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Zak Da Mack

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Everything posted by Zak Da Mack

  1. Red1's the school was a blast. Had alot of fun, although my ears are ringing from the amount of BFG's used to clear us out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TacMaster


      Yeah, same with blank firing guns. You can only do so many excersizes before it gets boring.

    3. NickM


      What do you call excessive, I defended the central stairwell at the school for about 20 mins with my bfg. 13 blanks in 15 mins, it was great. The attackers had to assault through the rooms to clear me out. the marshal was watching me and the two of us were giggling like school girls, it was the best 20 mins I've played at the school.

    4. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      I don't mind BFG's, just make my ears ring :P I had a few thrown at me when I stopped attackers flooding the stairway as I waited in the corridor.

  2. I would love to come to NAE. But Turkey takes priority Definitely coming next year when I'm 18, even if I have to walk there.
  3. Zak Da Mack

    GTA 5

    lol. console master race
  4. I love my Flecktarn, it seems the right colours and shades for where I live, especially if you hide in/around a holly bush. I'm not sure where to buy as most of my stuff is from the war and peace show with retailers selling stuff cheap on the last day. However, I use Military1st sometimes who do free next day delivery or flecktarn.co.uk is a good bet.
  5. First time CQB on sunday. Any tips on how to play compared to woodland?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Keep your weapon at high ready, don't lower it or you are going to slower to react. Breach rooms with team mates and when you enter go different directions so you aren't vulnerable to be attacked from behind or your sides as soon as you go in. Try to be aggressive, use stealth to your advantage where possible, preferably use mid or low caps!

    3. ak2m4


      As already said, pack light, you need to move quick. Make sure you take a torch, unless your sure there are no dark areas. Have fun.

    4. Lozart


      Don't gagglefuck the doorways and choke points. Don't be afraid to get stuck in (it only hurts a little bit, what are you afraid of?) Don't assume you'll have anything like the range or time to react that you do in the great wide outdoors. If you have a pistol, make sure you can get at it quickly and easily and be prepared to use it in the tight spaces.

      Anyway...where are you playing?

  6. Now usually, I like weapons that look different and interesting (apart from nerf guns). But this just makes me want to cry :'(
  7. Anyone going to red1's school next sunday?

    1. CaptainDumbass


      im very tempted to try the place out, if i manage to convince a mate or two ill see you there!

    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      sounds good, will be my first time doing CQB. Can't wait

  8. ohhmerhgawd, that is beautiful. Also, is it left handed or has it the pic been mirrored
  9. insidious. "Do you know, the definition of insanity?"
  10. Thats not the jackal from far cry 2, is it?
  11. Would you guys recommend using silicone gun grease on o rings and hop up rubbers?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      ok then thanks. What about an o ring seal?


    3. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      Use only silicone grease on cylinder seals,very thinly. None of the spray stuff. Hop up rubber should be kept dry for maximum stickiness. Take it out and wash it in warm soapy water to clean it if you wish.

    4. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Ok, Thanks MP and UTJ, trying to fix my rifle today after bullets hit the floor after 15m, not an underexaggeration.

  12. First game since October. This should be good

  13. Just realised, no AF-UK awards this year?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. two_zero


      better do what any responsible forum member would and spam his inbox.

    3. evilfree
    4. Airsoft_Mr B
  14. TBH, I guess that junior ukara is just a way of proving his defence, but you don't need it. For example, I can paint my IF into an RIF right now as I have a defence, although its not tangeable.
  15. That sounded like you ripped it straight off one of JBBG's pages
  16. Nice rifle UTJ, amazing to see how well it looks after the amount of war stories it's been in. What's the white type for? To hold the barrel on to the front of the stock? Also, I managed to find a small nut which fit in the screw which held the bolt together. So I had to massacre it to get it into position where it wouldn't rotate or wobble out.So that has seemed to fix it (for now) but the rifle is still letting out a really weak fps of about 350, so I need to replace the spring. But it works and now I can snipey snipe someone in the face. Love the scrim, it works really well at braking it up if you look at it from the front, perfect for lying in wait inbetween two holly bushes. Virtually unnoticeable! Me being beind it is a different story though
  17. Oh, well mine only hold 130 rounds. Are yours metal? because I have the plastic ones Sounds like a plan, my dad's sure to have some random shite usable in his van as weights
  18. After finally complaining about how much I hate hi-caps, I decide to buy some MAG midcaps. They feed brilliantly, they are very sturdy and they look great! Only issue is, is that they are a bit on the lightweight side and feel a bit weird. Oh well, no more winding
  19. So, I managed to fix my sniper. (woooooooo) Still seems a bit low on power though. Thought I'd stick a picture up here.
  20. Anyone else noticing a growth in the number of double tread posts recently?

    1. Russe11


      yes, theres often a significant lag when posting. Very easy to click the button again thinking that nothing has happened.

    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      yh, just seems to be a lot more..

    3. Esoterick


      I figured it was people clicking post again rather than waiting. Not sure though.

  21. Only skim-read it. Besides, it doesn't say they won't match that lower price, or is their another bit?
  22. Anyone know if Armalite midcaps are any good? If not, what about MAG midcaps?

    1. Mike636


      MAG midcaps are pretty reliable

    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Thanks, do they need any maintenance?

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