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Everything posted by Esoterick

  1. 1 - Sounds like standard behaviour for a high cap mag firing long bursts. You should get 20 or so shots single shot per full wind(normally 5 or so winds IIRC) 2 - When I used them I'd wind them whenever I wasn't firing, I stopped using them because I don't find them reliable 3 - I've never used high caps in my recoil as it removes the bolt stop functionality, I'm not saying you shouldn't that's just my preference
  2. Vectors are hard to get hold of as they are no longer in production as far as I am aware. There's a few good choices off the top of my head: G&G UMP, TM or KWA MP7 and there's also a fair few AK 74SU variants about which is more or less the same size as a submachine gun.
  3. They have fixed hop, when you cock it back the shell ejector port opens and where a hop adjuster would normally be found is the switch for the 3 and 6 shot modes. It's not an issue though as the spread means it's next to impossible to hit someone well before the BBs would need further assistance from a hop rubber. I'm no expert but the only shotgun I know of with adjustable hop is the upcoming TM AA12. There could be others but I think it's largely pointless anyway as you get into the realms of using the wrong gun for the job if you want a long range gun.
  4. I'd definitely get it repaired, although personally i'd get a tech to do it as I find the hands on stuff frustrating. Up to you if you would find fixing it rewarding, or like me be more along the lines of when Homer tries to build a barbecue in the Simpsons
  5. The breacher gets about 60 shots out of the gas tank which is in the handle, the full length TM M870 has a larger tank in the stock which gets about 100 shots out of it. I thought 6 shot would be amazing, it isn't it just fires a second shot directly behind the first rather than giving any more spread. Some people buy tons of shells(the TM ones are 15 quid for 3) and extra gas tanks, i'd rather take a bottle of gas and a speedloader out with me. It'd probably be worth doing if I played CQB more though, I just run one of the angry gun shell holders which is mounted to the side of the receiver.
  6. I use a TM M870 breacher which is a gas trishot and isn't shell ejecting. Thing is for intents an purposes a sub £100 spring shotgun(ASG are normally the go to brand as far as I am aware) will do exactly the same job, it's just harder to cock. On the plus side a springer doesn't need gas charges so as long as it's cocked and you have BBs in the shell when you do it will fire. For CQB it's normally my main weapon and I either just hold it one handed or put it down if I want to use my pistol, which is normally when I'm completely out of ammo or someone tries to rush me while I'm reloading. Personally I think if you play right a trishot is hard to beat as the spread compensates for when you aim slightly off target or when someone is running and you are trying to lead them. Regardless they are very fun weapons to use, especially if you have mates with you room clearing with their own shotguns. People also get spooked by them, i've seen a lot of people flinch before I fire or when i've fired but I was out of ammo. I wouldn't bother with a shell ejecting gun as I just don't see the point and i've tried putting my shotgun in the hydration pouch with it on my back but it was really hard to draw. I'd hazard a guess it's the reason you don't see many people with shotgun scabbards after the initial novelty of running a "holstered" shotgun wears off.
  7. 2 x WAS 5.56 triple mag pouch 1 x double pistol mag pouch £11.40 posted
  8. UK tactical are having a sale on pouches, just bought 2 triple 5.56 pouches and a double pistol pouch for 11 quid: http://uktactical.com/c-621-new-in-tan-od-sale.aspx
  9. As others have said I wouldn't replace them unless there's visible damage. If you are using some cheapo pair it's probably a good time to get some from a reputable manufacturer like Bolle, ESS or Revision. Decent eye protection shouldn't take more than a scratch from shots at close range, at least that's what i've experienced first hand.
  10. +1 for V12 Advancers and Ice glasses. Used both but find the V12s ocassionally fog although wiping them once or twice a day with the cloth supplied helps a lot.
  11. I think they look weird without a plate carrier but loads of people do it so it's not a problem.
  12. Checkout RIFT Com3 which is a woodland site or Xsite: The Outpost if you like CQB. If you don't mind the drive round the M25 UCAP: The Sandpit is worth checking out too, enormous site and pretty varied. Blue Streak out Aylesbury way is meant to be a good site too but I haven't got around to going myself yet.
