shoulder and "knife kill" turn round to see said chap and at first think he's joking till I realise what's happened. Suffice to say he must have easily got about 20 knife kills and only a few people remained by the time someone twigged and took him out before he reached them. It was a very cheeky play but is was hilarious and he did nothing rule breaking to achieve it. We all congratulated him and I vowed to always shoot people at least once that were acting a bit fishy
  24. It's the whole package really with reloading being the most important. I can't speak for other left handers but I use rifles right handed and pistols left, not sure why but it's what works for me and it makes switching from a rifle to a pistol even easier with or without a sling. The decocker/safety are a moot point though unless you like to run a pistol holstered with the safety on but then you run into the issue of having to train the muscle memory to turn it off when you draw. Only downside with the HK45 is retention holsters for them are hard to come by, especially in left handed configuration. They take the H&K P30 holster but even then I had to order one in from the states. Not sure if this has changed, I guess the alternative is a generic fabric holster or getting hold of/making a Krydex one.
  25. Personally I'm not really sure what the difference between filmsim and milsim is. It makes me think of ammo limits and camo/clothing restrictions per side which I like, although if it I had to only wear what british or american armed forces wear for instance not so much. The only one i've been to is airborne airsoft which is along the lines of desert camo/MTP/Multicam on one side and more woodland/flat colours on the other with ammo limits and nothing like box mags on an M4. It did also become apparent how important the use of radios are, although this is true of larger skirmish sites even if it is to a lesser extent.
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