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Zak Da Mack

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Everything posted by Zak Da Mack

  1. Looks like something off of Borderlands But seriously, what is it with Americans and Guns, Zombies, Malls & Ninjas?
  2. This has got to be the best thing I've ever seen. A throw in strobe light to distract and disorientate your foes!!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152090141964740&set=pcb.445073208930472&type=1&theater

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SgtTalbert


      I also want. very much.

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      I don't see the point =/


      I'd rather throw something to explode them to death, than just flash lights at them.


      If you want a distraction, just shout grenade, making a hissing noise, and lob a used Mk5.


      Works a treat.

    4. Cheeky vimto

      Cheeky vimto

      I want one too!


      I do that too ed! Haha so funny when they run away for no reason.

  3. Sooo, my dad is buying me some midland g7's for xmas. Can anyone recommend a headset?

  4. So, ever thought about what would happen if you needed tactical stability with a pistol? Think no more. I present tacti-glock Sorry about the sizes of the pics
  5. I want to join the Russian Army

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. two_zero




      Spetsnaz - better at hatchet throwing than at singing. hopefully.

    3. Airsoft-Ed
    4. jaeproductions


      Yep...wasn't expecting that. :D

  6. How to annoy me: BBC Weather says that there will be heavy rain tomorrow. Call it off then it seems perfectly fine. Too late to go and next one is in March. Gahhhhh!!

    1. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Find out the last one is tomorrow, but I have remembrance parade to attend. It's like being kicked in the balls

    2. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      I never bother with forecasts before games,I just go anyway and see how the game day goes. Hell,I along with 150 other people took the risk to attend a MILSIM OP during a severe storm warning and we had lovely sunshine and no rain for most of the day :D

    3. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      I should do that, just go and leave if it does suck

  7. Join, F*** Ed up, Leave Look at that mag
  8. Last month, some kid thought that he would spawn kill to help his team "win". We spawned, he spawn killed, we spawned, we wasted, he fell to the floor, he raged. The end (Btw, he bought bulldog .12's with him)
  9. It is a carbine version and the stock is collapsed I suppose, but I thought that, considering I'm hardly that tall and it still looks minsicule.
  10. Did a bit of modelling last weekend at my dads
  11. Thinking about going to Red1 next weekend for the first time. Anyone else ever been?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. two_zero


      cant remember.. ammo is expensive as they only got the 3k bottles... maybe you can check price online?

    3. two_zero


      ...and yes combat machine should be fine, mp5k might be pushing it thou at the outside area..

    4. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      ok, thanks. I'll have a look for the price

  12. Sooo, it was my birthday a week ago, I've been made very happy as I have my first proper pistol - A WE glock 18c GEN4 But then, my friend ordered me a "present", it arrived today :/ (airsoft is my passion, sex is my hobby) BUT I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR HOBBIES WHEN I HAVE AIRSOFT!!!!!
  13. Wow, more spam. At least they had the decency to put it in "off topic"

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      but then other sections would be further down and people would start to neglect them

    3. two_zero


      I could do without seeing the "can I paint my gun without UKARA" section for a while.

    4. jcheeseright


      I've skipped browsing the forums entirely these days and just click on the 'show new content' button instead!


  14. Hmm, I think I actually like the look of that.
  15. ^wow, even I don't like the look of that g36/AK hybrid, test tube baby thing. Anywayyy, I'll just slip this in...
  16. Sooo, anyone heard of this new airsoft TV thing? It's going to be on Sky TV aparently.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. TheFull9


      Could they fit a few more unused foregrips in to that trailer?

      I'm all for spreading the good word, but watching some of the videos on the website they currently have the blokes don't seem terribly knowledgeable about.. well anything much really. If you're going to discuss a RIF then actually spend some time with it before just whacking the camera on and assuming the viewer doesn't know any better.

    3. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Well about 90 % of viewers probably won't know anything about airsoft anyway

    4. TheFull9


      There is that, much like guns in films. But still..

  17. Was my birthday yesterday. My dad got me a 30L flecktarn assault backpack and money for WE glock 18c gen4. Can't Wait
  18. Wait... What's that you say? Ed's been spotted with an AR15 free float rail on his AK??!!
  19. Did anyone hear about the airsoft robbery in leeds?

    1. murph


      Indeed. Couldn't believe the size of the list of guns that were took. Scumbags, aren't they?

    2. robbo0070


      police have recovered some of them and is bike still some missing though.

    3. jay83


      Cheap guns anyone? Lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Yep tht's the one. "wz. AT 1 PLAMIAK" is it's official name but I can't find it on an online shop anywhere

    3. Lozart


      This might enlighten you: http://www.red-alliance.net/forum/index.php?topic=16525.0 apparently it's only been done as overalls and is pretty hard to find!

    4. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      merh, that's a shame. Still, I'll keep a look out JIC

  20. However, a nerf gun's fire rate is like 1rpm. It's shocking, you can hear the motor slowly pulling back the piston. It's tedious and frustrating. On top of that, it has an effective range of about 10m. I remember playing a nerf war with a friend in the woods. I used his nerf sniper and saw him about 15m away as I hid under a tree. I aimed and pulled the trigger, only to notice that the bullet only just made it out of the barrel. He then turns around with his belt fed machine gun and then pulls the trigger, it was so slow, I managed to pull out the shitty pistol and shoot him with it. Nerf is so irritating, but funny as hell
  21. Today is a sad day. My pistol has a major leak issue and my sniper's on its last legs :(

    1. proffrink


      You should take your sniper to the hospital if he's on his last legs

    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      lol, I should be getting spare parts for it is more or less impossible. It's not compatible with other parts either :'(

    3. proffrink


      Sniper rifle = gun. Sniper = guy that fires it. Semantics woo!

  22. Had a great day at vikign today, shame that my back pain tried to get the better of me

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