  13. I've had at least one day completely ruined because at least half our team would not push up at all. What makes things even worse is them hanging back blocks choke points. As I have had a number of successful games leading groups of players it would suggest the issue is them and not me I generally don't try and get people to follow plans though because even if you pose it as a suggestion people seem to ignore it. Personally I'm more than happy to follow a plan as long as it isn't someone shouting orders at me. The thing people have to appreciate is that Airsoft, by and large is a team game so you are ruining other peoples day if you contribute towards them getting steamrolled by the other team. It's probably a bit controversial but I consider being a burden on your team to this extent as bad as cheating as far as how it can effect a day. Whilst marshals should try and keep the teams fair it's quite often tricky to do in practice when there's reasonably large groups being useless, or playing very well in contrast. I was talking to a mate about this the other day and my train of thought was that you wouldn't want to make a team playing well feel punished for winning by splitting them up.
  14. Milsim type games are definitely worth checking out. One of my best memories of a game is 8 of us sneaking through a section of dense ferns at Longmoor for maybe half an hour. It was a game where there was over twice as many players on the opposite team so we knew we had to pick our battles. It ended with us getting pincered by two groups of 10-15 players each and we got horribly slaughtered but the atmosphere and tension was incredible.
  15. Gun's only a few months old, think I've used it on 5 games so far. Cheers for the info guys, i'll ask a tech to take a look as I tend to get mad doing physical technical work.
  16. The hard holsters are normally referred to as retention holsters, just for the sake of making it easier to search for them. I ran an IMI holster on my TM P226 which worked really well, although it looks like you are already aware the dimensions tend to be different for the airsoft counterparts. Blackhawk SERPA holsters are also really nice, but I can't confirm if either fit a WE P226 - I believe my mate had to file down his SERPA to get it to fit his WE P226.
  17. It sticks a bit yeah, there's a weird resistance when it does it but the trigger does reset when released. Originally I noticed the issue when playing at a site where you have to use semi auto around a specific building. I figured it was just firing too fast on semi it didn't like, but up until then it was something i'd only read about as my HK416 will basically fire as fast as you can pull the trigger.
  18. I've been ignoring how my G&P Stoner MK23/M63A1 LMG behaves on semi auto for a while now and figured I should kinda not do that. What's happening is on semi it either fires in full auto or depressing the trigger does nothing. I'm pretty terrible when it comes to internals so i'd appreciate it if anyone could let me know if there's a common cause for this happening? I had also toyed with the idea of getting a front wired MOSFET fitted but i'm not sure if this is possible given that the box mag winder is engaged when the trigger is pulled. To be honest if it's minor I will just ignore it as the performance on full auto is great and I mainly fire a couple of shots on semi at the end of the day or to get the gun chronoed.
  19. Depends what FPS you mean as it could be anywhere from 380-500 FPS depending on where you play. I'm pretty sure a load more internal work needs doing to get an AEG reliably shooting once you put in a stronger spring but i'm sure people on here who know more than me can fill you in on the specifics.
  20. Yeah get the face protection first. Especially as you might not like what you first purchase and it can be quite game breaking, eye protection can be horrible if it fogs up or your eyes don't like mesh for instance.
  21. I quite like the look of them but they are a bit small for my hands. I don't actually see them very often but never got the hate for them. I see a lot of 1911s even though they by and large aren't really that great. Funnily enough this is true of the real one too. To be honest I never really thought much about pistol ergonomics till I got my HK45, all I really saw in it was different grip sizes. I know there are differences of course but till that point it was basically just body kits as far as I was concerned.
  22. Tactical Tailor Mod Hydration carrier in OD for my lightweight LMG loadout
  23. Yeah happened to a chap at the sandpit on sunday. Fortunately I spotted it as he was completely unaware and this was at a point where I could see a black smouldering circle on the cargo pocket. Looked like one set the one next to it off too and the next thing I knew there's smoke billowing out of what was his pocket. All happened in the middle of a close firefight too and we were all getting rinsed up trying to help him, which didn't stop till I yelled cease fire. Made me think twice about putting smoke grenades in pockets as it was pretty savage to witness, let alone be the victim. I've struggled to get smokes out of pockets when i'm not bricking it because my clothes are on fire lol. As my .209s are in a hard case that i've padded and tend to be in the outer pocket of a heavy duty backpack i'm not so concerned.
  24. Wonder if you could modify/use a Pez dispenser. Years since I had one so I can't remember the dimensions.
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